
Newly wed Philipino wife

Happy May Day to all and since today is a public holiday, I will post something which I consider to be lighthearted unlike my many past commentaries.

A divorced male Singaporean friend in his mid sixties will be arriving home from the Philippines later this week with his newly wed Philipino wife. Out of social courtesy, of course I will congratulate them but I am highly pessimistic about their matrimonial union. Let me explain.

The man works as a security guard and I want to make it absolutely clear here that I do not despise security people even though they do not earn much salary.

Given his 'O' level education and his income level, it is almost impossible to successfully apply for his new wife permanent residency in Singapore. At best, he should consider himself lucky if he is able to get a Long Term Visit Pass for his new Philipino wife.

I forsee plenty of potential challenges and problems ahead for them. His low income means that his ability to satisfy her material cravings will be limited, her highly possible requests of wanting to send money home must be expected and over time, her desire for better things and better realisations about her hubby's modest financial means must disappoint and hurt her etc...

I am both happy and angry for my friend because at his age, he still has a healthy sexual urge and angry because of his plain stupidity, his total lack of foresight and deeper thoughts.

Our local hokkien lingo says it best. If you want to drink milk, just go outside and drink but please, there is no need to bring the cow home ma, tio boh?

Seriously, stupidity has no cure.



Simon Lim



26 Responses to “Newly wed Philipino wife”

  • Enough money lah:

    Your friend must have learned from this case.

    A “not so old” man earning more than $66K a MONTH, gave his Taiwanese wife $300 to $400 a month. She was expected to do housework and provide s*x. Divorce was easily granted with the court decision giving her a big $5000. Nothing more.

    Your friend, working as a security guard, has more than enough finances to handle his marriage. If no happy, can divorce, pay $5K, and look for another wife.

    Right or not?

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  • Ellogioliat:

    No mention of the age of the new wife from the Philippines. Just take it that she is still young and has child bearing capabilities.

    For the male party, at his mid- sixties, even if he could still hold his body and soul together with full capabilities to carry out his duties as a husband, could he still have enough time to ensure the children of this union to grow up and become useful to the country?

    To allow the couple to sink roots in the tiny island is to allow social problems to germinate and eventually become enormous is wrong!

    To be fair to the trublu sinkie, we encourage the couple to migrate to the Philippines where the sky and seas are still blue and wide.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    SPG marry “angmohs” to climb social ladder.
    SPB marry “Asean gals” to “relak brother”.
    SPG,we know already.
    SPB IS Singapore Party Boy.

    So,going forward,Sg kids all “chap cheng”.

    GD Star Rating
  • Clap9:

    Great Idea!

    The couple with kids return to the Philippines. Then, the wife finds a job in Singapore, and sends money back. When the kids reach 18, they come back and do NS.

    We should encourage more old folks, males especially, to do this.

    With one superb idea, we solve the aging and low fertility problems.

    Ellogioliat: To be fair to the trublu sinkie, we encourage the couple to migrate to the Philippines where the sky and seas are still blue and wide.

    GD Star Rating
  • Observer:

    I think the children of his first wife (or longest period) should inherit the bulk of his CPF.

    After all, his first wife married him when he was poor and homeless. They went through hardships together and invested in HDB at low price.

    But if your friend’s new wife can produce Singaporean baby, it helps Singapore’s demographics.

    I warned my children that there is One race whom they must never criticize. Never copycat without understanding the whole truth.

    NGOs should support Mongoloid Christians if their donors like Abraham.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    I have said here many times.

    There are many irresponsible chi ko peh in Opposition camp.

    After your irresponsible friend screwed around and get into financial problem, your irresponsible friend will dumped his problem on the community and expect taxpayer money to bail them out.

    (Chi Ko Pek KTV)

    I have seen many of these irresponsible man in my 8 years of volunteer work.

    Part 1/3 – How We Became Homeless In Singapore | Homeless In Singapore

    Part 2/3 – Surviving Singapore’s Homeless Shelters | Homeless In Singapore

    Part 3/3 – How Can I Get Out Of Homelessness? | Homeless In Singapore

    GD Star Rating
  • Kaypo:

    I think his neighbor’s son should inherit everything.

    I think the children of his first wife (or longest period) should inherit the bulk of his CPF.

    After all, his first wife married him when he was poor and homeless. They went through hardships together and invested in HDB at low price.

    But if your friend’s new wife can produce Singaporean baby, it helps Singapore’s demographics.

    I warned my children that there is One race whom they must never criticize. Never copycat without understanding the whole truth.

    NGOs should support Mongoloid Christians if their donors like Abraham.

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    Most of the “responsible” mango men and women are from a certain color group.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: There are many irresponsible chi ko peh in Opposition camp.

    GD Star Rating
  • Story:

    From the various comments, a picture is coming out for a certain person.

    His father is probably from India, and a old chi-kopeh who had a short fling with his mother. His father left him early when he was a kid or even before his birth. He longs for the love of a father that he can’t remember. Some dark figure. At the same time, he hates his father.

    His Chinese mother brought him along when she visited her home village in China. Instead of getting a welcome, he was rejected by every girl that he tried to approach. He even hates his mother.

    He ends up an anti-Chinese person, with no clear identity of what he is. A Chinese? An Indian? An Aseanee?

    He was rejected everywhere. Even in work, he “old director” boss looked down on him. But he found a little niche for himself. A volunteer. Requirements are not demanding. Most satisfying for him, he can lord over the poor pitiful people who need help. Here is the place he can let out all his frustrations. The poor souls could not fight back.

    But even that is not enough. He needs to let the world know, that he is now all powerful. He comes to TRE.

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    @”I forsee plenty of potential challenges and problems ahead for them.”

    Response: you forsee? Will you or who will push him out to bask under the sun? (你会或谁会推他出去晒太阳呢)

    @”If you want to drink milk, just go outside and drink but please, there is no need to bring the cow home ma, tio boh?”

    Response: do you know what is true love?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Great Idea!

    The couple with kids return to the Philippines. Then, the wife finds a job in Singapore, and sends money back. When the kids reach 18, they come back and do NS.

    We should encourage more old folks, males especially, to do this.

    With one superb idea, we solve the aging and low fertility problems.

    This post shows that Singaporeans are lazy and unmotivated.

    This is their problem If the spurs are not stuck in their hide.

    GD Star Rating

    Can the marriage be considered valid if the Philippines Statistics Department has registered the bride to be married in the Philippines? Roman Catholics cannot get a divorce, their marriages and can only be annulled by the Church. Many Pinoys use the Court Clerks in the provinces to file a name change and through affidavits take on names of others. This is also a method used to forge educational certificates. When they come into Singapore, they just have to do a Statutory Declaration that they are not married in the Philippines. The Registration of marriage then proceeds in Singapore. The Pinoys have their eyes on 50% of all assets including the retirement funds.Many have their own children in the Philippines and “marry,” in Singapore to get the 50% proceeds of the HDB. Even if it is only a three room HDB, the Pinoy will be able to take home at least $250,000/- in cash after Simon’s friend dies. There are others from the third world doing the same. Proceeds of sale of HDB which is subsidised by taxpayers should not be given to any foreign spouse. It is unfair to Singapore taxpayers.

    GD Star Rating
  • Madness:

    Stupid sheep begs for more gov control over their assets.

    Shake head.

    SINGAROAR: Proceeds of sale of HDB which is subsidised by taxpayers should not be given to any foreign spouse. It is unfair to Singapore taxpayers.

    GD Star Rating
  • Selongomah:

    Obviously, it’s truly in good faith that encouragement is given to the couple to settle down permanently in the Philippines.

    Reason being that the Philippines is still a land of plenty where their farm lands, from the north to the south of the country, could have three harvests in a year. Not only that, the land is extremely fertile due to thick volcanic ashes covering them. With sufficient water and sunshine, everything can grow in vibrancy.

    Take their coconut trees for example, just one and a half meters tall they will start to bear fruits of top quality and can fetch good prices in the international markets.

    The seas surrounding the country are also very productive. Fishing just from the shore could get several good quality, good sized, of a few kilograms each fish, within a short time.

    If the Philippines is chosen as their permanent home, the husband who is now in his mid sixties, could expect to live up to become a centenarian. The wife who was born and bred in the Philippines could have problems living in the unforgiving small little dot. Their children will grow up in a complete family and become useful citizens of the land.

    Thus emigration to the Philippines is strongly recommended, in good faith and for the well being of the family in the making.

    GD Star Rating
  • I Love To Love U Baby:

    Michael Palmer very handsome.
    Tan Chuan Jin also very handsome.

    Mmmm. Women cannot resist.

    Singaporean R Free Rider:
    I have said here many times.

    There are many irresponsible chi ko peh in Opposition camp.

    After your irresponsible friend screwed around and get into financial problem, your irresponsible friend will dumped his problem on the community and expect taxpayer money to bail them out.

    (Chi Ko Pek KTV)

    I have seen many of these irresponsible man in my 8 years of volunteer work.

    Part 1/3 – How We Became Homeless In Singapore | Homeless In Singapore

    Part 2/3 – Surviving Singapore’s Homeless Shelters | Homeless In Singapore

    Part 3/3 – How Can I Get Out Of Homelessness? | Homeless In Singapore

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  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Not say I advocate prostitution. But it’s cheaper.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    That is because spore is full of employers who can’t pay well or even pay at all.

    They expect
    Your complete loyalty. You cannot hold second jobs. Join rival companies.

    They expect you to work late. Come back for urgent meeting at 11pm. Answer alarm activation at 3 am.

    Since they aren’t willing to part with money, they should do the jobs themselves.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: This post shows that Singaporeans are lazy and unmotivated.

    This is their problem If the spurs are not stuck in their hide.

    GD Star Rating

    Your comment shows you don’t understand the word subsidies and where the monies comes from. Why should Singapore taxpayers’ fund citizens of other countries when public housing is becoming increasingly unaffordable to Singaporeans ourselves? The govt. firstly has to use the Philippines Statistics Department’s registry just like the US State department to check on the marriage status of the many Pinoys who claim to be single or divorced and secondly they have to plug the outflow of monies from Public Housing to foreigners. Our govt. has failed in these two areas and LW should correct it.

    GD Star Rating

    @Sporeans Keep Govt Employed
    Perhaps sexual services is a better term.The actress Elizabeth Taylor said, she married eight times because she would n’t have sex without marriage.In this period of time do you need marriage to have sex? If it is for companionship, you can always live together.

    GD Star Rating
  • Madness:

    There was a ***** who said CPF is not our money.
    Now there’s another **** who says HDB is not our asset.

    No wonder the election results are always guaranteed.

    SINGAROAR: @Madness
    Your comment shows you don’t understand the word subsidies and where the monies comes from. Why should Singapore taxpayers’ fund citizens of other countries when public housing is becoming increasingly unaffordable to Singaporeans ourselves?

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Haha. Liz Taylor came at a time when most women were housewives (nothing wrong with that).

    Now women from a lot of countries can visit duck shops.

    @Sporeans Keep Govt Employed
    Perhaps sexual services is a better term.The actress Elizabeth Taylor said, she married eight times because she would n’t have sex without marriage.In this period of time do you need marriage to have sex? If it is for companionship, you can always live together.

    GD Star Rating
  • Kevin:

    There is no lack of such stupidy of elderly in this island. They are easy target of scammers or foreign young “wife”.

    GD Star Rating

    I wrote on subsidies what are you talking about? HDB is an asset or a roof over your head? Can you afford HDB without the subsidies? If it is a yes, you shouldn’t be in HDB.Is CPF your money? Does it have the same purchasing power of a decade ago?If property prices are increased,your CPF is wiped out.So it is still your monies?

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Tell you something funny @Sheng Siong Clementi 352 just now.

    One aunty kept telling the cashier she is very stupid.

    The female cashier agreed, not knowing what else to say.

    The aunty got a bit defensive. She said to the hapless cashier :”If I say I’m stupid, you really believe meh? Then you are stupid.”

    Then why the aunty so stupid to say herself stupid?

    Because she try to be smart but end up making herself a donkey ass.

    Then she start saying she’s lazy.

    Your dogs are sooooo stupid goons.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: This post shows that Singaporeans are lazy and unmotivated.

    This is their problem If the spurs are not stuck in their hide.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:
    That is because spore is full of employers who can’t pay well or even pay at all.

    They expect
    Your complete loyalty. You cannot hold second jobs. Join rival companies.

    They expect you to work late. Come back for urgent meeting at 11pm. Answer alarm activation at 3 am.

    Since they aren’t willing to part with money, they should do the jobs themselves.

    If you think they did not pay you well, then quit and move on. Like Chew Sou Zhi.

    If you are unable to move on to higher salary position, it means you are MEDIOCRE. Period.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Well, I think mediocre companies pay mediocre salaries. So true for many SMEs. Offers from them typically lower my last drawn salary. And they are rude too.

    Those who really want my services, they take me out to lunch. Normally the offer is something good. So I will be motivated to give them my best.

    And they will make me comfortable so I’d stay. Not create a creepy environment.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: If you think they did not pay you well, then quit and move on. Like Chew Sou Zhi.

    If you are unable to move on to higher salary position, it means you are MEDIOCRE. Period.

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