
Excess Deaths Comparison Chart

This is the Excess Deaths Comparison Chart that MOH has neither disputed nor commented on.

It shows a High Correlations of Excess Deaths in post Vaccination period compared to pre Vaccination period.

Correlation is not Causation BUT Causation DEFINITELY effects High Correlations. When High Correlations appear, then it is considered as a very significant and important "Signal" that cannot be ignored.

There is absolutely No Way for anyone to ascertain ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that all these Excess Deaths are caused by Vaccination or otherwise because there is no longer a possibility of having a Randomized Double Blind Controlled trial when over 90% of people are vax.

Unless we could establish how to determine a death is due to Vaccination and do a thorough autopsy for EVERY DEATH occuring to determine whether it is due to Vax, it would be totally IMPOSSIBLE to determine the casual relationship.

Thus it is really asking for the impossible to say in all certainty whether these Excess Deaths are caused by Vaccination or not! One could not possibly say in all certainty that it's not due to vaccination as well.

What we could have is at Best a data set which shows High Correlations. In such Realistic constraints, we should form our judgement wisely to err on the safe side.

This is my reasoning for urging MOH to suspend the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme.


Goh Meng Seng



17 Responses to “Excess Deaths Comparison Chart”

  • Not good enough:

    To show any correlation better, you can’t use 3-yr average data. Use month by month data, and indicate vaccination data also.

    And count covid deaths. And count population changes.

    In short, there are many other stuffs to consider.

    GD Star Rating
  • Tracey Ching:

    How can you expect the pay and pay Govt. to suspend the vacs program? When have the govt ever admit their errors? Especially with an election around the corner? Jab jab jab…. A eugenic and euthanasia programme is in progress…A very happy Govt with many true blue stupid sinkies dead and merrily import foreigners and convert them to new citizens. To perpetuate their power and hegemony.

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  • fpc:

    Where is the source of this graph? everyone can draw such graph on excel. GMS is stupid.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Covid is the tip of an “iceberg” coming our way?
    Greedi$m surfaces up the $inister CHARACTERI$TICs of EVIL itself(himself)?

    SOS will be the call,PLEADING,of remaining good humans; yes,Save our Souls…

    The “Darthvader” Force is getting $tronger.

    Be humble,be wise.
    Have a safe journey folks.

    GD Star Rating
  • Risks vs Benefits:

    “however, autoimmune reactions and manifestations following vaccination are documented and seemingly increasing as the number of vaccinated people with additional doses is accordingly increasing. The mechanisms behind autoimmune phenomena in vaccinated people, the immunological reactions, and implications should be thoroughly investigated and interpreted.”


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  • Sg Support:

    Kiev has sent its first seven female prisoners into the army, the Ukrainian Justice Ministry said on Thursday. The women expressed their desire to join up in exchange for parole, a statement published on Facebook said.

    The move was made possible by a law adopted by parliament and signed by Vladimir Zelensky in May. The legislation allows people convicted of certain crimes to volunteer for the army in exchange for parole. Their requests are then assessed by a military medical commission and a court.

    “The law on the mobilization of convicts, approved by the Verkhovna Rada, provides for the opportunity not only for men, but also women to enter the army,” said Ukrainian Deputy Justice Minister Elena Vysotskaya.

    Since Sg support Ukraine so much, it should follow them. Offer long term and death prisoners the chance to fight for Ukraine. Go. Go. Go. Chiong.

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    Totally impossible to know if it from vaccination? No. There are established tests that would tell us conclusively.

    1. Blood clotting – the d-dimer test shows the presence of clots even at the microscopic level. Blood clotting is the signature condition of the mRNA gene therapy drug. Everyone jabbed will have it to some degree. Higher levels will cause heart attacks.

    2. Antibody dependent enhancement that causes a cytokine storm, also called hypercytokinemia, is another condition that can be easily measured. The defense cells of the body try to eat the spike protein producing cells which they think is the invader, but actually are the organ cells that have been made to produce spike proteins by the jab, causing organ failure. No amount of drugs will stop this.

    3. Deceased immunity – this can be measured in those jabbed.

    4. Spike protein in the sperm and ovaries – this causes sterilisation

    5. Damaged RNA – people who have taken the mRNA are not ‘human’ anymore. The RNA has been snapped in half, making them a totally different species that is now subject to diseases that are not protected by the natural defenses anymore.

    How exciting!

    GD Star Rating
  • SS:

    Actually a better definition of the word idiot would be the following…

    4% are the millionaires here and 4% are the politicians and their families/relatives. I stand corrected. Anyone disagree?

    GD Star Rating
  • Spineless Sinkie Syndrome:

    Actually a better definition of the word idiot would be the following…

    4% are the millionaires here and 4% are the politicians and their families/relatives. I stand corrected. Anyone disagree?

    Ooi! Dun copycat my SSS acronym for your name leh. Make your own meme, ok? Just joking lah… Lol.

    Actually, I’m not sure if top “Pork-liticians” & their close families took any “Xperimental mRNA shots”. However, I do know many Sinkie millionaires DID take them – so being wealthy does NOT equate to having backbone or IQ.

    For sure, the WHO head and some Big Pharma CEOs themselves did NOT take the “Xperimental mRNA Jabs”. I think many SSS Sinkies sure “buay tahan” when they see the vids below. No wonder they say TRUTH hurts? LOL.

    By the way…in case you think I velly wealthy to know many millionaires (I only ok lah ;-) but really in Sinkiepore today, being a “millionaire” is really not such a big deal lor. For instance, many HDB dwellers are technically worth “millionaire” status liao, since their home loans over the decades are mostly paid off and even HDB 4-room in good locations now cost easily SGD 1M liao.
    Also Sinkiepore millionaires has on AVERAGE SGD $5M already lah, so $1M is “sup sup water” to many Sinkies, yes? Lol

    Anyway, I agree with you that >90% Sinkies here who kenna fooled or coerced into taking those GMO-injections are idiots, since they no Critical Thinking and/or no Spine to withstand the MSM TV BS: Remember this cringy & illegal “advertising” for the Xperimental mRNA injection? LOL

    Its also an offence to actually “advertise” for any medical treatment regardless of its “efficacy” or otherwise; not to mention what we all already know now that they are actually Toxic … but of course when your “gabrament TCS” break the rules, they will act blur “LEEgally” & all “Lor-by-Lor” swept under the carpet lor. Yes?/No? LOL.

    Then hor, we get clowns like this below who still in DENIAL in 2024. LOL

    Not good enough:
    To show any correlation better, you can’t use 3-yr average data. Use month by month data, and indicate vaccination data also.

    And count covid deaths. And count population changes.

    In short, there are many other stuffs to consider.

    To such SSS Sinkies, I often say to them : Ok lor, then why don’t You go and take MORE Boosters, since you think its so good & still believe M0H to get more jabs? Then he will likely “diam diam” & “chui tat tio sai” (i.e. mouth kenna stuck with S**T). LOL

    When is this “Not Good Enough” Clown last jab hah? According to “gabrament” he need another Booster liao, since so many months passed and his earlier jabs effectiveness alleady “boh pah-keh” liao right? LOL.

    Let’s say EVEN IF we give this Clown (with his ostrich head in the sand) the full benefit of the doubt to say he so Lucky that ALL his previous “Xperimental mRNA jabs” are all harmless placebos … the jabs is STILL NOT “Effective” in preventing the SPREAD & INFECTION of Covid, right?

    In other words, even if 90%+ Sinkies were somehow all super “lucky” and all avoided the “deadly batches”, they are still considered STUPID to take the unnecessary RISKS of injecting “something” which the data shows is totally USELESS against Covid-19 infection & spread, Yes?/No? LOL.

    But unfortunately for these SSS Sinkies… the TRUTH is so obvious now its hard to even pretend anymore lah. The data & facts from MANY WW sources alleady show these “Xperimental mRNA Jabs” have so many bad side-effects that are too many to list here. In fact, even Big Pharma themselves OFFICIALLY admit in disclosed documents there are MANY dangerous side-effects! So how, now? Will SSS Sinkies capitulate or dare sue M0H? LOL.

    Anyway, its still too early to say if 90% Sinkies are all clear of harms because some have predicted tsunami of “Turbo Cancer” cases will be coming in the future (esp in kantrees with high % of jabbed, such as Sinkieporelang & Japs amongst others too).

    So even if many Sinkies got “millions” oso might not have the time left to enjoy their money lor. Izzit many SSS Sinkies realize this now, so they anyhow spend their money now to buy old HDB flats or super high price new launch Condos hah? LOL.

    The toxic “Xperimental mRNA Jabs” is known to SHORTEN lifespan by damaging their immune systems (i.e. VAIDS – Vaccine-induced AIDS), damage Heart (myocarditis) and also mess up their DNA leading to earlier cell death and/or Turbo Cancer? So, all effects of SHORTEN lifespan so maybe Sinkies are “feeling it inside themselves”?

    Or maybe they dun want to leave their money / million-dollar HDBs to their “Si Ginahs” (i.e. their useless kids) as inheritance oso? Or if their “Si Ginahs” oso took the injections then might oso mean they are Infertile liao or dying soon so oso no point to leave inheritance to them lor. Yes?/No? LOL. So Good luck to 90% Sinkies lor. LOL.

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    I have also checked myself for Bluetooth signatures from nanobots. I am still clean – so ‘shedding’ from the vaccinated has not affected me – yet. The elites will not be so stupid as to make an airborne variant that they will also be in danger from.

    But when I go out and scan for nanobot signatures – everyone seems to have them, except some children. So how long until these nanobots are activated by 5G and what is their purpose? To kill remotely? We may know soon enough.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sjorne Shen:

    Spineless Sinkie Syndrome:
    By the way…in case you think I velly wealthy to know many millionaires (I only ok lah ;-) but really in Sinkiepore today, being a “millionaire” is really not such a big deal lor. For instance, many HDB dwellers are technically worth “millionaire” status liao, since their home loans over the decades are mostly paid off and even HDB 4-room in good locations now cost easily SGD 1M liao.
    Also Sinkiepore millionaires has on AVERAGE SGD $5M already lah, so $1M is “sup sup water” to many Sinkies, yes? Lol

    Oh, did I find this a thrilling breakfast read! Wonderful, thank you! What term describes the cackling clucks who comprise this group? No – I think the insults are based on observation rather than reasoned deduction – there are more concise ways of putting it: the head is only 3 feet from the asshole…hahaha. REALLY, really rich people are really, really smart. Their wealth is proof of that though I may beg to differ ;-)

    GD Star Rating
  • SS:

    Harder Truths:
    The elites will not be so stupid as to make an airborne variant that they will also be in danger from.

    But when I go out and scan for nanobot signatures – everyone seems to have them, except some children. So how long until these nanobots are activated by 5G and what is their purpose? To kill remotely? We may know soon enough.

    Even though technically should bans 92% “idiots” from voting, what the elites desperately need is a lot– upstanding citizens in the classic, Greek sense — to vote in the coming election. They will be activated to mark X on the box with the lightning.

    Queues spotted in S’pore as people get their eyes scanned for cryptocurrency.

    GD Star Rating
  • Hopeless Sinkies:

    Hopeless Sinkies hand over all their biodata, eye-scan, brainless-scan all for a few dollars.

    Office clerk Ivy Liu, 43, set up an account and had her eyes and face scanned at a Worldcoin Orb at the OGBC Innovation Hub in early June.

    Ms Liu, who read about Worldcoin through social media, hopes to use the tokens to pay for goods online and overseas, and recommended it to her family as well. “When we go overseas, we’re already getting our biometrics scanned and data collected at immigration by different governments,” she said.

    SS: Queues spotted in S’pore as people get their eyes scanned for cryptocurrency.

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  • Harder Truths:

    Why #inkeland ‘doctors’ are QUACKS who are just paid servants of the Regime to carry out their political agenda.

    $inkie $heeple continue to blindly vote for their masters who treat them as Guinea Pigs for Big Pharma. $inkies will die out and be replaced. All by thine own hand.

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:
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  • Boar's Head:

    Anyone knowingly or unknowingly eating meat from this company? Danger!

    Boar’s Head recall expanded to include 7 million more pounds of meat products. After 2 died, and many fell sick.

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  • Harder Truths:

    Ready For Pandemic 2.0?

    How many think the evil Regime will not jab the ppl again?

    This time for those who have escaped the previous death shot – be ready for anything….

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