
Russia is prepared to halt the war with Ukraine with a negotiated ceasefire

Russian President Putin said he is ready to halt the war in Ukraine with a negotiated ceasefire that recognises the current battlefield lines. Putin also questioned the legitimacy of Ukrainian President Zelensky following the expiry of his five-year term. Putin said expiry of Zelensky’ term as president would raise a legal obstacle if Russia and Ukraine were to hold peace talks.

Reuters quoted three Russian who said Putin understood any dramatic new advances would require another nationwide mobilisation.


36 Responses to “Russia is prepared to halt the war with Ukraine with a negotiated ceasefire”

  • Propaganda:

    The frontline is now a deep U shape and 1000km long. As Russia advances, the U will flatten out and the frontline could drop to 500km. Not so many soldiers needed.

    Kremlin refutes mobilization rumors.
    A Financial Times report this week claimed that a second wave of mass recruitment in Russia will “inevitably” come later this year.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Say this,say that.
    Its obvious Putin buay song Zelensky.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    The frontline is now a deep U shape and 1000km long. As Russia advances, the U will flatten out and the frontline could drop to 500km. Not so many soldiers needed.

    Kremlin refutes mobilization rumors.
    A Financial Times report this week claimed that a second wave of mass recruitment in Russia will “inevitably” come later this year.

    Zelensky 5 years term end on May 20, 2024. Is his Presidency legitimate ?

    Like I said here before, it is very easy to repel the Russian forces from Ukrainian, just fly Opposition Goh Meng Seng to Ukraine.

    I am a Ukrainian patriot.
    But I am afraid to die defending our freedom.
    So I ran away.
    I prefer cannon fodder GMS to die on my behalf so that I live to party on.

    Anyone here agreed with this Ukrainian patriot in the video above.

    GD Star Rating
  • Illegitimate:

    He calls Zsky illegitimate, whose term as President had expired. There is no legitimate authority that can do a legally binding negotiation and treaty.

    Say this,say that.
    Its obvious Putin buay song Zelensky.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    So guess currently since Russia has the upperhand, Ukraine should accept an unconditional ceasefire or maybe surrender ? Giving into the demands of Russia.

    OK. Therefore vice versa right.

    Since Israel is overwhelming the hamas and palestinians by alot, therefore Gaza and West Bank should also unconditional ceasefire or maybe surrender ? Giving into the demands of Israel.

    Tech: Ukraine is a gone case, but I am not so sure about Israel versus the axis of resistance. Hamas is not fighting alone, that is for sure.

    GD Star Rating
  • Missed opportunity:

    If Zelensky learns Confucianism since small, he probably would behave very differently while ruling his country.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ If Zelensky learns Confucianism since small, he probably would behave very differently while ruling his country.

    Why not hamas and palestinians ?
    Why not you behaved under PAP instead since you probably learned Confucianism ?
    Didnt the previous president of Ukraine Victor something … pro russia. Same outcome same result right. Crimea tio invaded.

    @ Ukraine is a gone case, …

    From what source ? And it is too early to conclude right. Ukraine gone case then it should be Ukraine raise cease fire proposal instead.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Missed opportunity:
    If Zelensky learns Confucianism since small, he probably would behave very differently while ruling his country.

    Dear Chinese agent aka Chinese Chauvinistic Pi,
    If Zelensky learns Confucianism, Ukrainian will have no freedom.

    It will be a old man say young people listen no freedom society.

    Ukrainian young man are ready to run away to defend their country freedom.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    PAP mandate strong: Tech: Ukraine is a gone case, but I am not so sure about Israel versus the axis of resistance. Hamas is not fighting alone, that is for sure.

    Your logic is kind of screwed.

    Why Ukraine is a gone case when it is also not fighting alone ?

    Reason? Israel / Hamas took responsibility to defend what is theirs.

    Ukrainians? They ran away like Goh Meng Seng at first sight of trouble.
    Ukrainians voted a US puppet Zelensky for freedom but ran away from
    their responsibility (to die)
    to defend their country.

    Foreign Fighters : I don’t want to be canon fodder for coward Ukrainians.

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    Look 1 mm ahead. That’s where a 14 yr young teen listened to old man and died for nothing.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: It will be a old man say young people listen no freedom society.

    GD Star Rating
  • Pull underwear in!:

    Communist Party China has its roots from Marxism-Leninism which is a far cry from Confucianism.

    Mainland China is not a fertile land for Marxism-Leninism. The first twenty years of communist China was a disaster for its general population.

    Modifications set in thereafter, with Teng Xiao ping at helm, the spirit of the Chinese people rejuvenate the country into a vibrant society. The regime is still having communist name but the spirit is no longer communist.

    Anyone who equates communism to Confucianism must be a human being born with 47 chromosomes!

    Pull underwear in!

    GD Star Rating
  • Missed opportunity:

    My dear, dear brother PAP mandate strong

    If the leaders of Hamas, Palestine, past, present and future presidents of Ukraine would have learned and influenced by Confucianism, they will definitely adopt approaches with Confucianism influence, in the governance of their administrations.

    Confucianism is the common property of human kind, anyone finds it useful could just proceed to practice the thought contained therein, free of charge.

    PAP mandate strong:
    @ If Zelensky learns Confucianism since small, he probably would behave very differently while ruling his country.

    Why not hamas and palestinians ?
    Why not you behaved under PAP instead since you probably learned Confucianism ?
    Didnt the previous president of Ukraine Victor something … pro russia. Same outcome same resultright. Crimea tio invaded.

    GD Star Rating

    Peace talks but he wants Ukraine land.Simple solution, he should open the borders to all Russians who want to return to Russia and return to his own border.Putin is land grabbing in Ukraine and the Zionists in the Occupied Territories. Both are the same.

    GD Star Rating
  • Hopeless:

    People with zero history knowledge talk garbage.

    Peace talks but he wants Ukraine land.Simple solution, he should open the borders to all Russians who want to return to Russia and return to his own border.Putin is land grabbing in Ukraine and the Zionists in the Occupied Territories. Both are the same.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ Missed opportunity.

    Not convincing. Friend.

    Confucianism practice since when ?
    From Han dynasty, 汉武帝 and all the way until near times ( axed CCP or current China ).
    Since ancient times already have officials or businessman travelled to middle east whether to learn how to make weapons that can beat the XiongNu or trade or business. e.g. 張騫出使西域.
    And how the West do business with China then ? Thru middle man 阿拉伯人 who travelled to China from the desert using camels. 阿拉伯人 businessman at that time earn big money. That was way before 大航海时代. They dont know about Confucianism ? I doubt it.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Sorry i miss out.
    佛教 also spread to Middle East. Afghanistan there were several huge Buddish statues before they blow it away. Its a waste. Thats tourism.

    Long time ago all this 阿拉伯人 know how to do business. They are more open because 政教分开. First Eye surgery came from them. The West actually learn from them.

    GD Star Rating

    The history justification for land grabbing. Are you willing to give up your home in Singapore? Used to be Malay Land.

    GD Star Rating
  • Missed opportunity:

    @dear, dear brother of PAP mandate strong

    You mean to say that Confucianism was introduced to the Arab twenty centuries ago?

    That being the case, this confirmed that the Chinese was generous in sharing with them the highest levels of their philosophy.

    张骞,班超 diplomatic missions to the “western region “ were very difficult ones. It took them years to make one round trip. Many in the entourage didn’t manage to return home to their loved ones. 班超visited 36 countries in all. Most of them are now no longer in existence. It’s not known how much time 班超 could spend in each country. Language barriers and literacy issues must be the difficult problems to overcome. There is no mention in the history thereafter on what 张骞and 班超 had accomplished in spreading Confucianism during those trips.

    As for the merchants from the western regions doing business with ancient China, many of them found China to be affluent and the Chinese amicable and decided to call China home. Some scholars have suggested that this is the origin of the minority tribe “hui” in China.

    A trublu sinkie, also a Malay Muslim scholar who graduated from the then Nanyang University of Singapore (he is the only one so far) used to deliver speeches on different occasions. Attended one of his speeches he delivered. In his speech, he affirmed that there are many common elements in Islam and Confucianism. He cited some of them to support his claim. Being a Malay Muslim who reads, speaks and writes good mandarin, what he said might have some truth in it.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    The history justification for land grabbing. Are you willing to give up your home in Singapore? Used to be Malay Land.

    Christian Taliban, don’t talk cawk.

    America used to be Red Indians land. Will the white Aemricunt return the land to the Red Indians? Just like Tibet don’t belong to the Chinese except brainwashed CCP balls licker think otherwise.

    And btw, which group of Malay you want us to return the land to ?
    Orang Asli? Javanese? Boyanese? Bugis? Minangkabaus?

    CNA: The Orang Asli’s fight to protect their land

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    老兄, 你还 Confucius teaching ???


    Sure have interpreter.
    How else 张骞 bring back whatever powder to forge their weapons for han dynasty and fight the Xiong Nu ?

    张骞 most likely also learn to speak Xiong Nu language. Afterall hes under Xiong Nu captivity for years. How fluent dont know. Definitely good enough. His wife also Xiong nu.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    A lot to ponder.

    e.g. 阿拉伯商人于7世纪初把伊斯兰教传入马来群岛、中印半岛和中国.
    郑和也是阿拉伯血统. 郑和下西洋 most likely help from 阿拉伯商人 or sailors. Even so also consider late.

    e.g. Singapore has a long history of human settlement, having been shown by Greek scientist Ptolemy almost 2000 years ago on his map of the world.

    GD Star Rating
  • Hopeless:

    If some strangers enter your HDB today, you should let them live there. The fact that you paid for it becomes irrelevant. That’s history and irrelevant for you.

    The history justification for land grabbing. Are you willing to give up your home in Singapore? Used to be Malay Land.

    GD Star Rating
  • 如梦初醒:








    PAP mandate strong:
    老兄, 你还 Confucius teaching ???


    Sure have interpreter.
    How else 张骞 bring back whatever powder to forge their weapons for han dynasty and fight the Xiong Nu ?

    张骞 most likely also learn to speak Xiong Nu language. Afterall hes under Xiong Nu captivity for years. How fluent dont know. Definitely good enough. His wife also Xiong nu.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Hey man article is by china website dated 2020 june under Xi reign.
    Pro China against China article. No problemo for me if you refuse to accept it and totally reject it.

    Talk and interprete is by mouth and ear and memory or brain. That how baby observed and learnt to speak. Writing is next stage of learning.

    Last time, my grandfather and grandmother also can speak and understand malay and simple tamil. They never even went to primary school. Meaning they cannot read chinese nor english writings. My Indian neighbour an old man ( now a grandfather ) one storey above me can speak very fluent Hokkien ( like a ah beng ) and he always drink beer with one good chinese friend in the coffeeshop.

    GD Star Rating
  • All Good:

    Mandate also “good.” Any article written in Chinese is China article. Furthermore, he believes all “China articles.” Many CIA articles are written in Chinese by some Chinese people. Why not? It’s an easy way to make US money. Better than to go torture and kill Afghans and Iraqis.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Your claim is weird.
    Given China’s authority strict monitoring of internet.
    If its not pro china or against China propaganda or negative, sure 404 one.

    China also killed India soldiers with the border conflict. India died 2 digits whereas China claim only 4.

    GD Star Rating
  • Eat full:

    Will the pappies pfoma some claims about red dot 1000 yrs ago?

    PAP mandate strong:
    Your claim is weird.
    Given China’s authority strict monitoring of internet.
    If its not pro china or against China propaganda or negative, sure 404 one.

    China also killed India soldiers with the border conflict. India died 2 digits whereas China claim only 4.

    GD Star Rating
  • By using weapons from the west to attack deep inside Russia, there can no longer be any hope of Ukraine ever surviving.

    GD Star Rating
  • WW3:

    Russia ready to arm US enemies – Medvdev
    Washington’s arming of Ukraine is about to backfire, the former Russian president has warned.

    Houthis will get big missiles to sink aircraft carriers.

    TRE Tech:
    By using weapons from the west to attack deep inside Russia, there can no longer be any hope of Ukraine ever surviving.

    GD Star Rating
  • @WW3

    I am strongly against violence and war, but I would make an exception for the warmongering US.

    If Russia decides to sink the US carriers in the Red Sea and bring thousands of Americans soldiers with it, then so be it.

    The US needs to be taught a painful lesson not to poke its nose into other’s a$$e, and only Russia has the balls and is capable of doing just that.

    So I would say, yes why not?

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ Will the pappies pfoma some claims about red dot 1000 yrs ago?

    Until somebody do. We will know. Actually oredi China wu mao and fen hong claim Sg is China right. They also claim the moon and the sun right.

    GD Star Rating
  • 之乎者也!:

    当三尺小童说 :



    GD Star Rating
  • Alamak!:

    If world war three broke out, one packet of simple nasi lemak would cost SGD$100/-!


    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Frankly,this is a proxy-war between The Angmoh$ and Putin.
    Angmoh$ want to throw punches at Putin.
    Zelenskyy is just a clown letting his countrymen get made use of.
    Ukraine is all torn and tattered.
    Ukrainians suffer Zelenskyy’s foolish arrogance.
    Angmoh$ get a chance to exchange old unused weapon$ for NEWER one$ by asking Congress for more budget$.

    This Angmoh Game has been played out donkey years.
    Why no war within ?Always outside in other people’s LAND?

    GD Star Rating
  • Sg War:

    Arm enemies of the West with everything – Medvedev
    Even nuclear weapons could be shared in the future, the former Russian president says.

    Moscow should use every opportunity to inflict “maximum damage” on Western nations that have declared a “war without rules” on Russia, former president Dmitry Medvedev has argued.

    Every weakness of the US and its allies should be exploited to undermine them and obstruct life for their citizens, the Russian official said on Thursday, reacting to the latest round of sanctions announced by Washington earlier this week.

    ”Are they afraid that we would transfer our arms to the enemies of the Western world? We should send every kind of weapon, except nuclear (for now)!” Medvedev wrote on social media. “Are they afraid of anarchy and crime waves in large cities? We should help disrupt their municipal authorities!”

    Do people realise that Russia consider Sg an enemy? NEH better stfu and stay low. Don’t be a lau hero and get people into trouble.

    GD Star Rating
  • Bluebird:

    Bluebird caught lying. Again.

    Bloomberg lied about Russia forcing African students to fight against Ukraine – Nigeria

    Bloomberg has a “history of spreading anti-Russian fake news,” according to the diplomatic mission. “Such news is not only false but also damages Russia-Nigeria educational cooperation by misleading numerous scholarship and grant applicants as well as their partners, who could be extremely concerned by such fakes,” it stated.

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