
Civil unrest erupts in Israel

In an unprecedented wave of civil unrest, tens of thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets in Tel Aviv and al-Quds, demanding new elections and a prisoner exchange deal with the Palestinian resistance group Hamas.

The massive protests erupted on Saturday night (June 22), with demonstrators expressing their discontent with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's administration and its handling of negotiations for the release of Israeli captives held in Gaza.



9 Responses to “Civil unrest erupts in Israel”

  • Although I am strongly against violence of any sort, I will make an exception for this evil genocidal maniac and his cahoots in the Zionist Jews regime in Israel.

    I hope that when he and his cahoots is finally taken care of, it won’t be an easy death but death by a thousand cuts for all the suffering that they have caused to innocent men, women and children.

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  • 好勇斗狠!:


    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    BIDEN,HAMAS OR NETTY OR PUTIN ,they are the same.

    It is Good Force or Evil Force.
    No difference for demon-crazy or commies.
    Good leads to Peace.
    Evil wants War snd more Wars.

    Greed and Lust for Power.
    Vanity of vanities,ALL IS VANITY.
    For Humility brings WISDOM n TRUE PEACE.


    GD Star Rating
  • Loss for humanity:

    WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange should never have been jailed in the first place, former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has told RT in an exclusive interview.

    Correa, who granted Assange asylum in his country’s embassy in London in 2012, spoke to RT shortly after the news broke that the Australian had been released from prison in the UK as part of a plea deal with the US Justice Department.

    “Julian Assange is persecuted for telling the truth, not for lying. And he is the truth teller, the persecuted, the punished, the one buried alive in a prison, when the ones in prison should have been the war criminals,” Correa said.

    China and Chinese should Assange for exposing western lies about 6/4. Even after that, western lies continue. As long as there are sheep eager to swallow.

    GD Star Rating
  • Assange:

    Live updates: Hearing to free WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange gets underway, former PM Kevin Rudd in tow

    When asked how important the unwavering support has been for Julian Assange from those around him, his father John Shipton says “it’s the essence.”

    “The Australian people — I am so proud of them,” he says.

    “It is the first time we can walk out and look in the sun and say to ourselves ‘we did a sovereign act’

    The previous Aust PM did nothing. He was a complete stooge.

    Tech: Err… he already released from UK prison and is now back in Australia. Your news outdated liao lor.

    GD Star Rating
  • Assange:

    The time when I posted, the news was up to the hour news. When TRE approved it, that was hours later.

    Now: Aust PM claims credit. (The previous Aust PM did nothing. He was a complete stooge.)

    PM pays tribute to officials who helped make today happen
    Courtney Gould profile image
    1m ago

    By Courtney Gould

    The PM pays tribute to the tireless work of officials at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Foreign Minister Penny Wong, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus and other officials.

    He also thanks Australian ambassador to the US Kevin Rudd and UK High Commissioner Stephen Smith who travelled home with Assange.

    “This is the culmination of careful, patient and determined advocacy work that I am very proud of.”

    Assange: Tech: Err… he already released from UK prison and is now back in Australia. Your news outdated liao lor.

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    It is a fact that Israel is ceasing to exist. No country – other than the genocidal USA – is dealing with them in any way. No trade, no economic ties no nothing. No one wants to do business with mass murderers. And this is not just that evil dictator Netanyahu.. The Joos are willingly murdering the helpless Gazans and they do not intend to stop.

    Even if Jooland manages to kill off the Gazans, they will only survive if the USA keeps propping up the economy. And most Joos who have dual citienship have left or are leaving. Any Joo still staying in Jooland is going to be the target for Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran for decades to come. No economy, slowly and surely being killed off and a shrinking population that will become extinct – the same the Joos wanted for the Gazans – is now their fate.

    It may take a couple of decades, but Jooland is already on its deathbed.

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    From the latest news, Julian Assange has been freed. It seems the evil USA has now been exposed as the criminal origanisation it really is, and does not want to invite more ridicule and anti-American uprising around the world. I would say it is too late for that.

    Loss for humanity:
    WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange should never have been jailed in the first place, former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has told RT in an exclusive interview.

    Correa, who granted Assange asylum in his country’s embassy in London in 2012, spoke to RT shortly after the news broke that the Australian had been released from prison in the UK as part of a plea deal with the US Justice Department.

    “Julian Assange is persecuted for telling the truth, not for lying. And he is the truth teller, the persecuted, the punished, the one buried alive in a prison, when the ones in prison should have been the war criminals,” Correa said.

    China and Chinese should Assange for exposing western lies about 6/4. Even after that, western lies continue. As long as there are sheep eager to swallow.

    GD Star Rating
  • @Harder Truths

    The reason why Israel is still ‘alive’ today is that the US is feeding it, like you said. However, we know that this cannot and will not go on forever as Biden is likely to lose hsi seat come November. The new President is likely to be non-democrats, so AIPAC will have little effect in the White House. Currently, the US gift about $4b to Israel on a yearly basis and that alone will not be sufficient to keep Israel alive that is for sure.

    The other reason why Israel can afford to continue the genocide is because of American arselicking nations like Saudi, Jordan and Turkey. Israel is being supplied by these countries via land bridge. Turkey has an oil pipe to supply it with oil, Qatar and Saudi still supply food and goods to Israel.

    So unless these land lines are shut off, Israel will continue to invade Lebanon as they say they would and the world would act blur while the axis of resistance fights the diaper IDF.

    Israel knows only one language and it is violence and power, so only the Hezbollah can teach them a strong lesson and I hope they do.

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