
The Great America, No More

America was propagated as the Great Nation in the last century when I was born, even though the world was technically still at war with the ongoing Cold War.

When the Soviet Union block broke down, everyone thought it's going to be a New World Order with the Americans as the unquestionable the one and only one Super Power left in this world.

However, it only took 40 years or less for the only Super Power to decline rapidly while Russia and China formed up BRICS as the next biggest challenge to US dominance.

While the old Empire spent great amount of money in the trillions to maintain its military dominance, China has focused on building its economic strength before building up its military might with much more efficiency and effectiveness with its spending.

The over depency on the Petrol dollar to finance its huge deficits will become the last straw to break the American camel's back.

I watched the US Presidential election debate with great dismay. Both candidates don't seem to have any concrete plans to salvage the once Great America from imminent crash and collapse. None of them want to talk about the great potential economic fallout from the challenges posed by the aftermath of economic decoupling which transforms the world into a multi-polar of economic regrouping.

The overspending in the military has sucked out all the much-needed funds to maintain US basic infrastructure for better quality of life.

The Presidential candidates should focus on the Real American interests in their own land before they start to talk about the fuzzy American interests overseas which normally refers to the interests of their big corporations.

As much as I dislike Trump for his initiation of trade wars and his personality, but I think he would be a better choice than the Wokeism at play. An ideological Wokeism will bring disastrous impact on the whole world and humanity.

The potentially huge adverse impacts of Wokeism are hidden behind a cloak of pseudo-intellectual supremacy.

Trump is not the perfect guy but unfortunately, the only choice left for US to rebalance itself in this latest New World Order.


Goh Meng Seng



20 Responses to “The Great America, No More”

  • Singaporeans R Free Rider:

    This article show GMS is 2 head snake besides being an opportunist.

    Go google. First he flies to HK to defend Amos Yee America value of free speech.

    Now he turn around to criticize America when its was in a mess. When Anerica fell into a hole, GMS drop a big rock into it.

    GMS is a treacherous man.

    GD Star Rating
  • ClapX:

    “America was propagated as the Great Nation.”

    As you say it: PROPAGANDA.

    Now more and more people are aware.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Oh,The Great UsA has become THE “GREED” u$a.

    GD Star Rating
  • dave:

    When was America ever great? Stop being naive, and stop reading western history written by western writers to glorify their atrocities and crimes against humanity.

    America was robbed from the native Americans after genociding more than 100m of them over two centuries. It then thrived on slavery from Africa and has since been at wars non stop all over the world. Now it is partner of the Israelis in the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and in Ukraine.

    How can a country built on stolen land, committed genocide, slavery, never ending wars, be called great?

    Stop eating chips and hamburgers and use your head to think. Just because the white men called themselves great does not mean they are great. They are mass murderers, robbers and warmongers.

    GD Star Rating
  • Great Britain:

    UK crime minister’s bag stolen at police conference. The British minister for policing and crime prevention, Diana Johnson, had her purse stolen while speaking about rising lawlessness at a conference for top police officials on Tuesday.

    GD Star Rating
  • Vote out cheaters:

    Justice now. Vote out cheaters. Trump is a cheat, he escape taxes like many unscrupulous businessman. Trump belongs to the privilege group who use their big money to buy things in life. These rich and powerful people education is in doubt as they could have donate to university to get their qualification. Trump like many rich people cheat in life to get ahead of poor people using money. They inherit money from family to become boss, not their true ability, to win the life race.
    Trump use of tariff on China goods is another example of cheating behavior. US cannot compete with China so Trump try to make China goods expensive so that US people will buy their cheaper US goods. However, Trump does not care about poor people who has no choice but buy China goods because US goods are so lousy and not of value. Poor people had to pay more because of his stupid policy.
    Trump want to cut tax for the rich and make tax cut permanent for rich again cheat for himself. Trump own businesses in US and he wants to use president post to cheat, make tax cut for himself. He like many leaders in the world in case of tax cut, make laws to benefit themselves like high salaries. They are raiding the nations to make themselves wealthy.
    I mean people should not vote for these so called “successful people” without penalizing these people for their cheating behavior resulting in their success. They are abusing the system all the time to enrich themselves and nobody punish them because they are rich and powerful. In our world, we know all their crimes and they are not successful as they cheat to win. They have no ability but to cheat. Do not vote for these magicians and cheaters. Wake up now or disaster will fall on you and your nation.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    More than 15 years ago,i told a friend that watching the “Simpsons” was bad for Family Life.q
    He told me his kids loved it.
    Fast Forward,today we witness American kids going in shooting spree.
    American kids have no manners.
    They dont even respect their dads or mums nor their teachers,what more do we expect?

    Sg parents spoil their kids rotten.
    Kids show no respect to elderly not even their grands.
    Sg kids have been Americanised and americani$ed!!!
    Even young adults are much more secular.
    Even ordinary office-workers carry BRANDED HANDBAG$ that cost more than their monthly salart?

    me humbly but firmly opines that the G ,in so many ways,particularly via their “obstentatious project$”,has given rise to such negative value$.

    We care more about “showing off” than showing that we care.
    All the NDP jingles only sound good.
    Actions fall short in so many way$.

    Does the G really care if basic public housing now cost MILLION$?
    Does the G take note that its HDB POLICIE$ ULTIMATELY BRING ABOUT FINANCIAL HARD$hips to the most ordinary sg-families while HELPING NON-SGS TO REAP RICH PROFITS BY RE-SELLING?!
    YES,RE-SELLING AS THAT WHAT MOST PRs truly harbour in their hearts.
    Sg is a POT OF GOLD FOR SUCH PRs even as Sg becomes a PIT OF SHITS for our own people?

    So much for such PUBLIC HOUSING ,proclaimed as FIRST WORLD’S BEST,BUT DISADVANTAGE OUR own Sgs like elderly who need to DOWNGRADE to keep up with HIGH COL particularly MEDICAL COST$.

    They look nice and luxurious.
    That is all.
    Jewel$ are a burden to those who cant even put decent food on the table especially with even humble hawker foods being charged at $ky-high prices in tandem with HDB prices that cost even more than bungalows in neighbouring countries?

    Are they to be crafted $imilar to PRIVATE $ECTOR JUST BECAUSE OUR DEAR (expensive) ministerial paycheck is tied to private sector execu-THIEVE$’ salaries?

    GD Star Rating
  • 哈得凸:


    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Like Anwar, where the Malaysians comment Mr Anwar should be Palestine PM instead.

    Mr GMS should run as a politican in USA instead. 为美国指明方向. Maybe the next coming and first Asia president of USA will be Mr GMS.

    GD Star Rating
  • Media Intelligence:

    US media and intelligence services have long merged. Australia in the 70’s, had over 60 media owners and 100’s of media outlets – all news and points of view had a forum.
    Now there are just 6 owners across all media in Australia, and they all follow the same establishment narrative, completely ignoring news that is clearly in the publics interest, or when they do report on it, its so stilted and spun that its a joke. The same applies everywhere in the west to varying degrees – the UK is as bad as Australia.

    Western media has become a monoculture of controlled information, absolutely controlled and manipulated by the TLA organizations. That’s why Al Jazeera became so popular when it first started, because it reported on stories the western media deliberately ignored while presenting a alternative points of view on the news that they did. Unfortunately even Al Jazeera succumbed to western pressure and became just another mouthpiece.

    GD Star Rating
  • 哈得凸:

    This guy has heart problems, sim Bo Ho, 想害死阿胜!


    PAP mandate strong:
    Like Anwar, where the Malaysians comment Mr Anwar should be Palestine PM instead.

    Mr GMS should run as a politican in USA instead. 为美国指明方向. Maybe the next coming and first Asia president of USA will be Mr GMS.

    GD Star Rating
  • eric:

    The pope intervened in USA politics telling voters to choose the lesser of 2 evils.

    Trump is anti-migrants. Pope said anti-migrants is sin

    Harris is anti-life/pro-abortion. Pope said that the Catholic Church perennial stance re abortion is murder! IT IS KILLING!

    READ EXODUS 20:1-17


    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    PAP mandate strong:
    Like Anwar, where the Malaysians comment Mr Anwar should be Palestine PM instead.

    Mr GMS should run as a politican in USA instead. 为美国指明方向. Maybe the next coming and first Asia president of USA will be Mr GMS.

    The Americunt will reject GMS as their President because I will tell them that GMS is a treacherous person like in my first post up there.

    GD Star Rating
  • WWIII:

    Did the Pope say anything about killing millions of people in other countries?

    Harris wants war with Russia – Trump. When that happens, Sinkies and other people in Sg will also get genocided from nuclear effects and starvation.

    The pope intervened in USA politics telling voters to choose the lesser of 2 evils.

    Trump is anti-migrants. Pope said anti-migrants is sin

    Harris is anti-life/pro-abortion. Pope said that the Catholic Church perennial stance re abortion is murder! IT IS KILLING!

    READ EXODUS 20:1-17


    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ 想害死阿胜!

    怎么害啊 ?
    Sg 政坛失意. 转战美国可能成功.

    GD Star Rating
  • Ignorance:

    Ignorance on show. GMS doesn’t have the legal qualification. On the other hand, Trump can be qualified for President here.

    PAP mandate strong: Mr GMS should run as a politican in USA instead. 为美国指明方向. Maybe the next coming and first Asia president of USA will be Mr GMS.

    GD Star Rating
  • 哈得凸:


    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Rider:

    Did the Pope say anything about killing millions of people in other countries?

    Harris wants war with Russia – Trump. When that happens, Sinkies and other people in Sg will also get genocided from nuclear effects and starvation.

    The Pope DARE NOT say anything about killing millions of people in other countries.

    If he say it, he is slapping himself as everyone knows that Christianity also killed millions.

    Go read Manifest Destiny where White Christians killed millions to expand their territory in the name of their Christian God.

    Religion had bèen made used of to start war and killing since time immemorial.

    Then follow by Colonization till today. It is unfortunate to have a sister who continue to be colonized till this very day.

    GD Star Rating
  • eric:

    Read Exodus 20 (Amplified Bible)
    13 “You shall not commit murder (unjustified, deliberate homicide).

    It is man’s wickedness that started war. No such thing as holy war!

    There is a difference between murder & killing! Murder is deliberate. So Catholic perennial stance re abortion is murder! Abortion is against God’s commandment!

    The pope intervened in USA politics telling voters to choose the lesser of 2 evils.

    Trump is anti-migrants. Pope said anti-migrants is sin

    Harris is anti-life/pro-abortion. Pope said that the Catholic Church perennial stance re abortion is murder! IT IS KILLING!

    READ EXODUS 20:1-17


    GD Star Rating
  • Truth against Propaganda:

    The West want to completely block RT. Propaganda cannot stand the light of truth.

    Those Trump assassins are, what Singapore describes, “radicalized” by the media, their own western media.

    GD Star Rating

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