
Pro-Palestinian Students Protest At Elite Paris University

Students at Elite Paris University have reignited pro-Palestinian protests following the police's intervention in a demonstration at Sciences Po, one of France's most prestigious universities.

Dozens of students at the Paris university have barricaded an entrance using various objects, with 40 students even staying overnight in defiance of authorities. This action comes after over 100 protesters had occupied the university's amphitheater.

The wave of protests also extends to the US, where students at various University have been engaged in a 10-day protest against the Israel-Hamas conflict.



9 Responses to “Pro-Palestinian Students Protest At Elite Paris University”

  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    fake Democratic Americunt TianAn Men (假民主米国天安门大肆虐滥捕启动) crack down began.

    Jolovan Wham, Dr Chee, Kenneth Jeya, LGBTQ, Christians where are you?

    What is your stance on this?

    Maintaining silence means you support Americunt TianAn Men (假民主米国天安门大肆虐滥捕启动) police lawless violent crack down

    GD Star Rating
  • Guligal:

    I love the national anthem of France.

    GD Star Rating
  • SM NT etcU:

    Heng ah, our U’s not as elite to attract independent thinking and active students and professors.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Tech better download all video as proof.

    Democratic CCP YT had secretly removed some of the videos deemed unfavourable to Americunt/West hypocrite Democracy, Freedom and Human Rights.

    GD Star Rating
  • Just waiting to see when Macron would sent in the tanks to crush these students.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    SM NT etcU:
    Heng ah, our U’s not as elite to attract independent thinking and active students and professors.

    You are an idiot.

    Why should our student be involved ?

    The question should be:
    Why are all the pro hypocrite U$/Western style democracy supporters all keep quiet ?

    All these pro hypocrite U$/Western style democracy supporters labeled our great PAP undemocratic but they themselves are all quiet now on their Americunt Master undemocratic violence crackdown.

    1. Hello Jolovan Wham, where are you?
    2. Hello Dr Chee, where are you?
    3. Hello Kenneth Jaya, where are you?
    4. Hello Goh Meng Seng, where are you?
    5. Hello pro U$/Western Opposition, where are you?

    By being quiet, you are complicit and you no longer qualified to talk about democratice.

    Teo Soh Lung and Lim Tean had already condemned and denounced your Americunt Ma$ter/Western Ma$ter as the biggest hypocrite without being prompt.

    Now, We Singaporeans want to hear the 5 group above on your stance on the crackdown.

    GD Star Rating

    @TRE Tech
    Macron won’t because he wants to survive as a politician. Any govt. taking action against protesting students will face a backlash in the balloting polls. Macron won’t risk it.He wants to remain as President.

    GD Star Rating

    I am tempted to agree, but Biden doesn’t seems to mind at all. Maybe he knows that he won’t ever get elected again and is trying to create a mess for Trump to take over. lol

    GD Star Rating
  • dave:

    Singaporean R Free Rider:
    Tech better download all video as proof.

    Democratic CCP YT had secretly removed some of the videos deemed unfavourable to Americunt/West hypocrite Democracy, Freedom and Human Rights.

    American paid agent attacking China and Chinese again.

    GD Star Rating
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