
New broom and sweep well

The 4-G leadership had never captured the imagination of the Singapore public. But Lawrence Wong, as vice-chairman of the ministerial task force to combat Covid 19 epidemic, had shown he was a cut above the others in his group in his performance. So it did not really come as a surprise when he was abnointed the leader of 4-G and eventually to succeed Lee Hsien Loong as the 4th prime minister.of Singapore.

After becoming leader of the 4-G he went round preaching his political philosophy of how he was going to bring Singapore forward when he became prime minister. I think tt went down well with the public, only that seemed to have a big mouth and rants like a Maoist priest chantng to the devils. But he scored his marks and was sworn in as a prime minister before a mammoth audience and made the most significant inauguration speech to the delight of the audience which Lee Hsien Loong may take to heart. PM Lawrence Wong had shown that he was not all that disoriented in his first days of office which shows that he has great promises in his in his role as prime minister of Singapore. We can only see this when Singapore is in crisis and PM Lawrence Wong can show that he has competent ability to overcome the crisis not by playing guitar.

Lee Hsien Loong seems to be fitting nicely into his new role as senior minister. Although it is a relegation but he does not show it .But how useful he can be as an SM will only be known after he has shown his competence, if any. Senior minister is really a sinecure drawing a substantial salary. SM Teo Chee Hean, with due respect, is a typical example. Most of the time he is semi-nivisioble, maybe on some clandestine operation. Occasionally he comes out to utter some crap like the recent diarrhoea he displayed in the so-called distinguished service of Lee Hsien Loong as PM and his uncomplimentary comment on the hostile relationship of Lee Hsien Loong with his siblings.

Ho Ching, the pompous spouse of Lee Hsien Loong, is not to be left behind in preserving their fading societal eminence, since she is no longer a PM's spouse.. She is seen to be fraternising with Lawrence's wife as one ploy to achieve her aim. Lawrence Wong's wife's look and ingenuity is nt something that Ho Ching can hold a candle to. So the next best thing is to suck up.


Yoong Siew Wah



63 Responses to “New broom and sweep well”

  • The $0 man:

    Voters please remember this $0 man.

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  • Dickson:

    30,40years still don’t want change handphone.f lah!

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  • Dickson:

    Heng got tanjong katong mountain tragedy.

    This guy got HDB deadly lift incident.

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  • opposition dude:

    The best way to tet out guitar player as boss is to make him lose a few GRCs in the next election. Only then can we see how he will “do things their own way”. Then again I would not be surprised to read of excuses like “We lost a few good ministers so our team is weakened considerably”. Uh huh uh huh.

    Give him a real baptism of fire too. Then we can see how he will (won’t?) win back those lost seats AND that vote share as well. Prove that you are truly a leader instead of just being able to say nice words to fool whatever simpletons are left hor.

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  • rice:

    It is clear LW is a better orator than any of his 4G cohort.
    Kee Chiu has plenty to brush up even as minister.He sounds like he is the Hokkien Platoon Commander more so than any other thing?

    Ong You Con apes Lee Ah Long way too much in his manner.As a result ,he is so “plastic”.

    LW needs to put less gel(Tancho?) in his hair.It would be good he change hair-style?
    But no doubt,his oral skills are more acceptable and even appealing.
    Still,words are just words.
    He needs to put his words into ACTION.
    Yes,God spoke and His Words turn into CREATION.
    Hope this Christian PM abides by his words and turns them into Actions.

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  • rice:

    Oh,BTW,Lee Shengwu would be even more impressive if he takes over as 5G leader.
    Sad to say he has to stay away from Sg.
    If given a chance,me honestly feel Shengwu can fit well into the PM’s role.

    He is well-spoken.
    He is rational.
    He exudes leadership.
    What a waste of possible Local Political Leadership Talent.

    Can LW help “re-instate” Shengwu at some subsequent date?
    Would he?
    Not unless LW IS HIS OWN MAN me thinks.

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  • 大智慧:




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  • Justsayonly:

    Don’t underestimate the greed of lhl just yet.

    Such kind of personality will not simply lie down & sleep.
    He still hold significant power & influence over majority of the ministers & MPs.

    LW needs to built his own power base & quickly.

    Besides trying to solve problems & issues facing the country, he has to watch out for tripping stones within the cabinet.

    At this point, LW has only the support of the citizens to stand on & he knew.

    Unlike lhl, who got his powerful old man to watch his back, he also inherited a group of yes-man when he took office.

    So for now, in order to prevent for lhl & his own people to grap too much power, Singaporeans must stand behind LW.

    Other things cam talk later.

    Tech: Not sure about what you say about LHL, but one thing I am certain, LW was not the preferred candidate, it has always been Heng or KeeQiu but somehow the 4Gs ‘overuled’ him.

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  • 2Daft2Live:

    Well, the Christian sinkies will be delighted that they have a fellow brother leading the country. But as I recalled GCT once said something of the sort, “You are no brother (or sister) of mine”. So don’t get your hopes up too soon.

    Remember unless you belong to the clique of the crème de la crème, you are a nobody to them. Simply put, your fate is of no concern to them. Sadly, to expect the sinkies to comprehend such a simple fact maybe too much to ask.

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  • rice:

    @TRE Tech
    So liddat say one,LW has crossed his first hurdle with mandate of majority 4G.
    If so,maybe he could work with Gan and some others to bring about a wee bit “change” in the way POLICIES ARE BEING APPROACHED to be more Trublu-friendly?
    Thats a “maybe”.
    Hope it is the case as too many of 3G’s policies have immen$ely disadvantaged quite a cross-section of more Common Sgs.
    But,that is a tough call.
    As you can see,even Peanut Goh was just a $wi$$-$tandard vi$ion that ended up as a damn “wet dream”???

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  • rice:

    There is now more urgent need for REAL GOOD OPPO MPs in Parliament.
    We are in dire need of Real Drivers of Change ;those who aim to be mere co-driver$ can take a break and let more genuine oppo sgs REPLACE them.

    Only a true OPPO HERO can lead the rest to “Home-base”.
    The WP has had too many run$ bearing no productive outcomes.
    Their Erected Oppo LEEder is simply lame.
    Oppo needs a MAN OF STEEL with a strong moral compass and sincerity to SERVE THE people.

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  • Happiness:

    Sinkies are forever hopeful, trusting, and vote themselves into extinction.

    rice: If so,maybe he could work with Gan and some others to bring about a wee bit “change” in the way POLICIES ARE BEING APPROACHED to be more Trublu-friendly?
    Thats a “maybe”.

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  • OMEN 1505:

    Clone-car driver caught!

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  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ But as I recalled GCT once said something of the sort, “You are no brother (or sister) of mine”. So don’t get your hopes up too soon.

    Wait a minute.
    GCT only said TLH not my bro.

    Likewise 记者向京东内部人士证实,京东创始人刘强东在近日的一次管理层会议上直言:“凡是长期业绩不好,从来不拼搏的人,不是我的兄弟。”

    So as a pro opposition and pro China, whats your take ???

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  • Pappies:

    Unsurprisingly, you admire an un-convicted rapist.

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  • OMEN 1505:

    One of the two workers in intensive care after collapsing at Choa Chu Kang Waterworks following a workplace mishap on May 23 has passed away.

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  • observer:

    [Only a true oppo hero can lead the rest to “Home-base”]

    Oppo needs a good leader to unite them.
    Lack of unity is main reason why oppo cannot win big.
    Time is running out soon before sinkies become minority.

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  • @OMEN 1505

    Hm….”collapsing” is the worker vaccinated?

    So sorry to hear about his death.

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  • Old men:

    Old Man say home value go up.but this guy say home value will at last be
    Make Old man cannot rest.of cos not good outcome,likely old man spirit still around.

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  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ Unsurprisingly, you admire an un-convicted rapist.

    Hey man. Thats China practice ok. China no molest cases. Why ?
    Clarify by tech several years ago. Settlement by $$$. Compensate the victims. Pay fine or not i m not so sure.

    Rape case i guessed probably also similar ( i m not sure so correct me anytime ).

    Tech: Yes, you are not wrong. The police will encourage settlement, most will settle. Rape different, very hard to settle depending on circumstances.

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  • Pappies:

    It’s about America. Why you like to link bad things to your “favorite” country.

    PAP mandate strong:
    @ Unsurprisingly, you admire an un-convicted rapist.

    Hey man. Thats China practice ok. China no molest cases. Why ?
    Clarify by tech several years ago. Settlement by $$$. Compensate the victims. Pay fine or not i m not so sure.

    Rape case i guessed probably also similar ( i m not sure so correct me anytime ).

    Tech: Yes, you are not wrong. The police will encourage settlement, most will settle. Rape different, very hard to settle depending on circumstances.

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  • Temasick Revue:

    Lawrence Wong is just seat-warmer.
    Nothing will change.
    4G is same as 3G as long as Looney is around.
    LW just PM in name.
    Do not be deceived.
    Next SM Lee will be MM Lee.

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    LW without LHL in the cabinet will work towards the welfare of Singaporeans but with LHL in the cabinet, his hands are tied.No change in governance.LHY taken down, Ravi disbarred and PS facing Court action.PAP’s nasty branding!

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  • PAP mandate strong:

    Whats about America ?
    The rape case went to court. Rule by judge and jury. Both parties agree to settlement. Its over. Plus victim also a China chinese.

    Liu Qiang Dong also have a angmo name Richard Liu.

    China media report otherwise. Insinuating the victim blackmailed Richard Liu.

    Fake news, smear, defame, …. we dont know.

    But as pro China you trust who lah ?

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  • China Smeared:

    That is China media?

    PAP mandate strong: China media report otherwise. Insinuating the victim blackmailed Richard Liu.

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  • rice:

    The Mightily INDEBTED U$A is trying to Divide and Rule.
    It is quite obvious.
    Look at how Big Bro Joe goes around jing-ganging with S.Korea,Japan,India and Taiwan and Philippines to outcast China.
    Well,if China is alleged to attack Taiwan,U$A will “freeze” China assets much like Russia’s giving its own righteous “reasons”.

    War mongering is opposite of peace-seeking no matter how one pretends.

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  • Sg Media:

    Mr Yoong is Singapore media’s creator.
    Fake news, smear, defame, truth …. we all know.

    China Smeared:
    That is China media?

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  • Harder Truths:

    WE hear all the same old BS propaganda, time after time after time. And the same BS things are implemented by each Leeder, time after time after time. And the $tupid $heeple keep voting the same, time after time after time.

    “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again a nd expecting a different result” – Albert Einstein.

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  • Harder Truths:

    Not Satisfied With The Casino Money Laundering Scams, New Broom Expands Casino Activities That Are Meant To Overcome Criminal Checks & Scrutiny by the USA

    Singapore begins second phase of casino resort development

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  • rice:

    New PM,new Mrs PM.
    With guitar in his hands.
    Hope he plays a brand new tune.
    And,sing a great song
    That will make singaporeans again strong.

    Be gone with that old lousy “$ong”
    That has made so many singaporeans buay song.
    Give us a new song
    So,we ,singaporeans,can all “SING” along.
    WITH singaporeans the PM must “sing” along.

    Can you do it Mr Lawrence Wong?

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  • rice:

    Sg will heat out 2 times fasterer than other MAJOR cities.
    Sure,the 3G pumped up our natural population by almost 50 pct all in all.
    Demand for space(housing),cars,electricity etc are also UN-naturally PUMPED UP.
    Who can honestly say not.


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  • PAP mandate strong:

    Then what is China media ?

    Feel free to fill us in.

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    Intense global warming but continuing with the Population increase is suicidal for the State and Citizens. Increasing food sources is only a temporary solution. It may not produce enough grains to be able to meet export demand. The building materials may not be the correct types to cool the apartments. Defects will appear all over the island.

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  • Sg Media:
    Singapore media question whether MPs are well jabbed.

    PAP mandate strong:
    Then what is China media ?

    Feel free to fill us in.

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  • rice:

    $ettlement,not SETTLEment.
    The Rich and Powerful(including gangsters) can do what they fancy?
    Just screw and $ettle???
    Farks,what is LAW and Order?
    Its all a Big Bull-$HIT!!!⁷

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  • rice:

    @police encourage settlement.
    Police above LAW?
    WHAT ABOUT POOR who cannot $ettle?
    Even less severe “offences” kena HANDCUFFED AND JAIL???
    Even in $g!
    Angmohs tua kee can do anything,then $ettle?
    When a sg molest kena jialat but angmoh no big issue?.
    When angmoh gal kena molest by sg,Big Shit?!

    We need Police to uphold LAW with INTEGRITY.
    $ettlement does not SETTLE LAWLESSNESS.

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  • rice:

    $ettlement is the rea$on WHY there are more and more LAWLESSNESS these days!
    The victims get more victimised.
    The crook$ will be embolden.
    Money($) really talks!
    No money No talk.
    Got money Can Talk Cock.

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  • rice:

    We also need a Brand New Oppo Leader.
    The current Erected Oppo Leader is unfit for REAL DUTY.

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  • rice:


    Forward Sg is not status quo.
    For MANY ORDINARY n Senior sgs,IT IS GOING TO BE “moving Backward$” with THE FORWARD $inkaPOOR.

    The statistics will speak for themselves,ie,if the stats are REAL.
    FAKE STATS should be POFMA.

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  • HDB99=Zero Lau-Wong:

    Hope HDB99=zero Wong can override Princely Pinkie.
    He is about to build a Tomb for his daddy —better to use the very nice land at Gardens by the Bay to build another Toa Payoh,
    MRT and SeaView.
    Singapore does not need a Tomb.
    Remember OxyMandias!
    ”Once, at the suggestion that a monument might be made for him, my grandfather replied, “Remember Ozymandias”. He was, of course, referring to Shelley’s sonnet about Ramses the Second, the greatest Pharaoh of the Egyptian empire. In the poem, a lone traveller encounters a broken statue in the desert. On the statue, the inscription, “My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!” Nothing beside remains.

    I think his meaning was that, if Singapore does not persist, then a monument will be no help. And if Singapore does persists, then a monument will be unnecessary. And that assessment is accurate: His legacy is not cold stone, but a living nation.”

    The $0 man:
    Voters please remember this $0 man.

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  • TRex:

    Our ruling class have become a bias, unfair and a bunch of rotten greedy bullies. Singapore is 3 times smaller than Tokyo city; yet, our stupid Singaporeans permit these PAPigs to be paid 4-5 times more than the Prime Minister of Japan. Our ministers are paid 2-3 times more than the monthly salary of the most powerful country – Joe Biden of the U.S.. And stupid Sinkies are okay to have to pay higher taxes to pay the PAPigs who are in-charge by gerrymandering to be part such multi-millionaire salaries above superpowers in the world. A tiny powerless island city where its leaders have persistently accumulated more and more power by writing legislative laws and thus allowed itself to keep these unbelievable salaries.

    Sinkies are screwed and so are their children. Sinkies have avoided having children because the leaders have screwed up the citizens salaries and failed at creating jobs and industries for Singapore heartlanders. They avoid children because they know university tuition fees are expensive and they cannot retire and send their kids for uni education. Without university education, their children have a higher likelihood to fall into poverty in Singapore, so Sinkies avoid children and marriage.

    The root cause is Sinkies have made PAPigs a hegemon in Singapore and have in turn become royally screwed by their political masters. Now, foreigners are recruited in as new citizens by the planeloads and PRs are converted into citizens for votes. Many Sinkies are suffering from defeatism.

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  • VOTE:

    HDB99=Zero Lau-Wong:
    Hope HDB99=zero Wong can override Princely Pinkie.
    He is about to build a Tomb for his daddy —better to use the very nice land at Gardens by the Bay to build another Toa Payoh,
    MRT and SeaView.
    Singapore does not need a Tomb.
    Remember OxyMandias!
    ”Once, at the suggestion that a monument might be made for him, my grandfather replied, “Remember Ozymandias”. He was, of course, referring to Shelley’s sonnet about Ramses the Second, the greatest Pharaoh of the Egyptian empire. In the poem, a lone traveller encounters a broken statue in the desert. On the statue, the inscription, “My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!”Nothing beside remains.

    I think his meaning was that, if Singapore does not persist, then a monument will be no help.And if Singapore does persists, then a monument will be unnecessary.And that assessment is accurate: His legacy is not cold stone, but a living nation.”

    LHL also said, “As far as the Government is concerned, we do things which we need to do and when we do that, we will explain it and we will justify it. And if it cannot be justified, and our people don’t believe us, then we will pay the price at the next election.”

    If the justification for such extravagant expenditure on the Founders’ Memorial does not resonate with the public, it could indeed be a costly misstep for the current administration, risking not just fiscal repercussions for the country but political ones for the ruling party at the polls.

    Vote Opposition This coming

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  • Daddy's Billion Dollar Tomb:

    So Pinkie is going to build a Quarter Billion Dollar Tomb for Daddy.
    Like LKY only worthy Grandson said—he does not want it; remember Oxymandias….YES THE TENURED HARVARD Prof.
    Why d**honourable son always have to go against daddy wishes?
    MBS casino will be right above the Tomb.
    LKY said build casino over his dead body—looks like it is coming true.
    …”Founders’ Memorial to cost $235 million”
    WE SHOULD have a referendum on this!
    Quarter Billion for a TOMB that nobody, including LKY, wants is a big waste of tax-payers money.
    Serve zero purpose. except for brainwashing brainless sinkies.

    HDB99=Zero Lau-Wong:
    Hope HDB99=zero Wong can override Princely Pinkie.
    He is about to build a Tomb for his daddy —better to use the very nice land at Gardens by the Bay to build another Toa Payoh,
    MRT and SeaView.
    Singapore does not need a Tomb.
    Remember OxyMandias!
    ”Once, at the suggestion that a monument might be made for him, my grandfather replied, “Remember Ozymandias”. He was, of course, referring to Shelley’s sonnet about Ramses the Second, the greatest Pharaoh of the Egyptian empire. In the poem, a lone traveller encounters a broken statue in the desert. On the statue, the inscription, “My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!”Nothing beside remains.

    I think his meaning was that, if Singapore does not persist, then a monument will be no help.And if Singapore does persists, then a monument will be unnecessary.And that assessment is accurate: His legacy is not cold stone, but a living nation.”

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  • @rice

    The former owner of TRE has always maintained that the WP is PAPies Team B and clearly he wasn’t completely wrong.

    IMHO, WP will always be Team B and they are content with that, as admitted by LTK himself.

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    @TRE Tech
    WP plays to the sentiment of the voter.It is a clever way to inch yourselves into winning instead of the PAP’s style. It is mainly to appease the voter into thinking that they are not threatening the position of the PAP. As Singaporeans continue to want the PAP to be the ruling party , you cannot take a stronger approach or you may “burn the roast.” However they and most Opposition have a better talent pool than the PAP who are holding onto dead horses like LHL and TCH.WP,PSP and SDP will decrease the voter percentage of the PAP as LHL is still hovering over LW.

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    Ah I see. So the WP has INTENTIONAL pretended to be weak for the past decade so that they can hoodwink the daft voters into believing that they are no threat to the lightining to stand any chance of being voted into the clubhouse.

    This is a reasonable analysis indeed, makes sense.

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  • rice:

    @TRE Tech
    Bro,what you say cannot be more true.
    Sad thing is those with eyes refuse to see.
    Sgs cannot be more daft to shun those oppo sgs who more truly want to effect some decent change for our COMMON GOOD.
    Nothing for the State that does not benefit Common Sgs can be called “good”.
    Take Founders’ Memorial.
    I do not need such a coliseum to REMIND me of the SACRIFICES N CONTRIBUTIONS OF SGS LIKE DR GOH.It is always in my humble mind.
    We thank these sgs sincerely and are grateful.
    We pray they ascend to Heaven and are blessed.

    $HOWIN$$ was not part of the values of our 1G,at least most of them.
    Sgs like Dr Goh only worried if the sgs who put their trust and hope I their LEADERSHIP LIVE BETTER.

    Tell us,WHICH OF OUR 3G/4G ministers are nOt MULTI-MILLIONAIRE$?
    DRGoh did not die $UPER RICH,NOT EVEN THAT rich by current $standards.

    Public LEADERS must not be like PRIVATE-$ector Leader$.
    If so,tendency is for more COMMON CITIZEND to suffer.
    SHOW me it I’d not!

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  • Wow:

    Shao ba xing.

    Soh ba sing.(Cantonese)

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  • Lucrative Business:

    ”Former Minister for National Development Mah Bow Tan has reportedly sold his Good Class Bungalow (GCB) off Holland Road for $50 million”
    ”Tell us,WHICH OF OUR 3G/4G ministers are nOt MULTI-MILLIONAIRE$?”
    Very Good Question.
    Which 3G/4G papig Monisters is not a multi-millionaire?
    Politics in sinkieland is a very lucrative business–Ask MahBo

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  • rice:

    It is imperative that LW relook and refresh the Sg Economy.
    As such,reviewing public policies from all angles is important.
    LW must seriously look at Ageing Populace and not follow his predecessor’s very cur$ory views on approaching seniors’ issues or risk creating new Ageing Population Socio-economic issues that will afflict society longer term.

    These days MANY YOUNGER SGS with good incomes are buying 2-room HDBs and spending their money on expensive renovations to make their flats look luxuriou$ and going for Holiday$ frequently on a REGULAR BASIS.

    MANY OLDER sgs may be living in private homes but are penniless unless they downgrade so as to keep up with COL.
    But the HDB POLICIES are unfairly restrictive towards them.

    FT policy needs a total relook.
    Too aggressive in dumping too many ill-qualified FTs has already lowered our National Productivity that remained LOW over last 2 decades.
    No one seemed to care???
    LW,you are trained as economist and must not just continue to base your policies on mathematical numbers alone.
    That has already brought about grave repercussions onto many ordinary sgs.
    Mathematics is not broad outlook but narrow-mindedne$$,very specific and public policies are supposed to call for helicopter view.
    That was HOW DR GOH KENG SWEE did a fantastic job that helped Sg and SGS(YES,THE NATION) GREW AND BE PROSPEROUS,STATE AS WELL AS people.

    Wish you all the best.

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  • Raul:

    Ho Jinx is going to be go to the gallows.
    After that, We are going to find out Who is Backing Her!!!
    If it’s A whole country, Then Nuclear Weapons will be Used.
    If Not— Same Same Gallows.

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  • rice:

    @Lucrative Business

    Ya,Rambo took his money and is enjoying life while many sgs have to work till drop dead just to survive.

    Public $ervice is lucrative indeed in $in City.
    Prestige,$ and Power.
    More than Iron Rice Bowl.

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  • 老人王 (LaoRen Wang):

    More support for elderly who are marking time to the next world. That’s what the name suggests: Laoren Wang (老人王)

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  • Pappies:

    Very unrealistic hope.
    “Old people lord.” Lord over old people’s HDB and make them $0. Lord over “old man”, throw his forever-up promise into his grave.

    老人王 (LaoRen Wang):
    More support for elderly who aremarking time to the next world. That’s what the name suggests: Laoren Wang (老人王)

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  • rice:

    A good PM ought to be like a good Captain of a soccer team.He leads his “Team” to score goals against other “Teams”.

    A bad PM is like a Captain-striker that SCORE into his own team’s goal-post helping the other “Teams” to win against his own Team-members.

    To be fair,LKY LED sgs to score goals vs Other Teams.
    What about PM GOH N PM LOONG?
    You decide.

    Now,we look forward to see how LW will lead us,SGS,to score goals.
    Will he score into our own goal-post???

    We wait and see…

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  • rice:

    GCT=$wiss-$tandard $alaried PM.
    LW =?PM

    The verdict is out…
    We wait to see.

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  • of the asian foods that i tastes, japanese foods and thai foods are the tastiest stuff”

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  • Comedy:

    It’s either a stupid or a rhetorical question.

    Their annual incomes are multi-million. The only way any of them is not a millionaire will be if they spend (spend, not invest) 99% of their income, supporting their in-laws or whatever.

    Lucrative Business: ”Tell us,WHICH OF OUR 3G/4G ministers are nOt MULTI-MILLIONAIRE$?”
    Very Good Question.

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