
Taiwan faces 6th wave of COVID-19 as cases double in less than a week

Taiwan's Centers for Disease Control (TCDC) says COVID-19 is becoming an epidemic in the country again after a long break, with over 600 cases reported in the past week.

The latest figures released shows 38 deaths and 600 warded in less than a week from 11th June to 17th June.

TCDC says the latest wave is expected to peak in August or September.



44 Responses to “Taiwan faces 6th wave of COVID-19 as cases double in less than a week”

  • 都是高端疫苗的错!:


    都是台湾使用自己研发的“高端疫苗” 惹的祸!

    GD Star Rating
  • Observer:

    Taiwan is involved in AI.

    AI can enable autonomous vehicles to anticipate the intended paths of other road users.

    Oligopolies can use autonomous vehicles to dominate global logistics.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    How come Taiwan news and not so good news ?

    How come never China flood news ?


    GD Star Rating
  • Observer:

    Some people alleged that Henry Kissinger once said: control the food and you control people.

    Autonomous logistics oligopolists may collude to control food supplies.

    If I have the capital and knowhow, I would set up autonomous logistics company and wait for the oligopolists to buy me out.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:


    都是台湾使用自己研发的“高端疫苗” 惹的祸!



    GD Star Rating
  • No time for covid:

    Taiwan independence leaders are hiding in their basement. No time to take care of covid.

    GD Star Rating
  • Taiwan also China:

    What talking you?

    PAP mandate strong:
    How come Taiwan news and not so good news ?

    How come never China flood news ?


    GD Star Rating
  • More Vaccine Secrets:

    Philippines to probe US anti-vax propaganda campaign – Reuters
    The Pentagon-run operation was reportedly intended to misinform people about China’s Covid vaccine.

    Philippines lawmakers are planning to launch an investigation into an undercover propaganda campaign conducted by the US military to cast doubt on the Chinese Covid-19 vaccine at the height of the pandemic, Reuters reports, citing documents.

    The Philippines was among the nations that suffered the worst from coronavirus infection rates in the region, as the country’s authorities struggled to persuade people to get vaccinated.

    The move comes in response to allegations that a Pentagon-run operation to smear the Chinese vaccine Sinovac was conducted between spring 2020 and mid-2021. The campaign focused on the Philippines before spreading to other countries in Asia and the Middle East, Reuters reported earlier this month, citing former US military officials.

    The campaign reportedly used fake social media accounts impersonating locals to criticize Sinovac and spread claims that test kits and masks produced in the country were of poor quality.

    Many sheep here were b—-washed.

    GD Star Rating
  • 没菜叩入:





    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Since you insist.

    Then why no Guangdong GuangXi An Hui Guilin flood news or Cheng Du subway under construction collapsed news ?

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    So,Taiwan is more transparent about things.
    Here ,does MSM attempt to be a transparent news agency.
    Or,is MSM a PAPaganda vehicle?
    Leber mine,Ong You Con can get boosted more often.
    Just dont dump shits onto us.
    Sgs have been over-dumped with different species of germs together with the planeloads of aliens here.

    Well,guess Sg needs more aliens to “do the job$ sgs insist on doing”???
    So,lets make these dafts do the jobs FTs dont like to do?

    Whats wrong blaming daft sgs especially senior sgs who need to downgrade for pushing HDB above $1M???
    Dont blame others like PRs.
    We are dying to make them NEW CITIZENS.
    Wonder WHY these PRs reject the SG CITIZENSHIP WE OFFER THEM?

    Well,die die must replace all these daft sgs with more alien$.
    Dont blame these PRs for not accepting the Sg Citizenship we offer them.
    Sgs are to be blamed!
    Its not the PRs’fault.
    And,its not “OUR” fault.

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    This is now the Pandemic of the Vaccinated. The spike proteins from the mRNA shot have collapsed their immune system. Time for them to get their funeral services in order and make their Will.

    Same with $tupid $inkies. It was estimated the jabbed will meet their fate after the 5th year, if not before. Time to get ready also.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    July 24, 11am. First lawsuit against London School of Economics.

    Visit TREMERITUS to get your update.
    T$ai LSE 1.5 PHD scam is near its end.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    No time for covid:
    Taiwan independence leaders are hiding in their basement. No time to take care of covid.

    Hahaha..good one. Maybe not basement.
    40% Lai could be hiding under Nancy Pelosi skirt.

    Lai and those 40% who pushed for war with China should be at the frontline to face the Sissy (CCP) Pee soldiers and not ran away like the Ukrainians.

    GD Star Rating
  • Pardoned Already?:

    TRE ban you on this 1.5 stuff. You pay your way out?

    This is just a diversion. Not interesting. Waiting for China to convict her in absentia.

    Singaporean R Free Rider:
    July 24, 11am. First lawsuit against London School of Economics.

    Visit TREMERITUS to get your update.
    T$ai LSE 1.5 PHD scam is near its end.

    GD Star Rating
  • Just anyhow say can leow:






    PAP mandate strong:
    Since you insist.

    Then why no Guangdong GuangXi An Hui Guilin flood news or Cheng Du subway under construction collapsed news ?

    GD Star Rating
  • CNA brainwashed:

    the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo has told
    the Japanese government it has no right
    to meddle in South China Sea disputes
    between Beijing and Manila Japan had
    earlier expressed concerns over repeated
    actions that obstruct freedom of
    navigation including this confrontation
    on Monday that saw Chinese Coast Guard
    vessels block Philippine Navy boats as
    they headed to the second Thomas Shaw

    CNA echoes Jap/US propaganda turning a territory dispute into a “freedom of navigation.” CNA should demand SAF freedom of navigation to go up the Sumida river, or the Mississippi river.

    GD Star Rating
  • 伍贵孩子。:




    GD Star Rating
  • Sinkies are dumbies:

    Walans,now Singaporean R Free Rider is the main commenter at TRE.
    Like that sinkies sure condemn.
    SRFR is non sinkie,at least not true blue judging by all his anti-sinkues remarks.
    TRE belongs to SRFR.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ 新闻报道当然是报道和自己国家习习相关的事件。


    Then report Hamas , Palestinians 卖惨 , 又关我等舍鸟事 ?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Pardoned Already?:
    TRE ban you on this 1.5 stuff. You pay your way out?

    This is just a diversion. Not interesting. Waiting for China to convict her in absentia.

    Yes, I pay my way out by telling the truth, nothing but the truth.

    When T$ai is in power, people give face and cover up for her.

    Now that she is out of power, people no longer fear her.

    Can you answer my 2 questions below? Don’t run away.
    1. How many 1.5 PHD degree had LSE awarded since its inception?
    2. Name me one other reputed University beside LSE that award 1.5 PHD degree.

    If Singaporeans PMET wants their jobs, they better grow some balls and hunt down all fake degree holders.
    China’s exam cheating scandal

    India’s exam cheating scandal

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    rice: So,Taiwan is more transparent about things.

    Taiwan more transparent ? Go get your brain check.
    You are very stupid to believe all that Roy Ngerng said.

    Taiwan does not even allow anyone to view T$ai PHD and her PHD is a classified state secret for 30 years.$ai-*****-of-Taiwan-deemed-a-national-state-secret

    LSE is paying a heavy price for Saif Gaddafi’s PhD

    GD Star Rating
  • Sheep In and Out:

    Only sheep believe 1.5 PhD.
    What to do? Sheep. Total sheep. A lot less than real sheep.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Can you answer my 2 questions below? Don’t run away.
    1. How many 1.5 PHD degree had LSE awarded since its inception?
    2. Name me one other reputed University beside LSE that award 1.5 PHD degree.

    GD Star Rating
  • 老子李耳说。。。。。:


    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    This type of news more concern us.

    Well China Good, I have one packet 500g unopened unexpire until sep 15 2024.
    You want ? 免费赠送. FOC. Free delivery. You can eat until 爽爽.

    Was a gift from colleague travelled back ( outstationed short trip ) from China on March/Apr. As im not interested all along i never touch. Chucked in the back of the food cupboard. Other colleagues also received a packet. All throw away. Some colleague eat half. This colleague who bought 搞到 damn paiseh.

    GD Star Rating
  • Heard that Sinkieland’s latest wave has peaked, but it is still pushing for vax vax vax, must still got a lot of balance stock left, I supposed?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Sheep In and Out:
    Only sheep believe 1.5 PhD.
    What to do? Sheep. Total sheep. A lot less than real sheep.

    Yes, only sheep believe in In God We Tru$t Americunt advocate of Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights.

    Yes or No ?

    We must sue Opposition Goh Meng Seng/Jolovan Wham for promoting and spreading fake news that America/West has freedom, Democracy and human rights where actually there is none when you speak against them.

    Contrast between US and HK campus protest is amazing

    Download and share!!! Sue..Sue..Sue..Sue till their pants drop.

    When you serve their interest, you (or Wagner Group) are freedom fighter.

    When you are against their interest, you (or Wagner Group) are terrorist.

    Please download this video before YT deleted it. (link still valid as on 28 June 2024)

    Please screen capture this before twitter deleted it. (link still valid as on 28 June 2024)

    GD Star Rating
  • Japan, red yeast rice danger:

    This is also.

    Singapore recalls sake containing ingredient potentially linked to death, hospitalisations in Japan.

    TOKYO: Japanese health supplement maker Kobayashi Pharmaceutical said on Friday (Jun 28) it was probing 76 more deaths possibly linked to its tablets containing red yeast rice, or “beni koji”, meant to lower cholesterol.

    PAP mandate strong: This type of news more concern us.

    Well China Good, I have one packet 500g unopened unexpire until sep 15 2024.
    You want ? 免费赠送. FOC. Free delivery. You can eat until 爽爽.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    This shows our sg gov and japan gov performed responsibly. Alert and recalled suspected products as long deemed harmful and unsafe.

    No worries.

    China recalled the above walnut boh ?
    I dont see any recall news in the China media. Perhaps i missed please highlight for me.

    Anyway i wont force you to swallow those walnuts. Throw away this morning already.

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    Pappies are easily satisfied. Pay millions but satisfied with $1000 performance.

    PAP mandate strong: This shows our sg gov and japan gov performed responsibly. Alert and recalled suspected products as long deemed harmful and unsafe.

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    China food checks are so active, compared to Singapore. I have serious doubts about food safety in Singapore.

    PAP mandate strong: China recalled the above walnut boh ?
    I dont see any recall news in the China media. Perhaps i missed please highlight for me.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    In that case, i only see 2 options.

    1) Get oppositions to make query in parliament about food safety. But you need to present your case with some evidence or benefits of doubt.

    2) Feel free to relocate to China anytime.

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    There is no need to push the blame/responsibility to the opposition.

    The SFA is so tiny that it has to depend on FA’s in other countries, e.g. French goat cheese. It’s own detection is minimal, but it’s use of other countries’ FA is also minimal. The facts are all there. Compare SFA food notices with other countries’. All online and reachable with our computers.

    Our education motto: do less, earn more.

    PAP mandate strong:
    In that case, i only see 2 options.

    1) Get oppositions to make query in parliament about food safety. But you need to present your case with some evidence or benefits of doubt.

    2) Feel free to relocate to China anytime.

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    Where’s SFA?

    ‘We were disgusted’: Diners at fast food chain get 2 burgers with maggots in a row.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Maggot is maggot. Was there any denying. Immediately report plus settlement on both side.
    China on the other thing. Rat head duck neck. But initial handling by the school was denial. Subsequently local authority ( police ??? ) also deny. Student force to apologize. Eventually need an higher expert and higher authority to define its a rat head. Issue drag for weeks.

    Didnt TR sometime ago, post a article here about …is it chocolate or coffee or coco powder ? I cannot remember exactly. Theres bugs or cockroach in it. Something like that. I like chocolate especially dark chocolate. Every week at least a bar. And i drink coffee daily. So what.

    One is maggot one is walnut with 化学品, 2 separate matters.

    And why not oppositions ? If its a issue theres a concern. Raise the alarm in parliament. I dont see any problem.

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    You people vote for pap and you want the opposition to raise alarms for you?

    PAP mandate strong: And why not oppositions ? If its a issue theres a concern. Raise the alarm in parliament. I dont see any problem.

    GD Star Rating
  • China Super Powerful:

    One phone call from Xi can end the Ukraine war!

    China can end the Ukraine war with a single phone call to Putin, says NATO member.

    “I argue that Russia is so dependent on China right now that one phone call from President Xi Jinping would solve this crisis,” Finland President Alexander Stubb said of the Chinese leader.”If he were to say, ‘Time to start negotiating peace.’ Russia would be forced to do that.”

    Tech: Maybe Xi could, but even I won’t do it if I were Xi. China don’t need NATO planting nukes right at its doorstep, neither does Russia. So I would support Putin to continue till clown Zelensky is taking care of or Ukraine surrenders and pledge that it will NEVER join NATO.

    GD Star Rating
  • Finland Trouble:

    That Finland one is tasked to create trouble between China and Russia.

    “We have repeatedly stated with good reason that Russia-China relations, our comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation, are going through the best period in their history,” the Russian leader said. They are “guided by the principles of equality, mutual benefit and respect for each other’s sovereignty,” he added.

    The Chinese president in turn noted that his regular meetings with Putin are “not just a good tradition of ours, but also the symbol of the high level that Russian-Chinese relations enjoy.”
    Shanghai Cooperation Organization is bedrock of multipolar world – Putin READ MORE: Shanghai Cooperation Organization is bedrock of multipolar world – Putin

    The leaders agreed to enhance ties to safeguard their countries’ legitimate interests, with Putin calling it a “main stabilizing factor on the international stage.”

    “Facing an international situation fraught with turbulence and changes, the two countries should keep upholding the original aspiration of lasting friendship, and sticking to the determination of benefiting the people,” Xi added.

    GD Star Rating
  • Erexantar Stubbornev:

    During the recent debate between Biden and Trump, CNN calculated that Trump lied 29 times while debating Biden.

    Yes, Caucasian used to tell lies to get things done.

    Finland president Alexandre Stubb is a 100% Caucasian, isn’t he?

    China Super Powerful:
    One phone call from Xi can end the Ukraine war!

    China can end the Ukraine war with a single phone call to Putin, says NATO member.

    “I argue that Russia is so dependent on China right now that one phone call from President Xi Jinping would solve this crisis,” Finland President Alexander Stubb said of the Chinese leader.”If he were to say, ‘Time to start negotiating peace.’ Russia would be forced to do that.”

    Tech: Maybe Xi could, but even I won’t do it if I were Xi. China don’t need NATO planting nukes right at its doorstep, neither does Russia. So I would support Putin to continue till clown Zelensky is taking care of or Ukraine surrenders and pledge that it will NEVER join NATO.

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    Whenever I see news on product recall, 2 issues in my mind:
    1) why release product in the market before sampling test finished?
    Is it not a requirement to check sampling for every new lot of production?
    2) what if consumers are not aware of the recall news, what will happen to them?

    Citing from SFA website, ” Another recent example of food recall by the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) includes gluten in Taste Original’s Organic Mee Suar (300g) from Malaysia, which was not declared on the food packaging labels. As gluten is an allergen, SFA has directed the importer to recall the implicated product.”

    Do SFA check labels for imported products? Or is there any requirement that businesses must send in labels for checking before permit release?

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    Typical pappy reaction.
    We handled it very professionally. There are worst cases in Timbuktu. Please return your multimillion salary and get the salaries in Timbuktu. Remember how they reported hospital death cases as a success.

    PAP mandate strong: Yeah.
    Maggot is maggot. Was there any denying. Immediately report plus settlement on both side.
    China on the other thing. Rat head duck neck. But initial handling by the school was denial. Subsequently local authority ( police ??? ) also deny. Student force to apologize. Eventually need an higher expert and higher authority to define its a rat head. Issue drag for weeks.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Erexantar Stubbornev:
    During the recent debate between Biden and Trump, CNN calculated that Trump lied 29 times while debating Biden.

    Yes, Caucasian used to tell lies to get things done.

    Finland president Alexandre Stubb is a 100% Caucasian, isn’t he?

    This is a completely lopsided and biased piece of comments.

    Above comment is an outright lies. Be a Fact Checker.

    SGSecure Fact Checker:
    Yes, Caucasian used to tell lies to get things done. (Iraq War)

    Chinese also used to tell lies to get things done.

    Indian also used to tell lies to get things done.

    Pro Democracy Pastor Wu also used to tell lies to get things done.

    Democratic police attacked unarmed camera-man to stop Freedom of Speech

    Venerable Mingyi also used to tell lies to get things done. (live in Condo with donors money)

    GD Star Rating
  • Fake Singaporean:

    Stop hiding.
    Answer now. Truthfully.

    Fake Singaporean:
    Don’t hide. Don’t twist words.
    Just answer yes or no.
    Did you receive free medical health care and treatment?
    It’s the exact question, word for word, that you asked someone here.

    GD Star Rating
  • Fake Singaporean:

    Answer now. Truthfully.

    Fake Singaporean: Stop hiding.
    Answer now. Truthfully.

    GD Star Rating
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