
Anti-Israel protestors in US universities manhandled by police

Shocking scenes emerge from universities across the US as protests against US-Israel ties escalate into clashes with law enforcement. In Georgia, two professors from Emory University are forcefully detained by police, sparking outrage and viral videos on social media.

As tensions flare, reports surface of similar protests erupting at major institutions nationwide. With hundreds of students arrested and a wave of demonstrations spreading, the situation remains volatile.



5 Responses to “Anti-Israel protestors in US universities manhandled by police”

  • Most troubled man on earth!:

    In the 1960s during demonstrations against Vietnam war in campuses by the students, all chancellors of the universities denied the police and national guard accessinto the campuses.

    This time, especially in New York City which is very dominated by a particular ethnic group, was too fast to allow the access into the campuses by the police and national guards.

    Another peculiar phenomenon observed during this wave of student demonstrations is that all demonstrating students were putting on face masks for obvious reasons.

    This act of putting on face mask is definitely against the usual American habits. American usually hate to put on face mask. The odd must be too great on the students to change the national habits of the most powerful country in the world.

    Biden now could be the most troubled human being in the world but he is still looking forward to a second term. He must be extremely selfish and “stewpig “ to continue his course of running for the second term!

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Manhandled ?

    You had been kind with words.

    It should be oppressed and suppressed like this:

    Anti-Israel protestors oppressed, repressed and supressed by democratic CCP troopers throughout American universities

    Now, wouldn’t that be a better header like how the Americunt/West describe others?

    GD Star Rating
  • The latest report is that there are protests at 40 colleges and universities across America and the number may grow.

    Can this be classified as civil unrest and internal civil war, like the Arab Spring?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Most troubled man on earth!:
    In the 1960s during demonstrations against Vietnam war in campuses by the students, all chancellors of the universities denied the police and national guard accessinto the campuses.

    This time, especially in New York City which is very dominated by a particular ethnic group, was too fast to allow the access into the campuses by the police and national guards.

    Another peculiar phenomenon observed during this wave of student demonstrations is that all demonstrating students were putting on face masks for obvious reasons.

    This act of putting on face mask is definitely against the usual American habits. American usually hate to put on face mask. The odd must be too great on the students to change the national habits of the most powerful country in the world.

    Biden now could be the most troubled human being in the world but he is still looking forward to a second term. He must be extremely selfish and “stewpig “ to continue his course of running for the second term!

    4 students shot dead – the Massacre has began (1970 May 4th)

    1970 May 4th Americunt TianAn Men style Massacre has began
    (1970 五月4日 假民主米国天安门版大肆虐屠殺)

    On these day, great Democratic Americunt send in National Guard at Kent State University and shoot dead 4 unarmed anti war student protestors.

    GD Star Rating
  • dave:

    See how brave the American gangsters in blue uniform were when they attacked unarmed women and girls?

    This is American gangsterism. These brutes in uniform are more dangerous than the criminals on American streets.

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