
MOH’s power and responsibility

I acknowledge that MOH has the Full legitimate Power to decide on all matters with regards to the COVID vaccination program and it has power to utilize all resources to smear and discredit whoever disagrees with them.

But possessing such power would also accompany with Full Responsibility for their decisions.

Their decision to continue the mRNA COVID vaccination program is now based on FULL INFORMED KNOWLEDGE of the following:

1) mRna technology has not passed any safety standards before COVID Vaccines.

2) mRna Vaccines was given EUA with only 6 months testing and did not have any Long Term Safety data.

3) mRna Vaccines have proven contrary to its initial claims of 95% efficacy, to neither prevent infections nor transmission of COVID virus.

4) there isn't any Consensus of the safety aspects of the mRNA vaccines right from the start.

5) in spite of various claims made on mRna Vaccines' effectiveness, we continue to suffer waves after waves of infections.

6) we are also seeing extremely high All Cause excess deaths of 20% after 3 years of vaccination programs.

7) there are more and more research findings expressing worrying safety issues of the mRna Vaccines, the most recent research papers published in BMJ has raised evidence-based concerns of High Excess Deaths and its correlations to high vaccination rates in 47 countries.

With such informed understanding in all the potential risks raised here, MOH will no longer enjoy the indemnity of ignorance of all these risks.

MOH should rightfully take Full Responsibility of the continuing Vaccination Program if it so decide.

Science is never born out of constant smearing and censorship but through constant objective evidence based evaluation of data and information that prevail from time to time, without preset beliefs or prejudice.


Goh Meng Seng



39 Responses to “MOH’s power and responsibility”

  • Dalai Says:

    The history of science has shown us that any scientific theory (even Newton’s theory of gravity) can be wrong. When the science threatens the profits, the industry involved attacks the science & the scientists, orders its *purchased* politicians to weigh in on that industry’s behalf, along with its sock-puppet pundits…

    Over the last 24 months, there has been growing evidence of a correlation between mRNA COVID-19 vaccine boosters and increased prevalence of COVID-19 infection and other pathologies. Recent works have added possible causation to correlation. mRNA vaccine boosters may impair immune system response in immune compromised individuals. Multiple doses of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines may result in much higher levels of IgG 4 antibodies, or also impaired activation of CD4 + and CD8 + T cells. The opportunity for mRNA vaccine boosters to impair the immune system response needs careful consideration, as this impacts the cost-to-benefit ratio of the boosters’ practice.


    GD Star Rating
  • Inoowatosay:

    We demand a health minister to be medically or bio scientifically trained.
    We demand the Singapore govt or its minister to have no link to pharma company or invest in any of such company.
    We demand OYK to step down or we will vote him out during the next election.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Authority must be followed with RESPONSIBILITY.
    BUT,$g is UNIQUE.
    Ministers have “EXEMPTIONS”???


    Unless they lose favour within their PARTY?
    Still,they will try to churn out “EXCUSES”.

    What a “wonderful” job.

    GD Star Rating
  • opposition dude:

    Best thing to do, don’t get jabbed loh. Problem solved.

    GD Star Rating
  • Risks vs Benefits:

    Our lives are in MOH’s hands & it should not be simply placing blind faith in what lame unproven safety of mRNA vaccine because there are excess deaths documented during the vaccine rollout period!



    For me for now, I am not going to risk my life to be boosted with mRNA vaccine!

    GD Star Rating
  • rich:

    Honestly,me thinks Ng Chee Meng is ways better than Ong You Con.
    If voters reject Ng,me wonders why they voted Ong?
    Tell me i am bias???
    Stupidity has no cure.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    GMS: MOH should rightfully take Full Responsibility of the continuing Vaccination Program if it so decide.
    Yes, GMS. I fully agreed with you.

    But let’s not forget about what you said before:
    “I don’t like Amos because he’s rude in the Singapore context. But I have to defend his rights,” he was quoted as saying.

    Goh Meng Seng should rightfully take Full Responsibility of his continuing big mouth talking and doing nothing if he so decide.

    Goh Meng Seng, tell us when are you going to take full responsibility for your talk and no action party?

    GD Star Rating
  • You are biased and:

    As you wish, you are biased and your stxxxx has no cure.

    Honestly,me thinks Ng Chee Meng is ways better than Ong You Con.
    If voters reject Ng,me wonders why they voted Ong?
    Tell me i am bias???
    Stupidity has no cure.

    GD Star Rating
  • bak chang:

    Agreed @rice
    OYK is Winner of Talk Cock King title.
    Wait till more drop like dead flies.
    See what crap he will come out with.

    GD Star Rating
  • Olly:


    True,OYK should be kicked out.
    Only idiots support him.
    Those idiots will collapse soon.
    Cannot be helped when idiots choose to remain as idiots.

    GD Star Rating
  • Idiots Rule:

    Yes, some democracies are ruled by idiots.

    GD Star Rating
  • SpecOps:

    The OYnK looks like a droid with fake ‘cultivated’ skin plastered on him with two holes for eyes on his senile face.

    This guy is beyond hope for an exorcism.

    GD Star Rating
  • Ah Meng ,the Ape:

    This joker is the worst bloke among the blokes.
    Court jester,tok kok king.
    Better resign .

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Think not only this chap,most of them groping around only.
    If you not careful,you get “molested”.
    Like TRE Tech used to say 90 pct sinkies are at risk…
    Want more boosters?
    Go Ahead,be our guests.
    Just be prepared for any ill effect coming your way.

    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says:

    The OYnK looks like a droid with fake ‘cultivated’ skin plastered on him with two holes for eyes on his senile face.

    This guy is beyond hope for an exorcism.

    Think of bureaucrats vampires and zombies, sucking our blood and eating us alive. After watching kdrama “Rugal” on Netflix, I could not help but notice the ‘likeness’ to Park Sung-woong’s eyes (latter more handsome of course); the right-hand evil villain of Argos’s leader, devious, quick-tempered and possibly teetering on the edge of crazy, killing countless victims for his robotic ‘experimentation’. Quite a analogy to our today’s context.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Dear useless Goh Meng Seng and Opposition,

    Name me one thing you have done that directly serve the interest of Singaporeans?

    IF you could name me one, I will name you 2 from my side.

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    Any $inkie that believes these rotten money-grabbing sinners and takes the jab deserves what is coming. The world and Nature does not reward fools that put their lives into the hands of such people. Nature in fact removes the fools from existence by killing them off – only the smartest of $inkies and who are self-reliant will survive this crisis. The rest are Guinea Pigs and rightly so.

    Don’t talk rubbish about taking responsibility etc. etc. That is just ridiculous when your lives are at stake. There is only one outcome in life that matters – whether you live as long as possible or die for some stupid belief. That is the yardstick of success or failure.

    $inkies can rationalise however much they want, but when they are lowered into the coffin all that justification is just bullshit to cover up their shortcoming as human beings who need to look after themselves.

    $inkieland will see more and more ‘COVID’ deaths brought about by the mRNA. The Gahmen is probably the only one in the world now that is actively promoting death by jabbing. There is no loss for the Gahmen here – the Guinea Pigs will be replaced by unvaxxed FT. As the $tupid $heeple don’t care for themselves no one is going to give a shit about them either.

    My funeral business is booming and I am unvaxxed. Let the good times roll…..

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    Francis Is A Globalist Satanist

    The child-molesting money grabbing fake priests are at it again…

    GD Star Rating
  • Be fair!:

    If minister of health has to be medically trained, it is not unreasonable to demand that any one making comments on any medical issue should have the same qualifications!

    It is just extremely dangerous for a “ kalonguni” to build a skyscraper!

    GD Star Rating
  • VOTE:

    What is more important for HM OYK & MOH to look at is the mental health issue concern highlighted by PM Liangy Wong!

    Ask the psychologist what are the consequences of curbing free speech & mental health.

    We need to get back our freedom of speech!

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Be fair!:
    If minister of health has to be medically trained, it is not unreasonable to demand that any one making comments on any medical issue should have the same qualifications!

    It is just extremely dangerous for a “ kalonguni” to build a skyscraper!

    Well said. This is correct.

    And you have a no medical training except just loud and filthy mouth Opposition Goh Meng Seng talking about medicine and virus.

    Let Goh Meng Seng lose his deposit this election.

    GD Star Rating
  • Idiots flock together:

    Among the most idiotic comments.

    All you non-oppos cannot comment about opposition. Because you have never been in the opposition. Now, take your own medicine and shut up.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Well said. This is correct.

    And you have a no medical training except just loud and filthy mouth Opposition Goh Meng Seng talking about medicine and virus.

    Let Goh Meng Seng lose his deposit this election.

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    Young People Are NOT Dying of (Fake) Long Covid But From ‘Vax’ Bioweapon

    GD Star Rating
  • Excess Deaths:

    We welcome info, feedbacks, articles, medical & scientific studies etc posted by opposing parties that will help meet the
    people’s needs & not simply yield to conformity & blind compliance esp mRNA vaccine causing excessive deaths which shows conclusively that “the risk outweighs the benefits” in direct contrast to MOH’s stand!

    GD Star Rating
  • Spineless Sinkie Syndrome:

    I think this TRE website now is oso like WP i.e.) Wayang Party as part of “Controlled Opposition” outlet for local Sinkies to vent but actually is geared to keep SSS Sinkies stupid & compliant. Why I say that is because I notice some factual (but harsh TRUTH) comments are somehow “shadow-banned” (e.g. cannot upload comment) or is quietly removed supposedly by some “moderator”…. like some recent comments on “vaxxines”. The day any online forum stop comments (like Yahoot) or censor it (like FB), then I will leave it for good.

    Anyway, PAPies fear the dam breaking on “vaxxines”, so like when the past few years of complete medical nonsense of lockdowns, silly useless masking (which cannot stop 10 micron sized viruses at all. LOL), “social distancing” BS as well as the totally UN-Scientific, UN-Safe & IN-Effective “mRNA injections”… PAPies & M0H use MSM TV / news media and Sinkiepore famous LEEgal “Lor-By-Lor” to POFMA all objections, even when the DATA & FACTS say otherwise. Yes?/No? LOL.

    Many SSS Sinkie “Covidiots” like “Free Riders” and friends may argue on & on or try their very best to rationalize on this or that as medical “coincidental death” or that there maybe “some small risk-benefit” to the “toxic mRNA injections” etc.
    TRE can go check back on my past comments during 2021 to 2023 where I had MANY very longwinded debates (showing DATA & FACTS) with some of these characters (e.g. “ZhenZiDUMB” – who btw “disappeared” from this forum or maybe “up lorry” alleady?…after he LOST so badly to me on arguing for these “Xperimental mRNA jabs” which are NOT “vaxxines” at all but use the same word to FOOL many idiots here… including PAPies & Oppies. LOL)

    Back during those years of full-blown MASS STUPIDITY and recklessness of “No Jab No Job” policies & “gabrament” overreach in coercing these “Xperimental mRNA Jabs”… many Sinkies were perhaps uncertain.. but NOW in year 2024 it is OBVIOUS which side has won hands down and which side lost their girly panties and are now super malu and being laughed at while naked, like the Emperors new clothes. LOL.

    I didn’t even know of such a word as “anti-vaxxer” until I first heard it a few years ago. At first, I was also uncertain about who to believe, but then I went back to BASIC LOGIC and the more I think about it, the more Red Flags I discovered (too many to list here… but I guess many alleady know by now, such as :

    – no proper double-blind clinical trials before MASS rollout to inject into BILLIONS (including young children who are NOT at risk of Covid-19 at all and also pregnant women!),

    – Big Pharma HIDE data and want courts to release only after 75 years (later overturned which is why ALL the “ugly” data is spilling out)

    – Big Pharma HIDE data on injuries & deaths in aborted trials and hospitals help to “cover-up and DENY until cannot deny anymore (e.g. initial myocarditis cases after “vaxxination” were purposely silenced… until some Sinkie parents started to SUE and then our TCS no choice but meekly disclose that this was a “rare” case. Yes?/No? LOL. Anyway, its now known “vaxxine” induced myocarditis is definitely NOT “rare” at all. Many papers alleady show stats that many injected has undetected myocarditis (which again MSM say is “mild” now… still “chut pattern” just with different words and phrases. Yes? LOL)

    – Strange and weird requirements of keeping vials in sub-zero temperatures -30 Celsius etc.? WTF are in those vials? Yet NO ONE in “world-class” Sinkiepore bother to do a random sampling lab CHECK? LOL.

    – weird “coinicidence” of all Pharma companies using the MOST toxic part i.e.) “spike protein” to force your cells to produce and supposedly to “innoculate” you but we now know it causes overall inflammation, organ failures and other major issues than doing any good.

    – The constant mantra of “Safe & Effective” throughout Covid, when right from the start, the DATA does NOT say that at all! LOL. Now, in fact we all know the TRUTH but of course, no one likes to admit they are WRONG so all pretend like everything still “normal” and the Sinkie authorities continue to “act blur” because “No U-Turn” sign mah. Yes?/ No? Oso, PAPies dare NOT “U-turn” because once injected cannot “un-inject” and its irreversible liao lor. LOL.

    – Big Pharma legal indemnity using some special “contracts” which was NOT disclosed to public or was heavily redacted when requested by various concerned individuals etc.

    – Then hor… as the medical horrors started to pile up with time and is undeniable WW now… all the 90% SSS Sinkies can do is “diam diam” like macam all lost their balls liao LOL.

    When during the past 4 years they shout so loud & confidently “YaYa PAPaya” that the “Xperimental mRNA Jabs” are “Safe & Effective” lor. Yes? LOL.

    – Many countries WW such as Japs minister oso apologize and even nearby Msia recently show & tell in public on their “vax” DEATHS:

    Even the obedient Japs (like 90% SSS Sinkies) now oso protest openly liao…but Sinkies cannot lah & no one here dare to put up “vax death” seminars or hold public discussions so all 90% jabbed Sinkies SiLENT like little shaved lambs? LOL.

    Even our Msian neighbors now way ahead of SSS Sinkies in admitting their folly. Yes?/No? LOL.

    That’s why I NEVER take even 1 single jab of the ridiculous “Xperimental mRNA jabs” because just too many obvious red flags and ProPAPganda for it.

    Somehow, my lifetime distrust of PAPies “saved” me in a funny way… I’ve often profited by doing the OPPOSITE of what PAPes tell me.
    E.g.) When PAPies tell me go study this course, I do other courses because I know it will be saturated, or when PAPies tell me to “Jump Up” at some “opportunity”, I purposely “squat down” or know its time to SELL it rather than buy into it blindly. Yes?/No? LOL.

    My experience served me well financially and now it may even have saved my health / life or decades of expensive medical bills etc. during the past few years of “Xperimental mRNA jabs”. LOL.

    The more PAPies insists its good, then its probably bad for you, which is why the more they push it (even using ridiculous “jab mandates” of Lanjiao Loong LEEgal “Lor-by-Lor”) the MORE I resisted and today I’m actually proud of being called an “anti-vaxxer” although I often correct it to say I’m “pro-Critical Thinking”. LOL.

    I knew many would fall into this “Pharmakiea” trap despite my warnings, because SSS Sinkies are like that one lah (they will NOT repent and will still die die believe in PAPies LIES or Half-Truths without thinking and Luv them till their dying day, even if MIW say “Sinkies are daft”. Yes?/No? LOL)

    So argue so much oso useless… diehards (like typical dumbF**k “Free Riders” will be diehards no matter what, yes? LOL)

    Until Karma strikes them and they get Turbo Cancer or some severe health problems, on their death beds they will STILL NOT admit its due to the “DNA-changing vaxxine” lah.

    Just like this “pro-vax” UK PM who kenna Karma damn jialat, but still he NEVER say sorry for pushing vax & he still clamor for the hand-clapping adoration of his “fans” in UK “Pariah-ment”. Pro-PAPies will oso be similar like this lor? Yes?/No? LOL.

    Oh finally, to those SSS Sinkies who still deny and think they are right in getting the “Xperimental mRNA Jabs”, then ask yourself WHY the head of WHO himself, did NOT take the jab at all ?!! LOL.

    Whenever, I tell this to “denialist” SSS Sinkies (those 90% who are still alive but “blur sotong”)… they all dumb-founded and then **crickets** like “chui tat tio sai” / nothing left to say when they know they have been FOOLed but simply too malu to admit they were just gullible sheep or weak-willed SPINELESS lor. Hence 90% here are forever SSS? so the 10% “Vax-FREE” can just enjoy your weekends without worries. LOL.

    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says:

    Spineless Sinkie Syndrome: I think this TRE website now is oso like WP i.e.) Wayang Party as part of “Controlled Opposition” outlet for local Sinkies to vent but actually is geared to keep SSS Sinkies stupid & compliant. Why I say that is because I notice some factual (but harsh TRUTH) comments are somehow “shadow-banned” (e.g. cannot upload comment) or is quietly removed supposedly by some “moderator”…. like some recent comments on “vaxxines”. The day any online forum stop comments (like Yahoot) or censor it (like FB), then I will leave it for good.

    Agree. Some of my comments just simply disappear into the cyber worm-hole like my recent rebuttal to “be fair!” TOS? be fair? MY FOOT!

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Idiots flock together:
    Among the most idiotic comments.

    All you non-oppos cannot comment about opposition. Because you have never been in the opposition. Now, take your own medicine and shut up.

    You are an idiot like Goh Meng Seng.

    Some field are meant for professional, not generalist.

    If idiot like Goh Meng Seng or Lim Tean cannot live up to what they said, how can voters trust Opposition ?

    Better to vote PAP…at least PAP got action whereas Oppie got no action except talk cawk sing song like Ukrainian who voted for freedom but ran away when war start.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Idiots flock together:
    Among the most idiotic comments.

    All you non-oppos cannot comment about opposition. Because you have never been in the opposition. Now, take your own medicine and shut up.

    And you Opposition cannot comment about PAP being undemocratic. Because you Opposition have never been running Singapore and dare not called US undemocratic. Now, take your medicine and shut up.

    In God We Trust America lies about Iraq WMD like China lies on Tibet

    Former Trump adviser John Bolton admits to planning foreign coups

    10 minutes: How the CIA Destabilizes the world | Jeffrey Sachs

    GD Star Rating
  • @Spineless Sinkie Syndrome

    Based on your feedback, I went through the last 30 days’s logs and noticed that there are no comments that fit your description being deleted. Most of the comments that were deleted were marked as SPAM by Akismat, nothing to do with regular readers.

    Additionally, based on feedback and my interactions with other socio-political webmasters, it is a fact that readership for most alternative media has dropped significantly, suggestions that sinkies are geting more and more apolitical or they are too busy making ends meet, hence no time to cry father cry mother anymore.

    When readership goes down, so does the ads revenue as most work on CPM, those I spoke to have also confirmed this. Unless there are stealth backers, most cannot and will not survive on CPM ads alone. So this is not only a TRE problem, it affects most alternative media.

    With TOC (Gutzy) being DOL again and TRE planning to shut down for good, what I see in the future is a blogosphere of lame and tame readers crying father crying mother on supposed new socio-political sites setup by those related to you know who, like the mothership.

    Compared to the TOC and TRE wave decades ago, another 100s of these sites would not have made any significant difference, I would opine.

    But then, if sinkies cannot be bothered to support genuine alternative websites like TOC and TRE, then so be it, it’s their choice, and we respect that.

    GD Star Rating
  • Real Loss:

    Over the last 30 days, at least 10 of my comments disappear/never appear. “Submit comment” and the system are not working properly.

    TRE Tech: @Spineless Sinkie Syndrome

    Based on your feedback, I went through the last 30 days’s logs and noticed that there are no comments that fit your description being deleted. Most of the comments that were deleted were marked as SPAM by Akismat, nothing to do with regular readers.

    GD Star Rating
  • @Real Loss

    I have no issue with posting this reply to you on my desktop and I tested with mobile to, I have no issue.

    However, it may be due to the cache so I would advise that you ensure that once you hit submit, wait for the “pending moderation” comment of yours to appear before you close or leave the page.

    I will run further tests to see if I can replicate the problem.

    Thank you for your feedback.

    GD Star Rating
  • 有两把刷子的人不多!:


    这就好比“演说者角落”。开始的时候,在那边kpkb 的人争先恐后。不一会儿,只有良辰吉时才能见到一小群人在那里靠北。其他时候只有几个老人在树阴下打盹。


    TRE Tech:

    Additionally, based on feedback and my interactions with other socio-political webmasters, it is a fact that readership for most alternative media has dropped significantly, suggestions that sinkies are geting more and more apolitical or they are too busy making ends meet, hence no time to cry father cry mother anymore.

    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says:

    Be fair!:
    If minister of health has to be medically trained, it is not unreasonable to demand that any one making comments on any medical issue should have the same qualifications!

    It is just extremely dangerous for a “ kalonguni” to build a skyscraper!

    To measure how just the $$$ingaporean fairness system is, ask a simple question: To what extent does money affect the outcome? Fairness as a personal virtue and FAIRNESS as a social virtue can look very different.

    [OK. Now I hit submit and wait for ‘pending moderation’ ]

    GD Star Rating
  • TheUnsaid:

    TRE Tech: When readership goes down, so does the ads revenue as most work on CPM, those I spoke to have also confirmed this. Unless there are stealth backers, most cannot and will not survive on CPM ads alone. So this is not only a TRE problem, it affects most alternative media.

    Cannot just solely depend on the ‘sup sup water’ readers/ads revenue for sustenance, lah. Since Gutzy being DOL. TRE got more chance to get financially-solid stealth backers. Why isn’t it happening? Important question TRE had to ask themselves. I find almost 100% ‘covert bias’ in your editorial topic/reporting and the ‘disappearance’ of comments with opposite views. What happen to ‘biggies’ like TKL or LHY or some others? It is small change to them.

    GD Star Rating
  • 能干的人同样爱财!:



    没听说过“ 有钱能使鬼推磨”?



    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says:



    没听说过“ 有钱能使鬼推磨”?



    我认为让这个小男孩吮吸他的舌头比给他钱更重要! lol

    GD Star Rating
  • 那只是他说得出口的。。。。:




    Dalai Says: 哈哈哈谁认真对待他了。我用他的名字来嘲笑他。
    我认为让这个小男孩吮吸他的舌头比给他钱更重要! lol

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:


    这就好比“演说者角落”。开始的时候,在那边kpkb 的人争先恐后。不一会儿,只有良辰吉时才能见到一小群人在那里靠北。其他时候只有几个老人在树阴下打盹。





    GD Star Rating
  • Narist:

    A real narcist.
    You are here fighting against yourself and enjoying the success. Never mind half lose. The other half is still winning. hahaha.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: 沒有人能像我這樣。有始有終。十年如一日,我在這裡與反對黨及米國中國的棋子口水戰快十年了

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