
A random thought on the comedy of error

The comedy of error that is circling around in Singapore although mind-boggling but amuses Singaporeans immensely, especially with the kind of dramatis personae.

Let's start with the first class stand-up comedian Lee Hsien Loong. He retired as prime minister with a glorious record and our smart Aleck new PM Lawrence Wong appointed him Senior Minister following tradition of past prime ministers. Outwardly it seems to be logical but it so happened that Lee Hsien Loong was floundering to find a niche to justify his appointment. With his experience as prime minister what talent could he offer to the administration?

Was it some kind of a joke when PM Lawrence Wong assigned him to advise the Health Minister Ong Ye Kung on health matters? Ong Ye Kung must have the fright of his life and should have been unthinkable of this and not flabbergasted him as an underbelly insult. What advice do you think that Lee Hsien Loong can give him on health matters is a cynical irony beyond imagination.

The next farcical joke was his assignment to host the Crown Prince of Brunei who was here for a youth conference to a dinner. The Crown was already feted by the President and Prime Minister and was it necessary for a senior minister to overplay diplomatic etiquete. He is a Crown Prince and not a head of state.and what the mind-boggling PM Lawrence Wong was tying to prove by this superfluous gesture? Does it not show that Lee Hsien Loong is only fit to be a sinecure? I think PM Lawrence Wong is trying to humour him to show that he can manipulate Lee Hsien Loong to satisfy his own ego, that he is a cut above him.

Lee Hsien Loong may still be living in a fool's paradise and may take some time to realise his destiny.

Now we come to our smart Aleck PM Lawrence Wong. He is doing a marvelous job by ranting almost everyday to delirious the public to his so-called philosophy of democratic government. But the persistency of such propaganda may gradually numb the public mind but he either dense or stupid not to realise this and slow down.which projected him to be some kind of a showman. Does he really believe that his voice is melliferous?

In the old days we used to have a very popular Cantonese story-teller by the name of Lee Da Sha (crazy Lee(李大傻) who took the public by storm with his inimitable uproarious story-telling,on TV in Cantonese. He was so well-known that he became a household name. PM Lawrence Wong reminds me of this crazy story-teller but cannot match his popularity. Even children were captured by his thrilling story-telling.


Yoong Siew Wah




167 Responses to “A random thought on the comedy of error”

  • Christian Worshipers:

    Why would Christian worshipers object to the label of “Christian worshipers”? Don’t Christians worship God?

    Peter Chui Tak Lan: Oh@Christian worshippers call names at others.

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    I’m sorry to hear that.
    I knew this website during covid period, thus only know a few ‘names’. Not knowing who they are in person but still feel like talking or listening to friends despite diversity in opinions.

    I hope the following ‘Mantra of the Great Compassionate Heart’ (愣严咒心) can help you overcome all obstacles.

    ‘om a na le a na le vi sa de vi sa de
    vi ra va jra dha re ba ndha ba ndha ni
    va jra pa ni pha hum trum pha svaha’

    Best wishes to everyone.

    Ah Seng:
    By the way,did’t come across @rice’s commenter recently.
    Kind of miss his frank comments.
    Hope he/she is fine.
    So many good TRE netizens disappeared last 3/4 years.


    Tech: As far as I know, at least 5 of our subscribers have gone to meet the creator, some who are alive are suffering from you know what. I also know 3 of our regular contributors are dead, all AFTER Covid-19.

    GD Star Rating
  • Whattup, my dude? I’m hyped we could chill, bro.

    Appears to be a noteworthy addition to your website Copper recycling best practices

    Have a pleasant evening

    GD Star Rating
  • TOTO no hope:

    Wow! 2 winners ,both self-picked numbers.
    $6M plus each.
    One at retail,one at Accounting Pools (computer).
    Wonder who are the 2 Big winners.
    I won nothing,wasted $50.
    Ownself picked numbers so bull’s eye.
    Both same?
    Very crever.

    GD Star Rating
  • Christian worshippers talk rot:

    You talk c**k.
    So,what do buddhist worshippers and muslim worshippers say?
    Same as christians.
    What kind are you?

    Bird talker.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:
    I like this comment :”morally above others but find reason to excuse themselves.”

    So spot on and so true. Point one finger at others, four fingers point back at themselves.

    I cannot imagine how any pastor’s wife can dance in sexy clothing in music videos and then next day deliver a sermon in proper attire. Don’t find it contradictory meh?

    Maybe you make a trip to CHC and ask Pastor Kong and Pastor Sun and their naive sheep.

    And on the way, go ask Ven. Ming Yi how he cries on TV begging for donation and use the donation money to buy horse and condo.

    And don’t forget about democratic Finland PM wild party.
    Behind Camera: Finland PM Sanna Marin dances wildly
    Before Camera:
    Yes all young punks (Singaporeans included) think very high and atas of themselves only to be found wanting (not up to mark).

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Christian Worshipers:
    Why would Christian worshipers object to the label of “Christian worshipers”? Don’t Christians worship God?

    Christian Worshipers: Peter Chui Tak Lan: Oh@Christian worshippers call names at others.

    Case you are unaware, you are talking to xoxo aka rice aka many nick

    GD Star Rating
  • M.Ganliney:

    Patriotism is the best refuge for people who couldn’t make it!


    Singaporeans R Free Riders: Thanks for the reminder but no thanks. I knew of my post defending/praising SMRT that’s why I fcuk them here.

    As a hardcore PAP supporters, I had no eyes to see.

    Without experience, you demand high salary and our great founding PM LKY gave it to them.

    And now this is what we get for paying high salary to inexperience dud. 6 days of MRT breakdown.

    Dear Chee Hong Tat, LKY said replacing the head is easy.
    To prevent similar incident again, please do below:

    1. Please claw back all bonus/salary starting from Saw Pek Hua to current CEO Ngien Hoon Ping and all senior directors and management.
    2. Sacked staff who are pro actively disengaged (bochap like in the army)
    3. Blacklist 1 and 2 to make sure they never get employment again like what democratic US did to Opposition supporters/Press Freedom supporters.

    Freedom, Demoncratic, Human Rights?
    The very fact that your MRT and buses operate seamlessly show that he is working hard at the
    As you ends the day, ours continue.
    Don’t oppose for the sake of opposing.
    Like vou said, THINK.”

    Response: praise higher, fall harder (捧得高,跌得重)

    Frankly speaking, the ex-minister should take the blame for neglecting his job while enjoying his perks and gifts from his good friends. Singaporeans as third parties are suffering now.

    Thanks for the reminder but no thanks. I knew of my post defending/praising SMRT that’s why I fcuk them here.

    As a hardcore PAP supporters, I had no eyes to see.

    Without experience, you demand high salary and our great founding PM LKY gave it to them.

    And now this is what we get for paying high salary to inexperience dud. 6 days of MRT breakdown.

    Dear Chee Hong Tat, LKY said replacing the head is easy.
    To prevent similar incident again, please do below:

    1. Please claw back all bonus/salary starting from Saw Pek Hua to current CEO Ngien Hoon Ping and all senior directors and management.
    2. Sacked staff who are pro actively disengaged (bochap like in the army)
    3. Blacklist 1 and 2 to make sure they never get employment again like what democratic US did to Opposition supporters/Press Freedom supporters.

    Freedom, Demoncratic, Human Rights?

    GD Star Rating
  • Taiwan kia:


    Anyone could help with this.
    Looking for a good Retail Fx broker in Singapore.
    Can anyone here offer help please.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Ah Seng:
    By the way,did’t come across @rice’s commenter recently.
    Kind of miss his frank comments.
    Hope he/she is fine.
    So many good TRE netizens disappeared last 3/4 years.


    Tech: As far as I know, at least 5 of our subscribers have gone to meet the creator, some who are alive are suffering from you know what. I also know 3 of our regular contributors are dead, all AFTER Covid-19.

    xoxo aka rice is still around posting actively albeit under a new nick.

    GD Star Rating
  • Ricardo:

    Singapore R Free Rider

    You are always making out stories.
    Think the PAP should award you a Meritorious Medal for BEST COCK TALKER.

    What a bloody idiot.
    Many netizens have ignored you.
    You are a real clown.

    GD Star Rating
  • Riddle on the move:

    Who build Sg for sgs?
    LKY and Team.
    Now,WHO build “Jewel$ and CREATE JOB$ for Alien$?
    You know who.

    1G built.
    Other “G” destroys.
    Many sgs from 1st world to 3rd in own country.

    So what is the actual KPI of such PUBLIC SERVANT$?
    No wonder like some said here,our National Productivity is worse after many good sgs were replaced with unproductive FTs.
    Only FWs (Foreign Workers) are contributing.
    FTs,highly overhyped and overpaid are the same as the ONES who dump them here-LOW PRODUCTIVITY!

    GD Star Rating
  • Pay And Pee:

    HDB at $1.5M is not a Singapore Dream.
    It is The Sgs’ Nightmare!

    But it is THE Singapore Dream for PRs who bought their HDBs at much LOWER PRICES ecades ago when MANY CATEGORIES OF SGS were barred from buying HDB then.

    Who formulate HDB policies so much so that PRs are enriched by Re-selling their CHEAPLY BOUGHT HDBs at prices higher than bungalows even in Australia or USA?


    THEN,what is it?

    GD Star Rating
  • Pink or pinky:

    Is a Pinky higher than Pink?
    Alamak,so many cocks here.
    All the good TRE netizens not around already.

    GD Star Rating
  • Random Madness:

    A public policy is as good as it helps make the core citizenry progressive.

    In $in Inc,over the recent years,government policies have effectively enrich Aliens(FTs) at the expense of core citizens.

    The Real KPI of LHL era is Negative.

    GD Star Rating
  • SIN INC:

    Singaporeans have been screwed badly.
    Last 25 years many PMETs got farked by the daft policies of Prick and Pricks.

    GD Star Rating
  • Dark Comedian Li Ping Kee:

    Sg is now a Dark Comedy for many among us.
    Third World Standard for Sgs.
    First World for Aliens.

    Last 20 years were Lost Years for many Sgs.
    Last 20 years was a Total Dark Comedy.
    For who?
    Pay more taxes for less benefits.
    If you are a foreigner,you are treated like gems.
    Never mind you fake degrees and whatnots.
    Last 20 years saw more sgs getting screwed than any decade before.

    Well,dunno wat to say.
    Just grin lor.

    GD Star Rating
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