
Hypocrisy in PM Lawrence Wong’s message of success

It must be the biggest guff ever uttered by a prime minister that can be the apex of a stateman. How can a sane (maybe questionable) PM Lawrence Wong spout such egregious crap in his message of emphazising the need for a broader definition of success in Singapore to move away from the SC's - cash, car, credit card, condominium and country club - citing their adverse effects.

What kind of abject hypocrisy is that when the prime minister and his cohorts are wallowing in luxury with their obscene astronimical pay while the plebeian Singaporeans are struggling with a high cost of living? PM Lawrence Wong has not even touched on the neccesity of reducing the obscene ministerial pay when there is now a torrent of of demand to start looking into the urgency of modifying down the astronomical ministerial salaries which PM Lawrence Wong may ignore at his peril.

There is a very caustic article in the Independent Singapore website today by Academic Prof Donald Low of Hong Kong University which calls out PAP's hypocrisy, blatant double standard and self-righteousness which he derided as contemptible..He does not mince his words in admonishing the PAP to stop its preaching and talking down to the people and check its hypocritical holier-than-thou attitude. Prof Low was the Associate Dean executive and education at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore before he resigned in 2018. He now teaches at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

His pungent critique covers the period from Lee Hsien Loong as prime minister and extends to our parvenu prime minister Lawrence Wong who started promisingly as an iconoclast but seems to slide into disorientation, especially on the critical matter of reducing he obscene ministerial pay. He seems to be enraptured by Lee Hsien Loong's affluent luxurious livelihood and the thought of relinguishing it is now an aversion to him, notwithstanding whether the queston of plundering the people's wealth can be a denouement into something more ominous now or in the future to force the hands of PM Lawrence Wong to concede to public demand.


Yoong Siew Wah



34 Responses to “Hypocrisy in PM Lawrence Wong’s message of success”

  • New 3F Success:

    5Cs are beyond most Singaporeans’ dreams.

    New Success: 3F
    Food voucher.
    Free vege (from you know where, see BBatok)
    Free labor contribution (how many food trays have you returned?)

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    Sticks and stones. He knows he is untouchable. History and the electorate are on his side.

    The Regime will still get 70% of the votes, at least. And laughing all the way to the bank(s). Ask the $heeple not to do this, and they will say “oh no – who will save us from CoVID?”.

    Accept that the vaxxed $inkies are doomed and will be gone in a few short years. What does it mean to be a $inkie anyway? Nothing that can’t be replaced.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    $M Lee will tell sgs to go chase that rainbow.
    But,in truth,the rainbow turns up to be a LIMBO.
    5Cs is now a taboo except if you are of the PAPpy block.
    Actually PAPpy$ have 6 C
    They want to CONtrol in addition to the 5Cs.
    Whatever,the daft sinkies will never learn.
    Daft sinkies love to get $crewed,the deeper ,the more shiok?

    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says:

    A quote attributed to Gandhi is the most relevant explanation to the answer of the question “what does utopia look like”. When asked what he thought about the overpopulation and poverty of his country, his reply was, “The world is big enough to satisfy everyone’s needs, but will always be too small to satisfy everyone’s greed”.

    GD Star Rating
  • Kekiripusing!:

    The Cs were the subject of discussion amongst some members of the public.

    Can’t recall which political leader ever promised everyone to have that.

    The party which produced that kind of gugu leaders would have gone down to the dirty drain long ago.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Dear Yoong,
    Did you receive free medical health care and treatment ?

    Can you tell us the truth ?

    GD Star Rating
  • VFC:

    High Yearly ministerial Pay effect On Cost of living Result in Inequality SYstem.

    Under the pappy HYPOCRISY system it will have a direct or indirect effect on cost of living & as a result the rich gets richer as the system favours the rich & the poor gets poorer widening the wealth gap.

    The plebeian Singaporeans continue to suffer!

    Will you leave it to fate or have faith that the pappy system can be changed?


    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Dear Yoong,
    This is what your democratic ROC Taiwan 40% President Lai say:
    Please take low wages and take it as doing charity

    All pro democratic supporters please heal the call of a democratic 40% President.

    Be Cheaper, Better and Faster.

    Democratic Ukraine Zelensky had no more soldiers to fight the Russian troops.
    All pro democratic supporters please fly to Ukraine frontline to spill blood and died for your Americunt ma$ter of Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights.

    GD Star Rating
  • 2Daft2Live:

    GCT: I promise all of you a Swiss standard of living.

    (Daft sinkies: Yes, let’s aim for the moon!)

    LHL: We will have a better tomorrow.

    (Daft sinkies: Yes, we still got a bright future.)

    LW: Let’s lower our expectations.

    (Daft sinkies: ……..)


    GD Star Rating

    It is not the PAP that needs to change, it is us who keep voting them in.Since GCT legislated paying himself and his cabinet $3m we have approved it by voting them in without fail.So why keep complaining after it is done? Want a change? Do it at the ballot box. We already know that we do not have a government acting in the State or Citizens’ interest. If you elect them in again, pay for all increases because that is their governance style. They will not establish a living wage as our elderly are considered liability and a burden to the State.

    GD Star Rating
  • Har Har? Har!:

    New 3F Success:
    5Cs are beyond most Singaporeans’ dreams.

    New Success: 3F
    Food voucher.
    Free vege (from you know where, see BBatok)
    Free labor contribution (how many food trays have you returned?)

    Free petrol (scoop from the sea; no need go Johor)
    Free lucky ‘f*cks’ for gays @ Hong Lim Park (1st prize: MPs from pariahment/oppos)

    Now that makes 5 Har, Har? Har!

    GD Star Rating
  • NotMyProblem:

    1G did not promised any C. They just did what they were elected to do and they did it. Whatever they have done, we can still witness it till today!

    2G promised Swiss standard of living. Till now I only see PAP’s MPs and Ministers have those living. Citizen just sucking thumbs.

    3G no promises, just auto-pilot. Kept welcoming the rich, did not matter if the money was clean or not. Taking the easy way of governance.

    Now the 4G telling citizen to forget about the 5Cs. It is only just dreams, all going up in smoke. All the Cs are for themselves. You can see it yourselves even if you are blind.

    GE is coming. For the younger voters, ask yourselves are you better than your parents or grandparents?

    I belong to your grandparents’ era, under the 1G. I have changed from a 3-room flat to a 5-room flat and later changed to 5-room premium. My mortgage were paid up years back. I have changed car 3 times.

    My education level may not be as high as yours now, but I changed and found jobs easily. Now, even with your overseas degrees, you find it so difficult to land a job!

    I paid for my child’s overseas university education, not loan. If not for the parents’ connection she would be difficult to find a job. And now she find it so difficult to pay for her BTO.

    So think and ask, you are supposed to be better than your parents, are you? You can change this by voting wisely. Do you want to depend on vouchers to survive?

    For your info, there was no vouchers before. In fact, there were salary cut for everyone, even for Ministers!

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    I like to share a truth,in fact,two.
    One,when Lee Ah Long was PEE-M,in defence of his nonchalance toward the plight of poor and elderly ,he told YOUNG HIGHLY EDUCATED SGS that the G cannot render “more social assistance” to the needy and elderly sgs as that would INCREASE THE FUTURE TAX BURDEN OF THE YOUNG SGS.
    Young sgs were heard telling their ageing parents that they (their parents n other elderly sgs) must CONTINUE TO WORK as they cannot depend on the G to give them “too much” social assistance as that would add to the young sgs’ tax burden!

    Meanwhile,across the table where i was seated for dinner,a young sg who boasted aloud a while ago that she was drawing a big salary as a “REGIONAL MANAGER” of an MNC,waited for her mother to “foot the bill” saying her “credit card” has got some issues???
    The loving mother obliged.

    Then again, when G announced BABY BONUS for young sgs,the young suddenly kept quiet about ITS EFFECT ON FUTURE TAX BURDEN?

    ALSO,WHEN G RAIDED OUR reserves to fund generous furlough even for MULTITUDES OF NON-sgs EXECUTIVE$ (Including INTRA-COMPANY FT-transferees who arrived just before the $100B Covid budget),YOUNG SGS KEPT QUIET AND PROBABLY THOUGHT SUCH RESERVES RAIDED FOR FURLOUGH WILL NOT INCREASE TAX BURDEN?


    WHAT HAPPENED TO THE $22.9K that those who received only $600 EACH were short-changed by none other than our very own G?

    You see,if more young educated sgs get screwed out of tbeir jobs,i will celebrate with teh tarik.
    These self-centred young sgs deserve to be screwed!

    Sg is no more for trublu sgs as could be easily demonstrated by the many ANTI-CITIZEN PUBLIC POLICIES including HOW OUR SGS’ RESERVES are BEING DISTRIBUTED???

    HDB AT $2M means MORE PRs will be laughing their way to thr bank and probably laughing their way across the Causeway or even to India and Phillipines.
    Elderly sgs kena bought at such high prices just becos they are forced to DOWMGRADE BY THE HIGH COL N DEPLETION OF LIFE’S SAVINGS.

    So,tell us the PUBLIC POLICIES ARE NOT BENEFITTING PRs and other alien$ at sgs’ grave expense?!

    Blame sgs like elderly for “pushing up” prices?
    Oh,come on lah,be more original!
    Daft,all daft from G to educated young sgs .
    LKY was saying the truth at Charlie Rose.
    We are all daft,no exception,gahmen and people.

    GD Star Rating
  • Fake Singaporean:

    FR, YOU tell us the truth.
    Did you receive free medical health care and treatment?

    Don’t run away. Answer NOW. Don’t hide.

    Singaporean R Free Rider:
    Dear Yoong,
    Did you receive free medical health care and treatment ?

    Can you tell us the truth ?

    GD Star Rating
  • Free Shuttle WHO pays?:

    ”New shuttle bus service to serve residents in Marine Parade GRC, MacPherson, Mountbatten”
    Whose tax payers monies are being used for these free shuttle.
    Why are these constituencies so special?
    GE 2024 has nothing to do with it?
    A lot of free vouchers and what-not appearing before election. expect more.
    Are the papigs MPs paying for these from their own pockets?

    New 3F Success:
    5Cs are beyond most Singaporeans’ dreams.

    New Success: 3F
    Food voucher.
    Free vege (from you know where, see BBatok)
    Free labor contribution (how many food trays have you returned?)

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    The voters have changed. Changed for the worse.
    Compare the 4Tan’s election and last yr election. The good voters have disappeared. Died off. 12 years is a very long period for old folks. The new voters are hopeless.

    It is not the PAP that needs to change, it is us who keep voting them in.Since GCT legislated paying himself and his cabinet $3m we have approved it by voting them in without fail.So why keep complaining after it is done? Want a change? Do it at the ballot box. We already know that we do not have a government acting in the State or Citizens’ interest. If you elect them in again, pay for all increases because that is their governance style. They will not establish a living wage as our elderly are considered liability and a burden to the State.

    GD Star Rating
  • Dr Tan Tai Wei:

    When Dr Goh Keng Swee was Education Minister, he expressed in private his concern that social inequality would result in social unrest, and that moral education was aimed at avoiding that via appeasing the have-nots. I said to him that government remuneration policy was adding to the inequality, and he replied that talents would leave and go elsewhere if not paid those high salaries. I then mused that perhaps morality might also effect in talents choosing to remain despite lower but fairer salaries. After all, talents who should be wiser and more educable, should respond to moral education better than the masses Dr Goh hoped to appease thereby.

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    Minister for Education
    In office
    12 February 1979 – 2 January 1985

    Biden met Putin in the 80’s.

    Dr Tan Tai Wei: When Dr Goh Keng Swee was Education Minister

    GD Star Rating
  • TV Ch 8 LJs & CBs:

    Same old response that one is tired of repeating. “You get the government you deserved” Young want easy life like those ‘influencers’ (4 days week/work from home), don’t want to married. Supports same sex marriage. Expect other people’s children to look after them when they’re old (f*ck them!)
    Old covet ‘CDC vouchers & any thing free’ There you go – your SINKIES!

    GD Star Rating
  • Trust only myself:

    As far as the ministerial salary is concern, nothing will change.
    The only change will be higher and higher, not cut.
    This, together with “blood transfusion” and “free vouchers”, is their winning formula for the next few decades.

    Voters are goons, even if oppositions propose to cut pay if elected, the the result would be forgone conclusion. Goons will be asking why they should vote for “cheap” candidates…..?

    Either way, just pay and pay more taxes, but better to have more “colors” in parliament then just one or two.

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    rice: I like to share a truth,in fact,two.
    One,when Lee Ah Long was PEE-M,in defence of his nonchalance toward the plight of poor and elderly ,he told YOUNG HIGHLY EDUCATED SGS that the G cannot render “more social assistance” to the needy and elderly sgs as that would INCREASE THE FUTURE TAX BURDEN OF THE YOUNG SGS.
    Young sgs were heard telling their ageing parents that they (their parents n other elderly sgs) must CONTINUE TO WORK as they cannot depend on the G to give them “too much” social assistance as that would add to the young sgs’ tax burden!

    Do not pity or give any help to the older generation. They are the rotten core of the problem always voting in the familee. Let them get their well-deserved karma. Soon their loving children will follow in their footsteps.

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    Free Rider. Come here now. Explain why your masters giving free service.

    “From June 30, residents can register for the service via the app TongTar Riders, which will generate a barcode that they must scan upon boarding a bus. ”

    And, explain why they are forcing the use of phone, which according to you, is exploiting child labor.

    Free Shuttle WHO pays?: ”New shuttle bus service to serve residents in Marine Parade GRC, MacPherson, Mountbatten”
    Whose tax payers monies are being used for these free shuttle.
    Why are these constituencies so special?

    GD Star Rating
  • 老子李耳说。。。:


    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    @Harder Truth

    Not all.
    In fact WP would not have won AJ if nit for older sgs.
    When those older sgs moved house or passed on,the percentage of WP with PAP (despite a weak PAP team compared to GY n team) kept reducing.
    Go check yourself.

    Many seniors who lived at AJ moved to Sengkang area.

    What about other GRCs?
    So far no decent outcome?
    In fact,MANY YOUNGER EDUCATED SINKIES WHO MARRIED PRs(foreigners) increasingly voted for PAP.

    But what you said is partly correct.
    There are seniors especially civil servants who continue voting for PAP.


    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Free Rider. Come here now. Explain why your masters giving free service.

    “From June 30, residents can register for the service via the app TongTar Riders, which will generate a barcode that they must scan upon boarding a bus. ”

    Ok. Here’s my explanation. A good government is like a responsible families head, if you had saved enough and had surplus, then you can plan for extras that your family will benefits.

    Again, different person had different definition of enough.

    And why need to register? This is to ensure that there is enough passengers to fill the bus before it is being despatched and also to filter out bad passengers who register but never turn up.

    And, explain why they are forcing the use of phone, which according to you, is exploiting child labor.

    This I had already explained in length to Relax. Go read it up yourselves here

    GD Star Rating
  • Hypocreek:

    So,who is not hypocrite at all?
    Anyone better than LW among them.
    WP not hypocrite?
    No one is perfect.
    We just try to be the best we can.
    Give him time.
    At least he won’t be worse than you-know-who.

    So,stop cowpeh and give the man a break.
    Bet you,he will be much better than the one before him.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    TV Ch 8 LJs & CBs:
    Same old response that one is tired of repeating. “You get the government you deserved” Young want easy life like those ‘influencers’ (4 days week/work from home), don’t want to married. Supports same sex marriage. Expect other people’s children to look after them when they’re old (f*ck them!)

    This is very true young people leech from their parents. In this Thai movie, this 30 years old good for nothing son only play game and contribute nothing.

    From my experience with 2 Poly intern attached to me, I agreed.


    GD Star Rating
  • 2Daft2Live:


    GE is coming. For the younger voters, ask yourselves are you better than your parents or grandparents?

    I belong to your grandparents’ era, under the 1G. I have changed from a 3-room flat to a 5-room flat and later changed to 5-room premium. My mortgage were paid up years back. I have changed car 3 times.

    My education level may not be as high as yours now, but I changed and found jobs easily. Now, even with your overseas degrees, you find it so difficult to land a job!

    I paid for my child’s overseas university education, not loan. If not for the parents’ connection she would be difficult to find a job. And now she find it so difficult to pay for her BTO.

    So think and ask, you are supposed to be better than your parents, are you? You can change this by voting wisely. Do you want to depend on vouchers to survive?

    For your info, there was no vouchers before. In fact, there were salary cut for everyone, even for Ministers!

    The population of SG doubled in 30 years (from 1990 to 2020) when the native fertility rate is way below 2. Today 1 in 2 daft sinkies are foreign born. You are preaching to people who are grateful and constantly reminded that they must be loyal to the country (and by association the party) for giving them a good living. Many of these new citizens ended up not having children themselves. Why? Because of all the anti-family policies! It’s pointless, this is a country geared towards self-destruction.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Evil family abuses intellectually disabled woman for over a year. They should be stoned in public.

    Singaporean R Free Rider:
    Dear Yoong,
    This is what your democratic ROC Taiwan 40% President Lai say:
    Please take low wages and take it as doing charity

    All pro democratic supporters please heal the call of a democratic 40% President.

    Be Cheaper, Better and Faster.

    Democratic Ukraine Zelensky had no more soldiers to fight the Russian troops.
    All pro democratic supporters please fly to Ukraine frontline to spill blood and died for your Americunt ma$ter of Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights.

    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says:

    Instead of addressing the inequality and poverty of those at the bottom; these politicians look forward to wealthy post-government lives themselves. Maybe this dynamic might help Mr. Wong understands why many people drop out of a society where the hardest-working members are also the poorest.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Fake Singaporean:
    FR, YOU tell us the truth.
    Did you receive free medical health care and treatment?

    Don’t run away. Answer NOW. Don’t hide.

    I am here. I never hide.

    I don’t work in the Civil Service. What do you think ?

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    Talk rubbish lah..
    Go check your reply to Relax and see if it is applicable here. Rubbish.
    A gov as a family head? More rubbish.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Ok. Here’s my explanation. A good government is like a responsible families head, if you had saved enough and had surplus, then you can plan for extras that your family will benefits.

    Again, different person had different definition of enough.

    And why need to register? This is to ensure that there is enough passengers to fill the bus before it is being despatched and also to filter out bad passengers who register but never turn up.

    This I had already explained in length to Relax. Go read it up yourselves here

    GD Star Rating
  • FFF:

    Free labor contribution (How much rubbish have you collected?)

    Kallang resident, 66, spends 8 hours a day picking up rubbish around estate, says it’s a form of exercise.
    Five years ago, Kallang resident Looi starting picking up trash left under his block whenever he was free.

    After retiring in 2023, he decided to dedicate even more time to keeping the community clean, spending eight hours every day picking up litter around the estate, reported Shin Min Daily News.

    The 66-year-old man, who lives at Block 467 Crawford Lane, credited his younger sister as his source of inspiration.

    Ineffective (cannot clean well) town council praises him.

    New 3F Success:
    5Cs are beyond most Singaporeans’ dreams.

    New Success: 3F
    Food voucher.
    Free vege (from you know where, see BBatok)
    Free labor contribution (how many food trays have you returned?)

    GD Star Rating
  • Fake Singaporean:

    Don’t hide. Don’t twist words.
    Just answer yes or no.
    Did you receive free medical health care and treatment?
    It’s the exact question, word for word, that you asked someone here.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Fake Singaporean:
    FR, YOU tell us the truth.
    Did you receive free medical health care and treatment?

    Don’t run away. Answer NOW. Don’t hide.

    I am here. I never hide.

    I don’t work in the Civil Service. What do you think ?

    GD Star Rating

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