
Is there democracy in Singapore?

Last week, The Straits Times published an article on a survey done by the NUS Institute of Policy Studies: “Singaporeans feel country more democratic now than a decade ago, show support for system: Poll”.

I hope Singaporeans, especially the younger ones, view it as propaganda than as a serious study of the state of democracy in Singapore. Otherwise, life will be even more oppressive in the future.

The article completely destroys the meaning of democracy. It shamelessly list the pertinent characteristics of Singapore and says Singaporeans view them as signs of a healthy democracy:

“…their understanding of the concept is nuanced, with a stronger emphasis on substantive aspects, such as having necessities like food, clothes and shelter for all.

They also deem it important to democracy that people choose government leaders in free and fair elections, that the government ensures law and order, and that politics is clean and free of corruption.”

These are basic requirements expected of any government, whether democratic or not. To suggest that Singaporeans equate them to democracy is either a reflection of their ignorance or an insult to their intelligence.

It also claims that Singaporeans “placed less emphasis on political-civil rights, such as the freedom to protest or express political views openly.”

It is more likely that Singaporeans refrain from, rather than “place less emphasis”, on protesting and expressing their political views, because, doing so can get them into trouble with the law or being marginalized economically.

Nonetheless, these rights are fundamental in ensuring that governments serve the public good. An enlightened government will view them as feedback; an unenlightened and corrupt one will feel threatened and suppress them.

The article then quotes SMU Associate Professor Eugene Tan, “….. the one-party dominant system has allowed the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) government to socialise Singaporeans to its conception of what democracy is or ought to be, as well as the desired outcomes and how politics ought to be practised.”

His observation is accurate, but he should have added that the government imposing its view of what democracy ought to be and how politics ought to be practiced, and what ought to be the outcome, is not democracy, but dictatorship.

The word democracy has been so badly abused that it has lost its meaning. By definition, democracy is government by the people, for the people. So, the policies of a democratic government have to benefit the majority rather than the minority.

In that sense, Singapore has not become more democratic in the last decade, or since Independence. On the contrary, it has become less democratic.

In the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, Singaporeans were concerned about jobs and housing. The government listened and delivered. Policies were crafted to benefit the majority and in that sense, there was a modicum of democracy.

But since the turn of the millennium, the people have been concerned about foreigners stealing their lunch and the high cost of living.

Not only did the government not listen, but has brought in even more foreign workers so that the population is now at its highest ever, despite Singaporeans not reproducing sufficiently.

Furthermore, rather than decreasing the cost of living, the government has increased GST, drastically increased the price of public housing, helped Big Pharma charge exorbitant prices in the name of protecting intellectual property rights thereby increasing the cost of medical care, allowed certain businesses to chase up COE premiums unfairly, allowed oligopolies to thrive so that they can charge high prices with impunity, and crammed more than 6 million people into our small island, thereby chasing up the cost of essentials.

Did the government listen to the people?

No, instead it has pursued policies contrary to what the people want, favoring Big Business and a small group of people, while the majority continue to struggle.

This is not democracy, but plutocracy - government by the wealthy, for the wealthy.

The important characteristic of a true democracy is that the people are free and independent, not being subjected to oppressive forces controlling their lives, despite living together in a body politic.
Even though Singapore is now more developed than the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, the people are more, and not less, dependent on the government, with it controlling almost every aspect of society. It has increased its power over the people, thereby reducing their freedom.

If the government is sincere about promoting democracy, then it should stop trying to control every aspect of society, but let the people manage them; start teaching the people about democracy and their responsibilities; stop feeding them with propaganda but let them know the truth; promote transparency and awareness by institutionalizing the Free Press Act and Freedom of Information Act; let the people provide feedback openly by institutionalizing the Freedom of Expression Act and the Freedom of Peaceful Assembly Act; and most importantly, the prime minister and his cabinet should listen to parliament and not the other way round, as parliament is the elected representative of the people.

But the relentless effort to suppress democracy has been so successful and complete, that I fear the majority will never know what it means to be free, for the foreseeable future.


Foong Swee Fong



91 Responses to “Is there democracy in Singapore?”

  • Correct Survey:

    If you survey sheep, you get regurgitated propaganda.

    GD Star Rating
  • Democracy is not everything!:

    Democracy is not everything, some countries have been practicing democracy for centuries but they are not any better than those who did not.

    Good governance should be the principle element in any promising countries.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Rider:

    I love this topic. Since majority here are colonizedly brain washed,

    First, join TRE as member.
    In Money We Tru$t. No money No Talk.

    Come debate Democratic.

    U$/West Democratic threatened and hammered people who OPPOSE/Against them.

    Democratic Free Speech? Really?
    Facial recognition can determine whether you participated in the pro Hamas protests at the universities. Your jobs and your degrees will be worthless. Your hiring opportunities will be limited.22 Apr 2024

    Either you are with us or against us.
    If with us, yes, free speech for you.
    If against us, no, no free speech for you.

    Fact Check yourselves.
    Activist free speech suppressed/silenced

    Bush suppressed Free Speech

    Pastor Wu suppressed Free Speech

    GD Star Rating
  • Dr Tan Tai Wei:

    The title of that article should rather be “Singapore politics has become less authoritarian or less undemocratic”?

    GD Star Rating
  • GRC is fake democracy:

    Remove GRC.
    It hinders real democracy.
    It harnesses unmeritocratic MPs.
    Candidates ride on coat-tails of others to enter parliament.

    Anyways,for real outcomes,come to TRE to do poll.
    What are the samples,who?

    Who voted for high COE or even for COE?
    Who voted for more FTs to buy HDB after robbing off our jobs.

    Do not blame the ruling party only.
    Young and highly educated voters love sucking lollies and exchange their votes for lollies mostly.

    Singaporeans,including some opposition party ,are too daft to understand what is true democracy.
    The reason is because majority of sinkies are self-interested only.
    They do not care till they get hurt themselves one way or another.

    Many even are prejudiced against opposition singaporeans from certain parties?
    How to have democracy.

    True Blue sinkies will likely vanish.
    Young sinkies only care about themselves.
    Many do not even care about their ageing parents,not to mention their uncles and aunties or other elderly?

    Singapore Spirit?
    What is it?
    Chasing after the “$” spirit.PERIOD.

    GD Star Rating
  • No money No Survey:

    Like more open LGBT PINKY PARTIES.
    Like more money laundering spree.
    Like Million$-dollared HDB.
    Like riding bicycles on PEDESTRIAN FOOTPATHS SPEEDILY.
    Like more ‘foam and grabbing’ Parties.
    Like calling decent sinkies xenophobic.
    Like Angmohs farking sinkies.
    No worries,POFMA is also democracy.

    Crazy young sinkies,highly educated but foolish.

    GD Star Rating
  • $$$$$ is king!:

    Who doesn’t go after $$$$$? Which government does not go after $$$$? The commi?the right?the left? The capitalist? .???.????

    Just cite one solid example to convince people!

    GRC is fake democracy:

    Singapore Spirit?
    What is it?
    Chasing after the “$” spirit.PERIOD.

    GD Star Rating
  • SDP:

    Of course, there is democracy in Singapore — Singapore DEMOCRATIC Party, but SDP is not in Parliament.

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    Firstly what is democracy? The US definition does not apply in $G, so what is it? No one can define it for you. If democracy means electing your government to carry out law enforcement and running the country then yes- $heeple have always had that ability to throw out the Regime up to about 2011. After that time the FT voters were able to keep the Regime in power but the remainder of $heeple still vote foe them in large numbers.

    As to other ‘freedoms’ – like protests, freedom of speech, doing what people want to do like the Americans say is part of their system – this is not a legal or constitutional requirement in $inkieland but the outcome of the decisions made by people who are put into power. You can say the people gag themselves, but that is still democracy in action.

    People cannot have their cake and eat it. This has been $inkie’s problem for too long. Now they are going to die from their democratic decision to get a jab. This is where democracy and stupidity need to be separated. Because one day democracy practised by the stupid will kill them.

    GD Star Rating
  • 10 Million is peanuts:

    Sinkaport is truly democratic.
    Ministers are free to adjust own salary.
    Ministers can ownselves check ownselves.
    Ministers can suka suka brand daft citizens as xenophobic.
    Sure,Sinkaport is free.
    Any Tom,Dick and Hairy can come here and take over jobs and make fast money.
    No worries,just be merry.
    No money,no sweat.
    No job,never mind.
    The government very generous.
    They will ask the EP( Extraordinary Presiden) to take out reserves to give you free money but you get more if you are non-citizen FTs with highest salaries.

    Sinkaport is democratic.
    No need oppie MP as they waste time and money.
    Just join PAP.
    You will be rich,no worrie$.

    GD Star Rating
  • Forget Singapore:

    Useless bunch of people,from Leaders to young people.
    Only Aliens are smart to milk the people,the country and damn daft gahmen over last 20 over years.

    The mess is too big.
    The dafts already enriched.
    What is their netwoeths.
    Cannot tell.

    GD Star Rating
  • We need democracy:

    Democracy is people have the say and the nation work for the people. Now PAP seem to be working for foreigners, wealthy and themselves. The budget is finite. If budget money is share with foreigners, wealthy and rulers( like high salaries), there will be little for the poor and underprivileged. We need democracy to redistribute budget money to those who need money most,the poor not the rich and powerful.

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  • Justsayonly:

    Likely Singaporeans believe that if you can cote a government of your choice, that’s democracy. Just one main criteria.

    But if these Singaporeans care to think a bit more than maybe a different conclusion will surfaced.

    I believe increasingly a lot more people, especially those older folks, may not sit well with this result.

    Yes, it is a propaganda in this election season, no doubt.

    Older folks will need to stand up & be counted in the real poll.


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  • 2Daft2Live:

    As Anwar state in no uncertain terms:

    “I shared my perspective on how the current economic system, which glorifies unfettered capitalism, ensures that the rich and powerful get to have the cake and eat it too, while the poor and marginalised are left to clean up the plate.”

    America has its monetocracy.

    Singapore has its own variant of monetocracy with those in power in cahoot with their business friends targeting the daft sinkies at every stage of the supply chain from housing to transportation to electricity to food to groceries to everything from the day the daft ones are borned or naturalized and till they die. Each time, the rules are re-written to benefit the MIW and their cronies. Need to stanch the large outflow of CPF? Excuse: peg HDB to market price to enhance ownership and asset value! Need to lower public healthcare cost? Excuse: means testing ensure equality for all. Need more cheap labour? Excuse: the country need more FT to grow. Not enough jobs? Excuse: FT creates job for Sinkies, more fast food deliveries, more private hire cars. Fast food delivery folks going too fast on walkways? Excuse: For safety of pedestrians, ban e-scooters! Fast food delivery folks still causing accidents on walkways? Excuse: To further enhance safety for all, soon ban all riders from pedestrian walkways, only can ride on park connectors.

    Keep changing the laws and rules to fatten and make SG a playground for themselves. Keep hammering the daft sinkies so that they know their place as slaves. That is monetocracy, uniquely SG!

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    So many colonially brainwashed Ang Mo worshipper condemning our great PAP.

    Pro demoncratic supporters biggest stupid mistakes is to BLINDLY believe In God We Tru$t America Freedom, Demoncracy and Human Rights.

    Israel raided and shutdown Al Jazeera news media

    In her pursuit of freedom, Hong Kong Free Press Union chief Selina Cheng SEXED sorry SACKED by Wall Street Journal

    Any pro demoncracy supporter please answer and don’t run away?

    Coward Jolovan Wham, Goh Meng Seng had gone into hiding.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Attention Foong Swee Fong and all Pro Demoncratic supporters.

    Please do not be hypocrite. Action speaks LOUDER than WORDS.

    Millions of UKrainians man escaped military draft.

    Please fly to Ukraine to defend US/Western style Freedom, Demoncratic and Human Rights.

    Who here flying to Ukraine to show that you are serious about implementing US/Western style Freedom, Demoncratic and Human Rights in Singapore?

    GD Star Rating
  • Sue Until Panties Drop:

    Less Authoritarian.
    We used to jail oppo for life without trial; Chia TP comes to mind.32 years!
    We progress to sue oppo until panties drop.
    Now son, grandson, fav DIL of ”floundering father of the nation” cannot step unto nation’s soil.
    And we are building $355 mil TOMB for him.
    Our youngsters need to brush up on this nation very dark history.
    …to cleanse our own souls.
    Let those involved in these atrocities have their just rewards in a very hot place.

    Dr Tan Tai Wei:
    The title of that article should rather be “Singapore politics has become less authoritarian or less undemocratic”?

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    I like your reasoning.

    But look at our voters.

    Don’t care about democracy. Simi sai lai eh? Wa nang gong gong buay hiao.

    Only care about money. Can don’t eat but but bet on 4D /Toto.

    All money faced hos.

    I know a church lady come all the way from Kembangan to Clementi to buy cheap things. She lives in landed some more.

    All these cheapos and cheapskates make Spore the society it is yesterday and today.

    Was in JB to buy milk powder. One auntie come and tell us opposite shop 10 cents cheaper! So exciting right? Save 10 cents just walk over ! She meant well. But you can see how people are not willing to pay 10 cents more.

    Customs officer scan our bags and laughed, asked us if we bought milk powder. Ya lor, you also can buy what. Since your workplace so near.

    That is why US culture of tipping is good. You have to pay someone to do things for you. Create jobs. Not like cheapo employers here ask people do for free or try to sell you the idea of volunteering. They should let people poke their ass for free.

    blockquote cite=”comment-1989482″>

    Singaporeans R Free Riders:
    So many colonially brainwashed Ang Mo worshipper condemning our great PAP.

    Pro demoncratic supporters biggest stupid mistakes is to BLINDLY believe In God We Tru$t America Freedom, Demoncracy and Human Rights.

    Israel raided and shutdown Al Jazeera news media

    In her pursuit of freedom, Hong Kong Free Press Union chief Selina Cheng SEXED sorry SACKED by Wall Street Journal

    Any pro demoncracy supporter please answer and don’t run away?

    Coward Jolovan Wham, Goh Meng Seng had gone into hiding.

    GD Star Rating
  • eric:

    The day when POFMA was born it was the death of DEMOCRACY!

    GD Star Rating
  • @$$$$$ is king!:

    You surely are stupid!
    You don’t seem to understand at all.
    Go and chase after ‘$’ the way you conceive.
    In hell,there is plenty of Hell Bank Notes,don’t you worry.

    You are so daft beyond words.

    GD Star Rating
  • High GDP @$$$$$ is king!:

    In Singapore,no money no talk.
    If you have no money,you cannot get top lawyer$ to fight for you even if you are unjustly accused.

    In Singapore, democracy equals money and power.
    The rich and powerful can ‘talk’ anything they fancy.

    The only country amongst first world democracies with high ministerial salaries high COE,highest cost public housing and high GDP with most workers and singaporeans having much less than the high GDP PER CAPITA sum ?
    So,who get the $?
    Greedy and powerful people.

    Sure ,get rich at others’ expense.
    Hell awaits you.
    Replace good and honest singaporeans with FAKE FTs as seen in lowest national productivity.

    ‘$’ is KING!
    Sure,worship KING ‘$’ ,HE waits for you in his Fire Palace.

    Karma is real.
    What you do bad,you pay the price.
    Get real!

    GD Star Rating
  • Peter Chui Tak Lan:

    @$$$$$ is king
    You are surely blinded by money like PAP.
    No one is saying money is not important.
    But greed ,extreme greed is what is people are referring to.

    You obviously try to twist and turn at fancy.
    So,to you,democracy can be bought with money?

    So,you don’t even have basic justice.
    Go learn your ABC.


    GD Star Rating
  • Observer:

    Singapore should demolish 38 Oxley Road.

    Abraham and Mao Zedong forbid ancestral worship.

    THEY do not want to be mastermind of idolatry.

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  • @Observer

    I feel that the lightning party is trying to milk late Lee’s legacy until it can milk no more.

    Founder’s memorial aside, I think we should also demolish Stanford Raffles statue and replace it with late Lee’s. Then we should also erase Raffles completely from the history books taught in school and then start Sinkieland’s history from the date that late Lee was born.

    What do you think?

    GD Star Rating

    R.I.P Dr Lee Wei Ling.
    May God bless your soul.

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  • Clap:

    Totally right. Which idiot says Raffles founded Singapore?

    TRE Tech:

    I feel that the lightning party is trying to milk late Lee’s legacy until it can milk no more.

    Founder’smemorial aside, I think we should also demolish Stanford Raffles statue and replace it with late Lee’s. Then we should also erase Raffles completely from the history books taught in school and then start Sinkieland’s history from the date that late Lee was born.

    What do you think?

    GD Star Rating
  • $$$$$ is king:

    Accidentally lit the fire under the tails of many “money can be enough “ hypocrites!

    Didn’t know how to rebat besides “ stxpid “, “ idiot “ …….very much like the abandoned puppies which only know how to “wang “, “ wang “, and “wang” when they see something they don’t understand.

    In the real and secular world, examples of “ money will never be enough “ are just too numerous to mention.

    For those “ money can be enough “ hypocrites, please cite a few examples to support your claim.

    GD Star Rating
  • Charity:

    What is democracy?
    Ownselves check ownselves?
    Or,let the others check us?

    Where is democracy if Parliament is made up mostly group-thinking MPs?

    We cannot let PAP continue the Ownselves Check Ownselves policy.
    We need MPs from SDP,PSP and other parties to check the PAPies.

    So,vote objectively to uphold Real Democracy.
    Stop being sheepy.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    The day when POFMA was born it was the death of DEMOCRACY!

    You got it WRONG. Let me re-phrase for you. 2 Options for you.

    The day when you are “colonially brainwashed” to worship Ang Mo In God We Tru$t it was the death of DEMOCRACY!


    The day when you are “communistly brainwashed” to worship Chinese In Confucius We Trust was the death of DEMOCRACY!

    Both options brainwashed you to live according to their books (rules) and thus the death of DEMOCRACY!

    We should all strive to have our own thoughts like LKY and go about things our own way instead of acting/living on others peoples’ rules (terms).

    Anyone here disagreed?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Foong said:
    But since the turn of the millennium, the people have been concerned about foreigners stealing their lunch and the high cost of living.

    Not only did the government not listen, but has brought in even more foreign workers so that the population is now at its highest ever, despite Singaporeans not reproducing sufficiently.
    Once a homecoming Japanese volunteer shared with me and 2 others Singaporeans volunteer on how Japanese force out the the US cars in Japan.

    Under pressure from the US, Japanese government had no choice but to open its market to US cars.

    However, the Japanese understand that their government are being forced into it by the US.

    So what did the Japanese ordinary folks do to help counter the US strong arm tactics?

    Solution: They buy smaller cars and they build smaller carpark.

    The result?
    America car is too big to fit into the carpark and thus not sellable.
    America lost.

    The question here:
    Our great PAP had already passed laws to mandate that the employer take responsibility for the authenticity of FT credential and their quality.

    So, anyone free rider here call up the FT employer to request to check and verify FT credential?

    No? That’s it. You don’t want to do anything except free ride on others.
    You deserve to be replaced. Period.

    Case you think I NATO like coward Opposition.
    Over lunch, I casually asked a loud mouth FT to show me his university photos and graduation photos.

    He cannot produce and he dare not face me whenever he sees me.

    Want to learn how to question and sniff out FT fake credential?

    Give me 20 thumbs up on this post and I will teach you.

    GD Star Rating
  • @$$$$$ iz king:

    Yes,what so great about your rebat?
    Stupid,what so good about your rebuttals honestly?
    You are confirmed stupid.

    GD Star Rating
  • $$$$$ is king is daft:

    You don’t even understand the commenters’ opinions.
    You simply anyhow whack like seow kow.
    You cannot even read correctly.
    Stupid is stupid.@

    GD Star Rating
  • Ah Seng:

    @High GDP

    You are so right.
    Only blind can’t see.
    Worst are the daft sinkies and PAPpy IBs.
    Lick boots only.
    Come here to talk boliao thinking they so smart.
    $$$$$ is king is same ass as PAP mandate strong,and Singaporeans R Free Riders.
    All talk crap with no substance.

    Beware of these idiots from the IB.
    $$$$$ is king.
    PAP mandate strong.Singaorwans R Free Riders,all suckers of PAPpies.

    GD Star Rating
  • $$$$$ is king,PAP IB newbie:

    $$$$$ is king is another PAP IB.
    Talk craps only.
    Trying to sow discord here.
    Typical PAPpy style.
    No shame low life.

    GD Star Rating

    You keep talking c**k.
    West also wrong,China also wrong.
    So,who are you?
    Maybe your type worse than communist.
    Capitalistic PIG PLUS Communist Controlling.
    At least in west more freedom of speech.
    In China,more common good.

    In PAPist ideology,you die your business; collecting more money is our business.
    If you dare to disagree,WE,PAPist will POFMA you.
    We decide if HDB is $1.5M or $2M .
    We decide when we take your HDB back.
    We decide if you,as cetain types of citizens are allowed to buy HDB.
    WE decide PRs,whether they own overseas properties or private ,can buy HDB to sell to citizens for big profits.
    We decide if AJ becomes part of Marine Parade.
    We decide how much to grant you when we take up past sinkies’ national reserves.
    We decide if FTs with high salaries are granted much more than you.

    This country is run by us,PAPist.
    What is Democrat or what is Communist?
    None of them can be more powerful than PAPist ideology.

    You die your business.
    Milking money is our priority.
    So,don’t argue or you get POFMA.
    Soon,WE will built our Mausoleum where you daft sheeple can come and worship us till eternity.

    GD Star Rating
  • eric:

    Your post is SimplyRetardedFull ofRubbish!



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  • Renew:

    To have more genuine democracy,Sg needs good opposition MPs.
    I dare say singaporeans like Dr Chee,Lim Tean,KJ,Dr Tan,Prof Paul,Dr Ang,Leong,Poa and others can help contribute to better parliamentary discourses to arrive at better and fairer solutions to our bread and butter issues affecting a large proportion of sinkies at present.

    Recent policies have brought much harfship to many sinkies.
    The current opposition MPs are not able to bring about real and good change.
    It is so clear.

    We must forge a strong alliance altogether before true blue sinkies become extinct.

    PAP has gone astray from the original mission of 1G leaders.
    Anyone wise enough can vouch.
    Only daft sinkies remain blind and nonchalant.

    Vote wisely.
    Our shared future as true blue nation-builders and citizens are put at risk by none other than PAP.

    Unless PAP 4G does it more nationalistically ,we need good opposition singaporeans to be our conscience and our voice in parliament.
    In this respect,WP has not been effective.
    Vote for Change and Dignity.

    GD Star Rating
  • Good soul:

    @Dr Lee Wei Long

    Lee Wei Ling was a good doctor.
    A good soul.
    RIP,Dr Lee.

    GD Star Rating
  • Eatswaran Front and Centre:

    ”WP chief Pritam Singh’s trial over alleged lies to Parliament to start on Oct 14”
    Let the circus begin.

    Now that the REAL criminal has been quickly sent to Changi Hilton, time to hoodwinked idiotic sinkies with side-show to distract them from Oxley 38 and Eatswaran scandal.
    Then call GE2024
    MSM like ST and CNA will portray this as Crime of the century.
    Will sinkies ever grow up and give the two fingers to msm and papigs….do not hold your breadth.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Peter Chui Tak Lan:
    @$$$$$ is king
    You are surely blinded by money like PAP.
    No one is saying money is not important.
    But greed ,extreme greed is what is people are referring to.

    You obviously try to twist and turn at fancy.
    So,to you,democracy can be bought with money?

    So,you don’t even have basic justice.
    Go learn your ABC.


    Dear Peter Chui Tak Lan,
    Twist and turn at fancy?
    You should put your questions to your America In God We Tru$t who is Master of Deception.
    Video of Noam Chomsky speech. An honest old man.

    GD Star Rating
  • Paptocracy:

    Paptocracy – the governings become the richest.

    You keep talking c**k.
    West also wrong,China also wrong.
    So,who are you?
    Maybe your type worse than communist.
    Capitalistic PIG PLUS Communist Controlling.
    At least in west more freedom of speech.
    In China,more common good.

    In PAPist ideology,you die your business; collecting more money is our business.
    If you dare to disagree,WE,PAPist will POFMA you.
    We decide if HDB is $1.5M or $2M .
    We decide when we take your HDB back.
    We decide if you,as cetain types of citizens are allowed to buy HDB.
    WE decide PRs,whether they own overseas properties or private ,can buy HDB to sell to citizens for big profits.
    We decide if AJ becomes part of Marine Parade.
    We decide how much to grant you when we take up past sinkies’ national reserves.
    We decide if FTs with high salaries are granted much more than you.

    This country is run by us,PAPist.
    What is Democrator what is Communist?
    None of them can be more powerful than PAPist ideology.

    You die your business.
    Milking money is our priority.
    So,don’t argue or you get POFMA.
    Soon,WE will built our Mausoleum where you daft sheeple can come and worship us till eternity.

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  • Wow:


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  • Seng:

    WANT to grow!

    Then be poor!

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  • Light The Way:

    The folks at the Central Intelligence Agency in US are laughing.

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  • Peter Chui Tak Lan:

    We are a autocratic capitalist government.
    Tom,Harry and Dickie plus Pete all chui tak lan.
    If no sounds good feels good then kena POFMA.

    GD Star Rating
  • Chang Tit Meng:

    If Singapore is democracy,NK is not Communist.

    Singapore has,COE,ERP,POFMA that even communists do not impose.

    We are so democratic.

    GD Star Rating
  • Papigs Playbook:

    A 5 year-old can see thru papigs political playbook with eyes closed.
    You have RidOut Rajah $88M scandal, Eatswaran, Adulterous Speaker, 38Oxley House-on-Fire and 10,000 other scandals.
    State controlled media now will splashed themselves in the face with 16-days of 5th PM Pritam so-called trial.
    Even NK Kim would have done a better brain-washing job on their own brain-dead sillizens.
    Just put Pritam in jail for 32 years without trial and you can rule forever. No witch hunt and circus please.

    Eatswaran Front and Centre:
    ”WP chief Pritam Singh’s trial over alleged lies to Parliament to start on Oct 14”
    Let the circus begin.

    Now that the REAL criminal has been quickly sent to Changi Hilton, time to hoodwinked idiotic sinkies with side-show to distract them from Oxley 38 and Eatswaran scandal.
    Then call GE2024
    MSM like ST and CNA will portray this as Crime of the century.
    Will sinkies ever grow up and give the two fingers to msm and papigs….do not hold your breadth.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    SRFR THE BOZO: You keep talking c**k.
    West also wrong,China also wrong.
    So,who are you?

    Yes, I am a proud PAPIST. I love LKY.

    Yes, West also wrong, China also wrong.
    Both are self serving. Both are out to brainwash you to live according to their terms.

    Singapore should serve Singapore interest, not West nor China interest.

    SRFR THE BOZO: Maybe your type worse than communist.
    Capitalistic PIG PLUS Communist Controlling.
    At least in west more freedom of speech.
    In China,more common good.

    West more freedom of speech? You are spreading fake news and must be sued.
    a) YT Video (W1) Unlawful Assembly. All arrested to stop them exercising Freedom of Speech

    b) YT Video (W2) Georgia police forcefully arrest protestors

    What freedom of speech? Please explain why the arrest ?
    Don’t run away. I have more videos if you keen to watch more.

    In China, more common good? You are spreading fake news and must be sued.
    YT Video (C1) Woman fell like d0g rushing for vaccine.

    YT Video (C2) Health Minister No Mask partying during Covid

    YT Video (C3) Joshua Wong | THB Free Speech is Dead

    YT Video (C4) 广东进厂工资9块钱一小时

    What common good? Please explain “more common good”.
    Don’t run away. I have more videos if you keen to watch more.

    GD Star Rating
  • Tai One:

    China fleet surround Taiwan in military ‘excercise’?
    Personally,I think Taiwan can exist separately from China as it has all these years.
    It will be best for China to leave Taiwan alone.

    But it is Taiwan’s fault to want to ‘take back’ motherland giving China the reason to reclaim Taiwan now.
    Taiwan could have chosen the wrong path in the past.
    It is now paying the price for Chiang Kai Sek’s folly and that of his followers.
    The original local taiwanese are the losers.

    It is hard for Taiwan to resist.
    Resistance will bring disastrous outcome even if USA,intervenes.
    As it could deduced that USA will again withdraw when they encounter relentless Chinese counter-attacks.
    How many marines can USA provide?
    Of course,nuclear warfare is another game level.
    That would give rise to KJU to take action and it would be total disaster.
    Does USA want to start the 3rd World War?
    I don’t think so.

    Conclusion is LPPL THEORY whether Taiwan go to full war with China as ultimately Taiwan will be left alone to defend itself.
    Can Taiwan win?
    I think not.

    Better for Taiwan to NEGOTIATE than go to war.
    Ukraine vs Russia is not the same.
    Still,Don’t see Ukraine winning.
    Russia cannot lose.
    Putin won’t want to lose.
    Disaster for all if Putin turns berserk.
    Zelenskyy is daft.
    The Angmohs are equally daft.
    Maybe Trump can bring ‘settlement’.
    Harris will make it worse.

    Let Taiwan go back to China peacefully.
    Still,I hope against hope that China will leave Taiwan alone.
    Politically though,it is quite impossible as other ‘provinces’ like Xinjiang may want to follow likewise.
    China die die will want Taiwan ‘PROVINCE’ back to its fold.

    China’s desire to take back Taiwan is similar to USA NOT LETTING HAWAII seek a breakaway,isn’t it?

    What do Americans think?

    GD Star Rating
  • Light The Way:

    Pigs who walk upright on 2 legs can be called humans.

    Don’t believe me? Just go ask the incumbent ruling party.

    There’s 1 fat pig become skinny andnow enjoying one year captivity with free meals and laundry service.

    Tech: Unless home detention, he actually only serve 8 months in prison. Got discount for holiday one. lol

    GD Star Rating

    You confirm you are truly bozo with your comments.
    Only you don’t know.
    Maybe your brains are so washed by your masters.
    You better off lock your orifice up.
    That way you will not let your stupidity be noted.

    All here know how daft you can be.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Your post is SimplyRetardedFull ofRubbish!



    My choice? Always Vote PAP. PAP is democracy.

    I am not “colonially brainwashed” to worship Anglo Saxon In God We Tru$t who did so many evil things.
    YT Video (W3) Noam Chomsky: You cannot find the phrase U.S. invasion of Iraq in U.S media. (a honest Christian I presumed)

    See, U.S. In God We Tru$t controlled what you read to make you live on their terms.

    YT Video (W4) Soldier: Bush, you lied about Weapons of Mass Destruction.

    I am also not “communistly brainwashed” to worship Chinese In Confucius We Trust who also did many evil things.
    Refer to YT Video (C1),(C2),(C3),(C4) of my post above.

    Lastly, Eric don’t be a coward. Tell me, what democracy?

    YT Video (W5) Wall Street Journal SACKED reporter for pursuing freedom

    Eric, Don’t be a coward and run away. Answer below questions.
    a) Where is Freedom for Selina Cheng?
    b) Where is Democracy for Selina Cheng?
    c) Where is Human Rights for Selina Cheng?
    d) Why are you online instigating/inciting hatred against our great PAP instead of you protesting at US Embassy for violating Selina Cheng and Iraqis and Palestine human rights?
    e) Were you financed/sponsored by CIA operated National Endowment for Democracy?

    Love you Eric, the Cannon Fodder. I eagerly await your reply.

    PAP supporters please download the video and share. Use the video to sue and sue all “colonially brainwashed” pro democracy gullible cannon fodder like Eric for spreading fake news and lies.

    There is no need for POFMA.

    GD Star Rating
  • Generalisimo Fault:

    Yelp. All his fault. If he had surrendered in 1949, the world today would be totally different.

    Tai One: It is now paying the price for Chiang Kai Sek’s folly and that of his followers.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    You confirm you are truly bozo with your comments.
    Only you don’t know.
    Maybe your brains are so washed by your masters.
    You better off lock your orifice up.
    That way you will not let your stupidity be noted.

    All here know how daft you can be.

    Hahaha..unable to explain your selective West freedom of Speech and China common good?

    You should be sued/charged for promoting US/China fake news just like sham marriage.
    Singaporean Marriage of Convenience

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Let me offer you my views on what democracy is about.

    It’s about being fair to others.

    In that aspect, the Ang Mo Tua Kees you mentioned have got that right. Contract says you work 9 till 6, five days a week. Slightly after 6, they’ll say you can go. If they see you in office on Saturdays , they will be very surprised.

    But locals are different. No respect for work hours in contract. Very mean and grudging. The reason is that local employers have a slave driver mentality. They don’t like it , employees leave at 6. Clock watchers. Well, they aren’t paying overtime.

    Local employers don’t like the idea that employees can meet friends for dinner after work, catch movies or shows. And then have sex with partners in small apartments. No! No! No! Cannot!

    So they call employees at 10 pm. Say there’s urgent meeting. Then you realize these can wait till next day. The poor girl say the woman boss nag nag until she concussion sia.

    Local SMEs also don’t pay well. Pay $1 expect $10 value. My experience is that Ang Mos pay better. And locals like to put in contracts, if you quit their company, you cannot work in the same industry. What utter bollocks! That is restraint of trade. Utterly undemocratic. Why don’t the employers also put a clause saying if the employee resign, the employer should close shop and ply their trade elsewhere.

    Whether in school, army or work, there’s a certain practice. Make people run along Helter skelter.

    Do you think all these are democratic? That’s why Spore opened it’s doors to 3rd world aliens who are willing to accept unpleasant and unfair work conditions.

    I think it is good Australia passed a law saying employers cannot call/text employees after work. Time after work means just that. The employee already fulfilled their part of the deal. So let people take a break/rest.

    Want to work people so hard for what? Does it make any difference if people work overnight and are tired the next day? Or does it satisfy the sadistic tendencies of local employers?

    It’s the same with clients. I closed a deal at 5pm. At 6 pm, just as I was leaving, the client called and said need to meet and discuss something. Just because they pay you, you are expected to be at their beck and call 24/7.

    So Free Rider, I agree with you Sporean employers are free riders. And also undemocratic.

    Singaporeans R Free Riders: My choice? Always Vote PAP. PAP is democracy.

    I am not “colonially brainwashed” to worship Anglo Saxon In God We Tru$t who did so many evil things.
    YT Video (W3) Noam Chomsky: You cannot find the phrase U.S. invasion of Iraq in U.S media. (a honest Christian I presumed)

    See, U.S. In God We Tru$t controlled what you read to make you live on their terms.

    YT Video (W4) Soldier: Bush, you lied about Weapons of Mass Destruction.

    I am also not “communistly brainwashed” to worship Chinese In Confucius We Trust who also did many evil things.
    Refer to YT Video (C1),(C2),(C3),(C4) of my post above.

    Lastly, Eric don’t be a coward. Tell me, what democracy?

    YT Video (W5) Wall Street Journal SACKED reporter for pursuing freedom

    Eric, Don’t be a coward and run away. Answer below questions.
    a) Where is Freedom for Selina Cheng?
    b) Where is Democracy for Selina Cheng?
    c) Where is Human Rights for Selina Cheng?
    d) Why are you online instigating/inciting hatred against our great PAP instead of you protesting at US Embassy for violating Selina Cheng and Iraqis and Palestine human rights?
    e) Were you financed/sponsored by CIA operated National Endowment for Democracy?

    Love you Eric, the Cannon Fodder. I eagerly await your reply.

    PAP supporters please download the video and share. Use the video to sue and sue all “colonially brainwashed” pro democracy gullible cannon fodder like Eric for spreading fake news and lies.

    There is no need for POFMA.

    GD Star Rating
  • I am nobody:

    Of course,there is democracy in Singapore!
    We are very demoCRAPtic.
    GRC very democratic.
    POFMA lagi more.
    Well,you vote who?

    GD Star Rating
  • Locked up for 32 years:

    Yes Chia TP was locked up for 32 years without trial.
    Longer than Nelson Mandela.
    ”He then went on to spend 9 more years under severe restrictions, which makes his total length of incarcerations and restrictions longer than what Mandela endured.”
    State Controlled Media should ask the papigs to lock up Pritam forever without trial .
    That was their standard playbook.
    Do not waste sinkies’ time putting up a circus trial—wasting everybody’s time

    Papigs Playbook:
    A 5 year-old can see thru papigs political playbook with eyes closed.
    You have RidOut Rajah $88M scandal, Eatswaran, Adulterous Speaker, 38Oxley House-on-Fire and 10,000 other scandals.
    State controlled media now will splashed themselves in the face with 16-days of 5th PM Pritam so-called trial.
    Even NK Kim would have done a betterbrain-washing job on their own brain-dead sillizens.
    Just put Pritam in jail for 32 years without trial and you can rule forever. No witch hunt and circus please.

    GD Star Rating

    Standard replies as usual.
    Quote here ,quote there.
    So,your quotes are the end all answers ?
    Isn’t that just a PAPaganda machine?
    Ya lor,PAP is God’s god?
    Whither than white.

    Tell you what.
    You confirmed “WHITE-washed” like all the PAPpies.
    Your brains in your ass as usual.
    Hot air in your farty mouth.

    GD Star Rating
  • Babe Me:

    Of course, we have democracy otherwise how can have we have the world’s highest paid ministers and ministry with blatant conflict of interest, that full of twisted logics in parliament. We have the world expensive clowns, and circus in parliament, that will pass any law due to majority, as they like and when. They even break their own law where no one else can, no opposition can, only they can. If this is not example of our purest democracy, then nothing is. Vote PAP for more good years because when it comes to election, the same torment sheeps will blah, blah, blah and still vote PAP regardless. The sinkie is destined to be sheep of the world that is why they deserve to eaten by the wolf because sinkie can only blah, blah and more blah.

    GD Star Rating

    PAP puppies praise PAPism.
    SM LEE now praise China.
    Slap your silly face.
    Same for PAPies and PAP mandate wrong.

    GD Star Rating
  • Locking Up opposition:

    Locking up opposition is SOP for non-democracies.
    Harassing opposition is SOP for democracies-pretending-to-be.
    What are we.
    Many sinkies are tertiary-educated.
    How many can identify a circus trial when they see on.
    State controlled media and papigs think sinkies are illiterate peasants.
    Perhaps they are right.

    Locked up for 32 years:
    Yes Chia TP was locked up for 32 years without trial.
    Longer than Nelson Mandela.
    ”He then went on to spend 9 more years under severe restrictions, which makes his total length of incarcerations and restrictions longer than what Mandela endured.”
    State Controlled Media should ask the papigs to lock up Pritam forever without trial .
    That was their standard playbook.
    Do not waste sinkies’ time putting up a circus trial—wasting everybody’s time

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Standard replies as usual.
    Quote here ,quote there.
    So,your quotes are the end all answers ?
    Isn’t that just a PAPaganda machine?
    Ya lor,PAP is God’s god?
    Whither than white.

    Tell you what.
    You confirmed “WHITE-washed” like all the PAPpies.
    Your brains in yourass as usual.
    Hot air in your farty mouth.

    Dear xoxo aka rice.
    Unable to answer my questions and resort to change different nick to hide your shame?

    I am not white and I don’t worship white like you so I am not “WHITE-washed”.

    Singapore must look after our own interest, not US nor China interest.

    I had utmost respect for LKY after I volunteer at the frontline and could empathize with him. Poor LKY, he has to deal with so many cheapo and unrealistic Singaporeans who demand everything free, free and free.

    Our great LKY said this: We have to hope that peace and stability can be maintained without one dominant power, a continuing US involvement.

    Don’t be lazy. Go google for it.

    GD Star Rating
  • Fake Singaporean:

    You don’t know what “WHITE-washed” means. You are no Singaporean.

    Singaporeans R Free Riders: Dear xoxo aka rice.
    Unable to answer my questions and resort to change different nick to hide your shame?

    I am not white and I don’t worship white like you so I am not “WHITE-washed”.

    Singapore must look after our owninterest, not US nor China interest.

    I had utmost respect for LKY after I volunteer at the frontline and could empathize with him. Poor LKY, he has to deal with so many cheapo and unrealistic Singaporeans who demand everything free, free and free.

    Our great LKY said this: We have to hope that peace and stability can be maintained without one dominant power, a continuing US involvement.

    Don’t be lazy. Go google for it.

    GD Star Rating
  • You are just too kind:

    @ SRFR the bozo

    You are just too kind with your words!

    GD Star Rating

    Hi SRFR
    First,I don’t know who or what you are refering to by ‘xoxo aka rice’.
    I just chance upon TRE recently.
    I mostly read TOC previously.

    I notice you enjoy bashing commenters here in all circumstances.
    You keep defending PAP and its policies.
    LKY is no more!
    PAP IS PAP 3G/4G.
    Their perspectives have swerved completely!
    LKY said many things.
    No doubt we must put Sg first.
    But LKY also tried to strike a balancing act between USA and China despite of those comments about Americans you borrowed and quoted here ever so often?

    Give your very own opinions.
    Each time you bash sgs here,you quote here and there,this and that,don’t you?
    ChannelNewsAsia,what is that?
    Clearly a PAP machine.

    In any case,all other quotes mostly have their own biases depending on which countries they are from,right?
    Why don’t you quote news agencies from China that are honest on their views on Americans?

    You see ,you think by quoting from here and there,you have given good replies?
    You are lying to yourself.

    Give your own solid views,your own takes,no matter how simple.
    You expect me to ‘believe’ and accept your srunted views by referring to those quotes?
    Then,we might as well just tune in to CNA,etc?

    You love LKY.
    That is your choice.
    Many do revere him including me.
    He and his lieutenants especially Dr Goh,Raja and a few others did a great job.
    Without Dr Goh,many of LKY’s “original ideas’ would have had negative outcomes.
    It is just like LHL does not a lieutenant like Dr Goh.
    So,many of his ideas imposed much negativism onto many good sgs.

    Ok,you have your right to hold LKY dear.
    But,who is challenging that?
    Here,sgs are commenting on policy outcomes.
    Whether China or US or other Angmohs,each has his/her take and rightly so.

    Tell me,what has China done wrong to you or to us so far?

    China is a better China if it engages more rather than be closed off (shut off) either by herself or by Angmohs.
    If so,China will be more a ‘RISK TO WORLD PEACE’ than KJU/NK is.

    You seem bias.
    Tell me what so great about PAPism in its current state?
    So many good sgs are suffering if only our leaders open their eyes and hearts to see and feel.

    Anyhow,I have nothing against you.
    I will just carry on putting my simple takes on topics here.
    I will leave you to go about your agenda.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Haha, Sporenas not only want free but must be good quality some more. The watermelon must not only be free but big and juicy too.

    Give an inch take a mile.

    You checked out xoxo and rice same IP address? Haha…

    Singaporeans R Free Riders: Dear xoxo aka rice.
    Unable to answer my questions and resort to change different nick to hide your shame?

    I am not white and I don’t worship white like you so I am not “WHITE-washed”.

    Singapore must look after our owninterest, not US nor China interest.

    I had utmost respect for LKY after I volunteer at the frontline and could empathize with him. Poor LKY, he has to deal with so many cheapo and unrealistic Singaporeans who demand everything free, free and free.

    Our great LKY said this: We have to hope that peace and stability can be maintained without one dominant power, a continuing US involvement.

    Don’t be lazy. Go google for it.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:
    Haha, Sporenas not only want free but must be good quality some more. The watermelon must not only be free but big and juicy too.

    Give an inch take a mile.

    Very well said. If you walk the ground long long long enough, you will realise they are many this kind of shameless keng king Singaporeans.

    Yes, The watermelon must not only be FREE but BIG and JUICY too.

    Want cheap (ai pe), Want fresh (ai chi) , Want big breast (ai tua lui ni)

    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:
    You checked out xoxo and rice same IP address? Haha…

    Don’t need to check. I had exchanged with him many times but he always ran away when he cannot answer my questions.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Democracy is not everything!:
    Democracy is not everything, some countries have been practicing democracy for centuries but they are not any better than those who did not.

    Good governance should be the principle element in any promising countries.

    Miss out this post.

    Yes, this is correct.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed: Let me offer you my views on what democracy is about.

    It’s about being fair to others.

    What? Democracy is about being fair to others? Are you kidding me?

    Below is straight from the Democratic President Lai mouth.

    1) “Don’t ask for high salary”. Elderly caretaker job salary is low but take it as you are volunteering for a good cause.

    2) How about this 6 Canadian Democratic police moving in on a peaceful lone protestor like a hawk hunting its prey ? (at beginning of video)

    3) Trump: “But the police came in and in exactly 2 hours, everything was over.
    It was a beautiful thing to watch. New York’s finest”

    4) US on HK protestors: They are brave. It is battle between Democracy and Dictatorship.
    US on homeland protestors: They are lunatic. We are not going to tolerate it.

    5) Selina Cheng sacked by Democratic WSJ for pursuing press freedom.

    Is it Fair for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 ?

    Choose your answer below:
    A) Yes, it is fair. It is democracy in action.
    B) No, it is NOT fair because Taiwan is not democratic, Canada is not democratic and USA is not democratic. These countries are CCP in disguise.
    C) No. There is no such thing as democracy. Pro Democracy supporters are cannon fodders for In God We Trust America to overthrow government which America don’t like.

    Tik n Tok and all anti PAP pro democracy supporters, make your stand.
    Choose A or B or C?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Give your own solid views,your own takes,no matter how simple.

    My own solid views are with PAP except 2 major incidents (MRT and Singtel breakdown) which I had fcuked them.

    Now let us have your (anti PAP) own solid views. Choose A, B or C from my post above?

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    Just wondering what is singapores definition of democracy? Only know from the pledge “… build a democracy society based on justice and equality…”.

    Different radio frequency, station yes 93.3 vs class95.

    GD Star Rating


    I am not interested in your offer.
    I simply observe and give my sincere takes on topics here.
    I am not here to win or lose .
    That is not my priority.

    Whether PAP ,WP or SDP/PSP,I only hope to see policies formulated for sgs’ benefits before all non-sgs.
    Do we see true democracy even in USA?
    IT IS ALL AN ILLUSION “wayang” by illusionists.

    Why are we born here in TINY sg and not even across the Causeway not to mention China,India etc?
    There are almost 8 Billion persons in the world,young and old.
    And,we,true blue sgs,getting born here is not something we just easily CHOOSE TO IGNORE.
    The gahmen must put SGS FIRST in all its policy-making and policy practices.

    Internal relations is for the gahmen to handle in the best interests of Sgs and Sg.
    Without true blue sgs,what is Sg?
    We might as well name it Chinapore,Indiapore etc,what does it matter then?

    Policies formulators must be born-and-bred here to be TRULY LOYAL.
    TOO MANY “PRs-turn-NEW CITIZENS” are formulating policies in our ministries,government agencies,that actually “BENEFIT THEIR OWN KIND” at the expense of,True Blue Sgs,it is so obvious.

    GO CHECK HONESTLY HOW MANY PRs have reaped humongous profits from “RE-SELLING” THE HDBs they do not need as a shelter unlike the eager sgs who ARE NEEDFUL of such HDB dwellings that these sgs are CAJOLED TO COUGH OUT $1.5M for A USED HDB FLAT of their choice after DOWN-GRADING so as to mitigate COL just because they cannot wait or the 2-room Flexi is too TIGHT for them and their families?

    Take the $100B Covid Budget.

    PrezHalimah/PM LHL/ HSK ,all three has,done injustice to NEEDY AND DESERVING sgs especially SENIORS by their unjust allocaamtions of the $100B,HAVE THEY NOT?

    It is not xenophobic.
    It is stupid to think and say so.
    Worst is to “DO SO”???


    GD Star Rating

    It is obvious to those who bother see carefully and honestly that even as more alien scavengers get richer and can even afford to buy cars with $100K COE here,MANY FORMER SG-PMETs are so impoverished that they have to choose to DOWNGRADE from PRIVATE HOUSING TO SMALL HDB UNITS OR EVEN RENTING.

    So,are our public policies benefitting our own citizens or oursiders?
    Only idiots cannot see the Hard Truths.

    ShameGAPOREAN$ indeed!

    GD Star Rating

    It is obvious to those who bother see carefully and honestly that even as more alien scavengers get richer and can even afford to buy cars with $100K COE here,MANY FORMER SG-PMETs are so impoverished that they have to choose to DOWNGRADE from PRIVATE HOUSING TO SMALL HDB UNITS OR EVEN RENTING.

    So,are our public policies benefitting our own citizens or oursiders?
    Only idiots cannot see the Hard Truths.

    One kind type of ShameGAPOREAN$ indeed!
    And,sad singapooreans bear the consequences.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    That’s why National Day, RC have to give FREE chicken rice and free rides to the national day celebrations. Plus goodie bag.

    After taking freebies, people sell online.

    Some sporeans don’t bother to wear pants in public anymore. One PMD rider uncle like dat. He cover private parts by pulling down singlet.

    Singaporeans R Free Riders: Very well said. If you walk the ground long long long enough, you will realise they are many this kind of shameless keng king Singaporeans.

    Yes, The watermelon must not only be FREE but BIG and JUICY too.

    Want cheap (ai pe), Want fresh (ai chi) , Want big breast (ai tua lui ni)

    Don’t need to check. I had exchanged with him many times but he always ran away when he cannot answer my questions.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    In Taiwan’s case, people can don’t have to accept the caretaker’s job for low salary reasons. They are free to decline. Eg of democracy.

    The rest of your videos demonstrate that certain parts of the world are becoming a police state. Individual freedoms and liberties are being eroded slowly. It all started with Covid. Which is an exercise in taking away people’s rights.

    All heading for a ONE WORLD GOVT.

    Listen to John Lennon’s Imagine. One world sounds wonderful.

    Singaporeans R Free Riders: What? Democracy is about being fair to others? Are you kidding me?

    Below is straight from the Democratic President Lai mouth.

    1) “Don’t ask for high salary”. Elderly caretaker job salary is low but take it as you are volunteering for a good cause.

    2) How about this 6 Canadian Democratic police moving in on a peaceful lone protestor like a hawk hunting its prey ? (at beginning of video)

    3) Trump: “But the police came in and in exactly 2 hours, everything was over.
    It was a beautiful thing to watch. New York’s finest”

    4) US on HK protestors: They are brave. It is battle between Democracy and Dictatorship.
    US on homeland protestors: They are lunatic. We are not going to tolerate it.

    5) Selina Cheng sacked by Democratic WSJ for pursuing press freedom.

    Is it Fair for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 ?

    Choose your answer below:
    A) Yes, it is fair. It is democracy in action.
    B) No, it is NOT fair because Taiwan is not democratic, Canada is not democratic and USA is not democratic. These countries are CCP in disguise.
    C) No. There is no such thing as democracy. Pro Democracy supporters are cannon fodders for In God We Trust America to overthrow government which America don’t like.

    Tik n Tok and all anti PAP pro democracy supporters, make your stand.
    Choose A or B or C?

    GD Star Rating
  • Confusion Says:

    Confusion says, “When you are confused, your questions are confused.”

    Answer me. Is the sun smaller than (1) the earth or (2) the moon? Answer me. Choose (1) or (2). Don’t run away.


    Singaporeans R Free Riders: Choose your answer below:
    A) Yes, it is fair. It is democracy in action.
    B) No, it is NOT fair because Taiwan is not democratic, Canada is not democratic and USA is not democratic. These countries are CCP in disguise.
    C) No. There is no such thing as democracy. Pro Democracy supporters are cannon fodders for In God We Trust America to overthrow government which America don’t like.

    Tik n Tok and all anti PAP pro democracy supporters, make your stand.
    Choose A or B or C?

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    @”Millions of UKrainians man escaped military draft.

    Please fly to Ukraine to defend US/Western style Freedom, Demoncratic and Human Rights.

    Response: thanks for sharing the video. Seeing this video, reminds me of covid period. Some posts in TRE mentioned something like ‘vaccination was like going war, when country needs you, you have to go, cannot reject.”

    This video proves that the logic is questionable. Why escaped?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Confusion Says:
    Confusion says, “When you are confused, your questions are confused.”

    Answer me. Is the sun smaller than (1) the earth or (2) the moon? Answer me. Choose (1) or (2). Don’t run away.


    No. I won’t run away.

    And in using visual sighting to determine its size, it depend on which part of the earth or moon you are on.

    If you are far away from the sun, the sun became smaller and if you are nearer to the sun, the sun became bigger.

    Have you not heard of The parable of the blind men and an elephant?

    Each blind man feels a different part of the elephant’s body, but only one part, such as the side or the tusk. They then describe the animal based on their limited experience and their descriptions of the elephant are different from each other.

    The moral of the parable is that humans have a tendency to claim absolute truth based on their limited, subjective experience as they ignore other people’s limited, subjective experiences which may be equally true.

    My answer? You have to provide complete information before I could answer you.

    Anti PAP Pro democracy advocates claim absolute truth based on their limited, subjective experience on FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY and HUMAN RIGHTS as they ignore other people’s limited, subjective experiences which may be equally true.

    You, The Anti PAP Pro democracy advocates are like the blind. Blindly trust Anglo Saxon and its media and end up being cannon fodder for US/West just like the Hong Kees and Zelensky.

    US censored media reporting. You cannot find the phrase U.S. invasion of Iraq in the U.S. media

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    I am not interested in your offer.
    I simply observe and give my sincere takes on topics here.
    I am not here to win or lose .
    That is not my priority.

    You are a coward.

    You challenge me to have my own solid view and take a stand.

    But when the table is turn, your balls shrink and you dare not take a stand.

    If Opposition are of such materials, I worry for Singapore.

    GD Star Rating
  • Confusion Says:

    Confusion says, “When you are confused, your questions are confused.”
    Confusion says, “And the confused answers your confused questions with more confusion.”

    Confusion Says:
    Confusion says, “When you are confused, your questions are confused.”

    Answer me. Is the sun smaller than (1) the earth or (2) the moon? Answer me. Choose (1) or (2). Don’t run away.


    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    @”Millions of UKrainians man escaped military draft.

    Please fly to Ukraine to defend US/Western style Freedom, Demoncratic and Human Rights.

    Response: thanks for sharing the video. Seeing this video, reminds me of covid period. Some posts in TRE mentioned something like ‘vaccination was like going war, when country needs you, you have to go, cannot reject.”

    This video proves that the logic is questionable. Why escaped?

    Yes. You are right. The logic is questionable.

    Why questionable? Because our great PAP do not force nor kidnap people to take the vaccine.

    You don’t find this news in U$/Western media. Please download/share.

    GD Star Rating
  • Titi:

    @Singaporean R Free Riders

    I read through the various comments.
    You obviously are arguing for argument sake.
    Calling others cowards.
    Who are you actually?
    Just a pesky PAP IB.
    Commenters like Singaroar and SRFR THE BOZO here are wise not to waste their precious time on morons like you.

    You are too daft to get it.
    What a loser.

    GD Star Rating
  • Relax:

    @”…do not force nor kidnap people to take the vaccine.”

    Civilized country only use ‘soft’ approach – no jab no job.
    What’s the difference between ‘smothering'(窒息) and ‘strangling'(勒死)?
    Sometimes people still no idea how they die after they are dead (死了都不知道怎样死).

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Confusion Says:
    Confusion says, “When you are confused, your questions are confused.”
    Confusion says, “And the confused answers your confused questions with more confusion.”

    Poor soul, you are so CONFUSED you don’t know what is complete information.

    In today increasing scamming world, Let me tell you what is COMPLETE information.

    Incomplete information: She is a woman.

    Complete information: She is a trans woman or woman with a dicky.

    And learn English. Nobody confront your ass. That’s the problem!

    Better facts check all information you got to make sure it is complete.

    So, over to you.
    Can you tell me the complete information so that I could give you a proper answer?

    Don’t run away like xoxo aka rice aka many nicks.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    @Singaporean R Free Riders

    I read through the various comments.
    You obviously are arguing for argument sake.
    Calling others cowards.
    Who are you actually?
    Just a pesky PAP IB.
    Commenters like Singaroar and SRFR THE BOZO here are wise not to waste their precious time on morons like you.

    You are too daft to get it.
    What a loser.

    Dear xoxo aka rice aka many nicks,

    You are a COWARD through and through.

    You challenge me to take a stand but you yourselves DARE NOT take a stand.

    COWARD. Opposition are COWARD.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:
    In Taiwan’s case, people can don’t have to accept the caretaker’s job for low salary reasons. They are free to decline. Eg of democracy.

    The rest of your videos demonstrate that certain parts of the world are becoming a police state. Individual freedoms and liberties are being eroded slowly. It all started with Covid. Which is an exercise in taking away people’s rights.

    All heading for a ONE WORLD GOVT.

    Listen to John Lennon’s Imagine. One world sounds wonderful.

    They are free to decline. Eg of democracy.

    It is not about accept or decline the jobs.

    It is about democratic Taiwan leader advising the citizens to accept low wages.

    Is it fair for the leader to tell the citizens to accept low wages?

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    You are the best friend I never had.
    Does it not sound familiar that people are told not to be choosy and just accept what is offered?

    Aiyoh no choice lor. Low wages also must take.

    Singaporeans R Free Riders: They are free to decline. Eg of democracy.

    It is not about accept or decline the jobs.

    It is about democratic Taiwan leader advising the citizens to accept low wages.

    Is it fair for the leader to tell the citizens to accept low wages?

    GD Star Rating
  • I am daft sinkie says PAP:

    Is there democracy in Sg?
    Actually no.
    But if some perceive there is,yhen,I venture to ask why no referendum on spme of the important things affecting our lives and livelihoods.
    Take HDB policies.
    The HDB policies work against sgs.
    I wonder if HDB policy-formulation done by true blue sgs or by PRs or even PRs-turned-new citizens?
    Why are our Public Housing policies so anti-citizens and so lax on PRs?

    Also,why not remove GRC or put it on referendum?
    And,what about our sgs’ national reserves?
    How should we allocate such reserves taken out like during COVID?

    Many such questions need to be asked more democratically and referendums carried to setermine national decisions.
    Even in first world,Angmoh President need to answer to the public.
    In Sg,the PUBLIC is taken for a ride?

    Even China has more of it???

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    I am daft sinkie says PAP: Democracy?
    Even China has more of it???

    Dear Rice,
    Please move to China. Thank you.

    Maybe you will find your 3rd Spring there like Tech ?

    GD Star Rating
  • China Good:

    Why you say “even China”? You should say “Even US has more of it???”

    I am daft sinkie says PAP: Democracy?
    Even China has more of it???

    GD Star Rating
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