
Tan Chuan Jin has picked up himself from the affair saga

I am glad that Chuan Jin has picked up himself from the affair saga and started to get back to life again.

I know a lot of people, opposition as well as PAP supporters, are mocking him but I would say that he has paid his price as a public figure.

If he just a nobody, not serving the country as a Minister and Speaker of Parliament, I guess no one even bother about him, least his affairs.

He has done nothing wrong to the Nation as a whole, only to his own family. He has served the Nation in his own ways, though not the same way as I did. In spite of that, I would respect his contributions to the Republic nevertheless.

I hope that people out there, especially my supporters, would leave Chuan Jin alone.

All the best to you, Chuan Jin.


Goh Meng Seng



23 Responses to “Tan Chuan Jin has picked up himself from the affair saga”

  • Jokers:

    Serving the country, serving the nation. Yeah. Right. …

    Delusional gms.

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  • As I have been saying, we are all humans and we all make mistakes. If Tan was an ordinary person just like many of us, it would not have mattered if he had 100 mistresses.

    Him, being a public figure means he is subject to scrutiny and he has paid the price for it and left the job, so it should be case closed, we should al move on.

    What Tan did is not illegal, it is a moral issue, the victims he has hurt are his family members, not any one of us, so it is up to him to reconcile with his family, he owes none of us any explanation or living.

    In short, unless we profess to be God or the lightning members that can do no wrong, we have no business interfering in Tan’s private family affairs and telling him how to live his life.

    Don’t like what he did, just ignore him and don’t associate with him, period.

    My 2 cents.

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  • Dr Tan Tai Weias:

    People can change, but then, not that fast to convince prospective students of his “leadership”. But there are positions, especially in commerce, where, whatever MBA courses claim in theory, the reality is, if you don’t swear, use F-words, you are “too nice”, don’t go to brothels, etc., then you aren’t “aggressive, streetwise in order to join, say, their sales department, etc. Maybe, for immediate effective “picking up”, Tuan Jin might consider commerce, instead of teaching.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Since he is dropped by PAP,maybe he can join the oppo?
    Strange,we frown at people like him but we,even the govt,STRONGLY SUPPORT LGBTQ?


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  • 孔乙己:


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  • opposition dude:

    Goh Meng Seng has got it wrong as usual. Do remember Tan’s hot mic issue and his “f-king populist” comment hor. His affair was his just desserts, cheating on your wife indeed. Public figure some more.

    All in all, karma worked its magic once again. And karma will again do its job once the next election is called.

    GD Star Rating
  • Rubberstamps:

    Rubberstamps serve the one holding the rubberstamps.

    Even if the rubberstamp stamps out “OHMS”, they never serve the country.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ opposition dude:

    You failed to include tech.

    GD Star Rating
  • @opposition dude

    You are not wrong. However, I feel that if anyone cannot accept the kind of person that Tan is, then just don’t vote for him. We cannot expect everyone to be living their lives according to the standard that we set and we certainly have no business doing so.

    As I have said in the past, one of my younger brothers is a homo, I did not/have not/will not tell him that this is wrong, he must go bonk a woman instead of a man, etc etc etc.

    He, like everyone else deserves to live his life the way he wants, as long as it is not against the law. I do not look down on him nor feel ashamed of him because of his sexual preference. Although me being in China has no time to keep in touch with him, but I do not go around telling the world how I detest him, bla bla bla. I respected his decision.

    Unfortunately, sad to say, when I had a stroke and was in ICU, he refused to even help and he and my younger brother (in ICA) even tried to stop my dad from helping my wife with the medical expenses when she approached my dad for help. My dad had to quietly remit the funds to my wife without them finding out.

    On hindsight and on comparison, I am tempted to say that Tan is way above any of my brothers as far as character is concerned.

    Anyway, in a nutshell, what Tan did is his personal matter, we have no business telling him how to live his life.

    Don’t like him, just stay away and STFU.

    GD Star Rating
  • John Richards:

    I can’t for the life of me take lessons on leadership from someone who lacked moral courage when it mattered. People may show up at his talks just to gawk at him.If its all about forgiveness, new beginnings and paying the price, surely the PAP will take him back. We know they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel in search of talent.

    I think it’s too soon for TCJ to talk about leadership when his lapses are still fresh on the minds of Singaporeans.

    GD Star Rating
  • opposition dude:

    TRE Tech:
    @opposition dude

    You are not wrong. However, I feel that if anyone cannot accept the kind of person that Tan is, then just don’t vote for him. We cannot expect everyone to be living their lives according to the standard that we set and we certainly have no business doing so.

    On hindsight and on comparison, I am tempted to say that Tan is way above any of my brothers as far as character is concerned.

    Anyway, in a nutshell, what Tan did is his personal matter, we have no business telling him how to live his life.

    Don’t like him, just stay away and STFU.

    Bro, while I do agree that what he did is his own personal thing you also have to admit that once his affair was exposed it set tongues wagging. And when that happens people pass judgment whether it’s right or wrong. You don’t want to associate with him it’s your choice and I respect that. But do not forget that there are others who do not agree with you too.

    It’s unfortunate for him since he isn’t a nobody like we are so naturally he can expect to be condemned for sure. Aren’t we taught to be faithful to our spourse and all that till death do we part vow? Just mere words to be spoken and forgotten right? We are human right? Can’t help it if we have feelings for another even though we are already married right?

    And telling people to STFU is just plain rude. While people might not like him and condemn him it’s not against the law to have an opinion about his affair. You want to stay away from him it’s fine but you cannot expect everyone to do the same.

    It’s like when news broke of Oxley Rd, people were also saying this is a personal matter but hey, it didn’t stop others from having an opinion.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    While no one’s perfect, the issue is, if one goes into politics, then be prepared to have all indiscretions, inappropriate behaviors and what not be used as a POLITICAL TOOL BY OPPONENTS.

    Especially those very fond of character assassinations.

    Even with the tiniest flaw, make a mountain out of a molehill.

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  • fpc:

    a very small price to pay.

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  • 孔乙己:

    有人说: 放下屠刀立地成佛!







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  • The Saint:

    The Saint goes “marching in!”

    孔乙己: 他99。99%的人格还是很好的。

    GD Star Rating
  • Confusion says:

    Confusion says, “Don’t know, just anyhow say.”

    孔乙己: 意思就是说,一个人做了很多坏事都不要紧,只要他能做一件好事,就能得道成仙了!

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    His “c**k-up” is his own “paSal”.
    The only way for him to go back into politics is to join Oppo.
    With the right approach and sincerity,he can possibly win a seat.
    Sgs are more open these days.
    We can even ea$ily forgive H$K for taking our reserves and gave many deserving among us,sgs, a meagre $600 when PAP MP said G very generous to hand $23.5K per capita?
    Anyways,hundreds of thousand of NON-SGS GOT MUCH MORE!

    What TCJ did only hurt his wife and family at most.
    Cant he be “fotgiven” and get voted as OPPO MP if he got the bolas to do it?

    GD Star Rating
  • Light The Way:

    Hopefully, Iswaran will do the same.

    Oops! It’s a different kind of sin, at least to the PAP.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ 他还被人放在显微镜下捡视。

    Well said.
    Put all of you negative naysayers e.g. opposition dude, confusion says, john richards, jokers , ….etc under a microscope. You think you can survived

    What about Pritam, Raeesah, Leon, Nicole …..? How come no discussion on leon or nicole ? Their whereabouts.

    GD Star Rating
  • Forgive lah:

    Forgive lah….he has paid a price for his affair.
    Let him earn his living….nothing wrong with what he want to do…no need to punish him twice.
    He is still a capable man.
    Anyway let the man with no sin throw the first stone…

    GD Star Rating
  • Confusion says:

    Confusion says, “Don’t know, just anyhow say.”

    Confusion says, “Say nothing bad about TCJ.”

    PAP mandate strong:
    @ 他还被人放在显微镜下捡视。

    Well said.
    Put all of you negative naysayers e.g. opposition dude, confusion says, john richards, jokers , ….etc under a microscope. You think you can survived

    What about Pritam, Raeesah, Leon, Nicole …..? How come no discussion on leon or nicole ? Their whereabouts.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    TCJ can join “DOCTOR” at PSP.
    Can win votes me thinks in the East.
    Sgs there quite young and more open.
    Afterall,it is not something that cause pain$ to sgs.
    He can be quite certain of garnering good number of votes there.

    TCJ,your chance to make a comeback.
    Why waste your talent teaching “leadership” when you can be a leader?
    GE coming soon.
    Time to try a come back.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ Confusion says, “Don’t know, just anyhow say.”

    Confusion says, “Say nothing bad about TCJ.”

    I do know 周勇康 百鸡王; 赖小民一百个情妇;….猴赛雷! 不知道吃什么补药补酒 ?

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