
The Monaco Of Asia

Singapore Wants To Be The Monaco Of Asia!

I have always said the PAP wants to turn Singapore into the playground for the rich and privileged,the Monte Carlo of Asia.

Well,at least for the costs of living,we are coming close to Monaco although we are actually light years behind on having the Swiss standard or living.Look at how “cheap” the European countries are compared to Singapore.Even Switzerland is cheaper!

And don’t let the PAP tell you these rankings are inaccurate because they only apply to expats.The rankings take into account food, transport, rental etc all the essentials of life.The ranking below assumes a moderate lifestyle and average consumption.

Monaco is a tax haven inhabited by movie stars,sport stars and the rich and famous who can well afford the high cost of living.

Are you one of them in Singapore?


Lim Tean



29 Responses to “The Monaco Of Asia”

  • rice:

    We are “MONEYCO”,that should be Sg’s new name?
    Monaco pales in comparison.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Pro Democracy supporters always like to quote/shout Ang Mo (Anglo Saxo race) slogan:
    Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death.” – Hong Kong Protesters (Patrick Henry)

    But when you tell these pro democracy supporters (GMS+Hong Kees) to go Ukraine frontline to face off the invading Russians, these useless pro democracy supporters disappeared.

    Even Ukraine patriot also disappeared.

    Funny… why ah?

    I am a Ukrainian patriot.
    But I am afraid to die defending our freedom.
    So I ran away.
    I prefer cannon fodder GMS to die on my behalf so that I live to party on.

    Lim Tean, do you wish to join Goh Meng Seng (GMS) to go fight Russia forces at Ukraine frontline ?

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    There is always a use-by date for the things. Then see what happens to the Great Plan.

    Sooner or later the countries that are being cheated out of their wealth – like the EU, USA and China – will demand $inkeland open their bank books. Even he Swiss had to cave to American pressure and the money vanished. Chinese nationals are also being investigated big time by the CCP and only a matter of time until the CCP demands the return of Chinese monies – is $inkieland brave enough to say no to the CCP?

    The banks may have had enough of the high cost of business here and opt to go electronic. Nothing can be done about that. Overnight the banks will vanish and be only available on the smartphone. India, Malaysia and even Vietnam may be future destinations for banks to do their dirty laundry.

    $inkeland knows only how to cheat and scam. When this is gone it is back to the fishing village for those who have led the good life.

    GD Star Rating

    Straits Times: 15,000 Sentosa workers to undergo upskilling under new framework to lift tourism sector

    Upskilling is a waste of time and money. Why? Because there will ALWAYS be a “cheap” (no CPF) foreigner with the same, if not more skills. He/she will get the job because they are up to 17% cheaper to employ than locals and PRs.

    That is why SkillsFuture credit is also a waste of time and money and not used extensively, especially be older workers. Ageism is also rampant in Singapore. That is why it is a waste of time and money for older workers to go for upskilling. The PAP was “generous” in the last Budget giving an additional $4000 because its know most of it will not be used.

    GD Star Rating
  • Dr. Chan:

    Now the MoneyCo of Asia.
    Meaning the biggest gambling den of Asia.
    The promised Swiss Standard of Living has not happen yet leh?
    Maybe they mean for PAP ministers only.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    A WASTE OF TIME: Upskilling is a waste of time and money. Why? Because there will ALWAYS be a “cheap” (no CPF) foreigner with the same, if not more skills. He/she will get the job because they are up to 17% cheaper to employ than locals and PRs.

    So, what is your solution?

    Follow US democracy, allow unregulated labour union to exhort business for protection money?
    Video hard frame or time 40:04

    Labor Unions Triad – By Morgan O. Reynolds

    GD Star Rating
  • Moneymo:

    We are “MONEYCO”,that should be Sg’s new name?
    Monaco pales in comparison.

    How about Moneymo?

    “What’s wrong with collecting more money” – lky

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Maybe your masters can consider converting those unused skills future credits into cash. More useful.

    Why do people need to attend courses to learn how to wash toilets? Army already provided the experience.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: So, what is your solution?

    Follow US democracy, allow unregulated labour union to exhort business for protection money?
    Video hard frame or time 40:04

    Labor Unions Triad – By Morgan O. Reynolds

    GD Star Rating
  • We want to be free:

    We love our land. We want it to be from foreigners and immigrate. We want to be free, to have free speech. We want to free from traitors and
    colonial dogs. We want it to be free, to be free. Merdeka.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ So, what is your solution?

    Perhaps our friend ( a waste of time ) prefer China style Cherry’s 896 ?

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:


    Sounds good.
    Collecting more money is our bui$ine$$.
    You die your own business?

    Good luck,blue skies and everything nice fellow trublu sg.

    GD Star Rating
  • Bad Consequences:

    @Harder Truths:,,,”,Chinese nationals are also being investigated big time by the CCP and only a matter of time until the CCP demands the return of Chinese monies – is $inkieland brave enough to say no to the CCP?”
    PM Wang Yi came; Sinkieland then activated 400 policemen to wayang raid Fujian MoneyLaunderers.
    ML gangs have been buying assets and paying up to 60% ABSD in broad daylight;
    doing it for years in broad daylight.
    Even my puppy know that it was money laudering,
    ”DBS unit fined $1.7m in Hong Kong for anti-money laundering breach”
    No sound no picture from MAS regarding the mpther DBS and the $3 billion ML case in Sinkieland; or many other local banks.
    Looks like HK have far more integrity.
    ”On their second date, Serena Wong and her boyfriend discussed an all-important question for young Singaporean couples: when to buy an apartment together.”
    Youngsters forced into early marriage and divorce because of property asset bubble caused by ML.
    Bad policy have bad consequences.
    Do not dance with the devil!

    GD Star Rating
  • ShakeHead:

    This kind of rubbish news also can publish?
    I would believe this only IF during their first date, lots of exciting activities happened every hour.

    Bad Consequences: ”On their second date, Serena Wong and her boyfriend discussed an all-important question for young Singaporean couples: when to buy an apartment together.”

    GD Star Rating
  • We want to be free:

    We love our land and we want it to be free from foreigners and immigrants. We want to have free speech and we want to be free from oppression, dictators, traitors and colonial dogs. We want it to be free, to be free. Merdeka.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:
    Maybe your masters can consider converting those unused skills future credits into cash. More useful.

    Why do people need to attend courses to learn how to wash toilets? Army already provided the experience.

    You have a valid point.

    Question is: How do you ensure that the cash is being used positively and not negatively like womanizing, booze and recreation drugs ?

    GD Star Rating

    I was in a hardware shop earlier today and the sales staff were talking about converting their CDC vouchers into cash at a discount of $50/- These practices arise because people need cash but the government gives them vouchers to spend at certain shopos. It was the same with the upskilling amounts of $500/-There were so many cases of fraud but yet the government decides to now give $4000/- You have to ask the question as to where exactly is their brains?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    PAP mandate strong:
    @ So, what is your solution?

    Perhaps our friend ( a waste of time ) prefer China styleCherry’s 896 ?

    It is a fact that the Chinese made progress by abusing workers, underpay their workers and making workers work long hours.

    In Ang Mo term, it is called sweat shop. The Chinese are happy to be abused by Sissy Pee (CCP) sweat shop.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    We want to be free:
    We love our land. We want it to be from foreigners and immigrate.

    You are an idiot. China is giving free visa entry to any dicky, tom and harry and not even demanding these countries to reciprocate.

    We are competing with China and you demand Singapore to be closed its door to foreigners and immigrate. What an idiot.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    We want to be free:
    We want to be free, to have free speech.

    You are an idiots. Even your In God We Tru$t America ma$ter does not have free speech.

    If you sing praise of the America government, you have free speech.
    If you criticize the America government, you have no free speech.

    Fact Check yourselves.
    You tell the truth, In God We Tru$t America silence you. No Free Speech.

    Activist Jose Vega Challenges Pottinger on US-China Policy

    Where is Iraq Weapon of Mass Destruction. No Free Speech.

    Pro Democracy Pastor Wu also stop free speech.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    We want to be free:
    We want to free from traitors and colonial dogs. We want it to be free, to be free. Merdeka.

    So colonial dogs (royal subject) not ok but colonial Master is Ok? Like the Hong Kees carrying Union Jack flags and proud of it.

    GD Star Rating
  • Trace $:

    They have brains. Trace who gets the most dollars.

    I was in a hardware shop earlier today and the sales staff were talking about converting their CDC vouchers into cash at a discount of $50/- These practices arise because people need cash but the government gives them vouchers to spend at certain shopos. It was the same with the upskilling amounts of $500/-There were so many cases of fraud but yet the government decides to now give $4000/- You have to ask the question as to where exactly is their brains?

    GD Star Rating
  • Fake Singaporean:

    Some people’s choice of leaders are limited to colonial dogs and colonial masters. They are self selected slaves.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: So colonial dogs (royal subject) not ok but colonial Master is Ok? Like the Hong Kees carrying Union Jack flags and proud of it.

    GD Star Rating
  • Monaco? No way.:

    Monaco has a long list of social benefits. Singapore is a candle compared with Monaco’s sun.

    GD Star Rating
  • ClapX:

    You have to thank the enterprising money changers. What I want to know is how many vouchers are fake?

    Dollars are very carefully printed to prevent fakes. But vouchers?


    I was in a hardware shop earlier today and the sales staff were talking about converting their CDC vouchers into cash at a discount of $50/-

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Covert to CDC vouchers? Unless those hanky panky massage parlors also accept. Then how liddat?

    Singaporean R Free Rider: You have a valid point.

    Question is: How do you ensure that the cash is being used positively and not negatively like womanizing, booze and recreation drugs ?

    So true in every country. Criticism hurts people’s feelings.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: You are an idiots. Even your In God We Tru$t America ma$ter does not have free speech.

    If you sing praise of the America government, you have free speech.
    If you criticize the America government, you have no free speech.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    It is sad to see so many former Sg-PMETs getting disadvantaged and left to fend for themselves in old age after helping to build the nation.

    Even when the G took out past reserves that were the hardearned savings contributed by these older sgs,many of them received a spiteful $600 out of a claimed grant of $23.5K per capita.
    So many non-sgs received much more.
    Whatever their reasons,it was totally unfair practice and a social injustice.
    Can any good minister disagree?

    What is worse is when former PM Lee claimed that the subsequent GST INCREASE was fair and “equitable” as GST covers everyone.EVERYone?
    So,granting deserving and needy older sgs a sum of $600 was also “equitable” when even intra-company FT-transferees who had not even started paying Income Tax at the point when the $100B was utilised to grant them generous furlough instead of wage cuts to save jobs was “equitable”?:

    I say please DO NOT REPEAT SUCH PRACTICE again in future allocation of sgs’ reserves.
    Sgs’ reserves are not foreigners’ reserves.
    As such ALL sgs deserve to be granted more.
    Am i right to say?
    Show me it is wrong of me to say such.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    BTW,just for a feel how huge is $100B.
    DBS GROUP IS WORTH $105B in market capitalisation.
    This is how much $100B is!
    And,SIA is worth $20B only.
    The $100B is no “peanuts”.

    Parliament need sessions to discourse on this in case of future needs for reserves eithdrawals.
    We must a fair allocation of such reserves that are being withdrawn.
    $600 was really too much!

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    Bad Consequences:
    @Harder Truths:,,,”,Chinese nationals are also being investigated big time by the CCP and only a matter of time until the CCP demands the return of Chinese monies – is $inkieland brave enough to say no to the CCP?”
    PM Wang Yi came; Sinkieland then activated 400 policemen to wayang raid Fujian MoneyLaunderers.
    ML gangs have been buying assets and paying up to 60%ABSD in broad daylight;
    doing it for years in broad daylight.
    Even my puppy know that it was money laudering,
    ”DBS unit fined $1.7m in Hong Kong for anti-money laundering breach”
    No sound no picture from MAS regarding the mpther DBS and the $3 billion ML case in Sinkieland; or many other local banks.
    Looks like HK have far more integrity.
    ”On their second date, Serena Wong and her boyfriend discussed an all-important question for young Singaporean couples: when to buy an apartment together.”
    Youngsters forced into early marriage and divorce because of property asset bubble caused by ML.
    Bad policy have bad consequences.
    Do not dance with the devil!

    Well said. It is a FACT that locals are going kaput from taking on large loans to keep the government and banks going.

    It is also a FACT that the Regime and banks are using $inkieland as money-laundering center and the price of everything will continue to rise as long as there are FT ‘investors’ that will come here to evade the law in their own country.

    It is a Catch22 – the rising prices are untenable and most $inkies will die young trying to pay it back. On the other hand, should the FT ‘assets’ disappear, then the banks collapse and so does the $inkie economy and jobs.
    People who remember the Japanese Banking Crisis of the 1980’s will remember how Japanese lost everything. $inkieland has not learnt this lesson.

    The worst is yet to come. What happens to an island full of third world nationalities with no jobs, limited resources and massive inflation? $inkies are going to find out the hard way.

    GD Star Rating
  • SkillFuture Fraud:

    CPIB should investigate the owners of contractors that conduct SkillFuture Courses.
    Fraud to the left. fraud to the right.
    Giving vouchers is indeed suspicious, when the people need cash.

    I was in a hardware shop earlier today and the sales staff were talking about converting their CDC vouchers into cash at a discount of $50/- These practices arise because people need cash but the government gives them vouchers to spend at certain shopos. It was the same with the upskilling amounts of $500/-There were so many cases of fraud but yet the government decides to now give $4000/- You have to ask the question as to where exactly is their brains?

    GD Star Rating

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