
Iran poised to launch mega-retaliation against Israel

Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi, a high-ranking IRGC commander, has announced that Iran will soon avenge the assassination of former Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who was killed in Tehran on July 31.

Naqdi emphasized that the revenge will be executed at the right time for maximum impact and reiterated Iran’s resolve to retaliate against Israel.

Despite Iran's threats, no direct action has been taken yet.


17 Responses to “Iran poised to launch mega-retaliation against Israel”

  • Robbers:

    Small robbers go after $10. Big robbers go after $trillions.

    US Senator Lindsey Graham has openly said Washington needs Ukraine’s natural resources and that, therefore, military aid to the country must continue until Kiev is able to “win” its conflict with Russia.

    The South Carolina Republican, one of the top backers of Kiev within the US establishment, made the remarks on Friday in Kiev, speaking alongside leader Vladimir Zelensky. He praised the Ukrainians and their purported resolve to fight Moscow no matter what, noting that this means that Americans themselves don’t have to do this, only to provide the weaponry.

    “They [the Ukrainians] are sitting on a trillion dollars’ worth of minerals that could be good to our economy. So, I want to keep helping our friends in Ukraine. We can win this. They need our help,” Graham stated.

    GD Star Rating

    Why not just target the war criminal Netanyahu and be done? No need to rain missiles and bombs on civilians or property. Perhaps a new world order should begin to target the leaders only. If that can be done, millions of dollars can be saved in reconstruction and loss of lives.

    GD Star Rating
  • 哈得凸:


    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Seriously,humans always find “reasons” for war but not for PEACE.
    In the families,in Society ,within the nation and with other nations.

    Its always the other guy is wrong.
    We alone are whither than white even when we do wrongs?
    Just blame others.
    Even law enforcers seem to side more with wrong-doers these days?
    Only KARMA will right the wrong for in every action,there is an equal and opposite REACTION.

    Look at Self-righteuos Amercans,for example.
    If only Kamala is a foeyus,what would she say???

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    History has shown when u$a faces domestic problems,u$a always try to “export” its problems to others.

    Angmohs say the first Trillionaire$ are likely from u$a.
    Angmohs are the world’s biggest debtor nstion but the richest person$ are Americans.
    Soon,Angmohs will find “reasons” to cancel the huge debts it owes especially to China.
    I think the first trillionaires may emerge from Asia like from China or India.
    Angmoh $tock markets are precarious.
    Remember,Angmoh kept flu$hing the narkets with CHEAP FUNDING via PRINTING.
    Soon,all these $tocks will have to attain real equilibrium.
    u$a still got to pay its huge debt$.
    It is not if but WHEN unless Angmohs behave like hooligan$ by “bullying” in all sorts of ways.
    It would not be surprising if they do so.

    In God We Trust?
    Think Angmohs have already replace God with “$”.

    Angmohs are no more the “gentleman”.
    They are now the CONman.

    GD Star Rating
  • Dr. Chan:

    War is Business. Can make money selling weapons. Can steal natural resources.
    Human casualties collateral nevermind.
    They die ok. After all too many humans on earth (jia liao bee) – waste rice lor.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Small robbers go after $10. Big robbers go after $trillions.

    US Senator Lindsey Graham has openly said Washington needs Ukraine’s natural resources and that, therefore, military aid to the country must continue until Kiev is able to “win” its conflict with Russia.

    The South Carolina Republican, one of the top backers of Kiev within the US establishment, made the remarks on Friday in Kiev, speaking alongside leader Vladimir Zelensky. He praised the Ukrainians and their purported resolve to fight Moscow no matter what, noting that this means that Americans themselves don’t have to do this, only to provide the weaponry.

    “They [the Ukrainians] are sitting on a trillion dollars’ worth of minerals that could be good to our economy. So, I want to keep helping our friends in Ukraine. We can win this. They need our help,” Graham stated.

    Well said. I give you a thumb up.

    You are certainly not a canon fodder.

    Kishore: U$A and China are not benevolent

    Only the stupid will believe in propaganda by U$A/We$t and China.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    So,does Ki$hore think Sin Inc is benevolent?
    Come on,U$A and China take care of THEIR OWN PEOPLE FIRST!

    No ONE country is completely benevolent to another country; it is a MATTER OF MUTUAL CO-EXISTENCE AND CO-OPERATION.
    Even IMF has “strings” attached to the loans it makes to needy countries that have to pay back the loans.

    Kishore is talking c**k about benevolence,OERIOD.
    Of course,unless Kishore can spell to us that the G,which he has been part of in some ways and benefitted richly from,is truly BENEVOLENT to our OWN Sgs?
    What does Kishore say about Needy but most deserving sgs who got $600 out of a said APER CAPITA GRANT OF $22.5K FROM THE COVID BUDGETS WHERE $100B was taken out from past reserves accumulated by such needy sgs?
    Wage grant$ to “SAVE JOB$”?

    SO,stop the Kishore’s crap about USA OR CHINA NOT BEING BENEVOLENT.
    In international arena,it is about mutual needs and co-operation or mere collaboration for mutual gains and GAIN$.

    GD Star Rating
  • Mirror:

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most righteous in all realms?
    Mirror, speak up!
    Mirror, speak up! I command thee!
    Mirror, shaking in fear, “Yoouu Ssir, are the miost rigtheuos.”

    rice: Its always the other guy is wrong.
    We alone are whither than white even when we do wrongs?
    Just blame others.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Rider:

    So,does Ki$hore think Sin Inc is benevolent?
    Come on,U$A and China take care of THEIR OWN PEOPLE FIRST!

    No ONE country is completely benevolent to another country; it is a MATTER OF MUTUAL CO-EXISTENCE AND CO-OPERATION.
    Even IMF has “strings” attached to the loans it makes to needy countries that have to pay back the loans.

    Kishore is talking c**k about benevolence,OERIOD.
    Of course,unless Kishore can spell to us that the G,which he has been part of in some ways and benefitted richly from,is truly BENEVOLENT to our OWN Sgs?
    What does Kishore say about Needy but most deserving sgs who got $600 out of a said APER CAPITA GRANT OF $22.5KFROM THE COVID BUDGETS WHERE $100B was taken out from past reserves accumulated by such needy sgs?
    Wage grant$ to “SAVE JOB$”?

    SO,stop the Kishore’s crap about USA OR CHINA NOT BEING BENEVOLENT.
    In international arena,it is about mutual needs and co-operation or mere collaboration for mutual gains and GAIN$.

    International arena is about mutual needs and co-operation or mere collaboration for mutual gains and GAIN$?

    Rice you are an idiot. International arena is about whose fist big talk.

    You are a good canon fodder.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Rider:

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most righteous in all realms?
    Mirror, speak up!
    Mirror, speak up! I command thee!
    Mirror, shaking in fear, “Yoouu Ssir, are the miost rigtheuos.”

    Good one.. Opposition just hide and talk c0ck.

    They hide because they don’t want to take responsibility of the consequences.

    If you challenge Opposition to cut their salary, all will just go quiet diam diam.

    But they are very loud when demanding our great PAP to cut salary.

    They are bunch of coward.

    GD Star Rating
  • Mirror:

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, who makes the most unsubstantiated comments in TRE?

    Mirror, speaking loudly, “You, Sir, are the one.”

    He walks away with his head in the air.

    Singaporeans R Free Rider: Good one.. Opposition just hide and talk c0ck.

    They hide because they don’t want to take responsibility of the consequences.

    If you challenge Opposition to cut their salary, all will just go quiet diam diam.

    But they are very loud when demanding our great PAP to cut salary.

    They are bunch of coward.

    GD Star Rating
  • Which on:

    One of them is right.

    rice: Come on,U$A … take care of THEIR OWN PEOPLE FIRST!

    The overspending in the military has sucked out all the much-needed funds to maintain US basic infrastructure for better quality of life.

    The Presidential candidates should focus on the Real American interests in their own land before they start to talk about the fuzzy American interests overseas which normally refers to the interests of their big corporations.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, who makes the most unsubstantiated comments in TRE?

    Mirror, speaking loudly, “You, Sir, are the one.”

    He walks away with his head in the air.

    Wrong..On the contrary, it is this.

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, who makes substantiated comments in TRE?

    Mirror, speaking loudly/proudly, “You SRFR, Sir, are the one. And till today NO pro demoncracy supporter is able to rebuke your comments supported with evidence.”

    Mirror continue and said: “All pro demoncracy supporters had since gone into hiding. They realize they will be charge for peddling/advancing fake news on Freedom, Demoncracy and Human Rights by hypocrite U$A/We$t”

    SRFR walks away with satisfaction. He has brought enlightenment to many who BLINDLY tru$t U$A/We$t fake news on Freedom, Demoncracy and Human Rights.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Like Anwar, where the Malaysians comment Mr Anwar should be Palestine PM instead.

    Mr GMS should run as a politican in USA instead. Maybe the next and first Asia president of USA will be Mr GMS.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Alamah, post above comments wrongly under wrong subtitle title.

    My bad.

    GD Star Rating
  • 哈得凸:


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