
Why Singapore cannot join BRICS

It’s impossible for Singapore to join BRICS (Russia, China, Brazil, India and South Africa).

Here's probably why.


8 Responses to “Why Singapore cannot join BRICS”

  • It’s just too obvious!:

    Russia is one of the major members of brics.

    At the start of Russia Ukraine conflict, sinkie land ghamen joined the sanctions against Russia.

    The reason why sinkie land could not join brics is obvious.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Sg hated by RustPUTIN.
    China buay song.
    Only Brazil and India are so so.
    Lucky if Sg does not thrown with ‘BRICkS’?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    When our great LKY said Temasek invest for the long term, Opposition counter by saying in the long term, we are all dead.

    So, for instant gratification, who cares about BRICS who are still in its infancy and if they succeed in the long term, we are all dead.

    Therefore, going by Opposition logic not joining BRICS is no big deal.


    GD Star Rating
  • ForBiden:

    The reason is not that Russia will reject, but that Sg is ForBiden to join.

    It’s just too obvious!:
    Russia is one of the major members of brics.

    At the start of Russia Ukraine conflict, sinkie land ghamen joined the sanctions against Russia.

    The reason why sinkie land could not join brics is obvious.

    GD Star Rating
  • 47 DNA creature!:

    Spotted creature with no capability to see beyond its nose!

    Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    So, for instant gratification, who cares about BRICS who are still in its infancy and if they succeed in the long term, we are all dead.

    Therefore, going by Opposition logic not joining BRICS is no big deal.


    GD Star Rating
  • Clap:

    If an opposition MP did say that, he was right!

    LKY has passed on. Those managers did and do enjoy, e.g., not $100 million salaries. Normal Sinkies had also passed on without enjoying any of the vast reserves.

    Living old, such as Rice, got $600 while others including foreigners enjoyed much much more, even millions.

    Singaporeans R Free Riders: When our great LKY said Temasek invest for the long term, Opposition counter by saying in the long term, we are all dead.

    GD Star Rating
  • Hiroshima Again?:

    Russia updates nuclear doctrine. Another Hiroshima will happen soon if the west are mad enough to continue attacks near Moscow.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Perhaps i missed news ? Did someone ( WP or other opposition parties ) suggested Sg should join BRICS ? Who ?

    @ rice

    I wouldnt worry about it.

    GD Star Rating

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