
Six months of genocide

I am tired of Netanyahu and his gang repeating the lie that their intent in committing the genocide is to exterminate Hamas. It is a poor 6-month old excuse to kill all Palestinians so that they can occupy their land.

But what is most shocking to me is that Netanyahu and his gang can repeat their lies and be able to convince and extract more military aid from its allies. The leaders of these countries act as if they are under a heavy evil spell. They bury their conscience and give freely what these war criminals request. They too have become war criminals and have no right to preach human rights to us.

Six months of genocide and repeated calls from the UN to end the genocide or at least to let humanitarian aid enter Gaza to alleviate the sufferings of the starving population often end up in tragedy. Israel gets away with murders.

Israel's allies continue to disobey the orders of the ICJ not to facilitate the genocide.

We have too many world leaders who are war criminals today. But we, ordinary people will continue to do what we can to end this genocide and alleviate a little of the sufferings of the Palestinians. We are powerless but not completely powerless.

Speak up or donate money to the Palestinians through whatever channels we have including UN organisations. This is the least we can do.


Teo Soh Lung



31 Responses to “Six months of genocide”

  • rice:

    Speak out against all forms of killing.
    Abortion is so acceptable even by those who are against killing in wars???
    The world is full of hypocrisy.
    The Devil is everywhere.
    His minions surround us.
    Netanyahu is evil.
    But so are Hamas leaders.

    Stop evil from spreading.
    But first,start from where we are living?

    GD Star Rating
  • @ham:

    That site is a propaganda machine.

    GD Star Rating
  • dave:

    Not to worry, the US will be the first to call for a ceasefire and Israel will agree very soon. Reason, they have done what they wanted, to flatten the whole of Gaza. And Gaza is already flattened and no longer liveable.

    The Americans will now cry crocodile tears and claim credit for bringing a stop to the genocide now that the Americans and the Israelis have killed enough of the Palestinians they needed.

    And the silly world leaders, including Arab and Muslim leaders, would be cheering and praising the Americans for the ceasefire and stopping the genocide.

    This is how stupid world leaders are. Completely hapless to the genocide happening in front of them for a full 6 months, committed by 6m Jews, aided by the Americans, and nothing could be done to stop it. Only the Americans and the Jews can stop it.

    What a shame! What human rights? The murderers used to be screaming about human rights and genocides but massacring the Palestinians at will, right in the face of the whole world. And they will not be punished. And the Arab and Muslim states would be very grateful to the Americans, believing the Americans love them and will protect them.

    GD Star Rating
  • @ham:

    Why this got thumb downed? Sheep with thumbs? DM is a propaganda machine against anything non-western.

    That site is a propaganda machine.

    GD Star Rating

    Now the West are going after successful China e-commerce, for security risk!

    Sinkies must be warned about Amazon. Their data will go beyond Sg borders. Oh, be warned about DBS. Their data will go to youknowwhere.

    Millions of Aussies have been warned about using a popular Chinese retailer which came under scrutiny over concerns for customers’ data.

    Temu, an online marketplace owned by PDD Holdings, has become renowned for its low prices and duplicate replicas of more expensive brands.

    The company moved their headquarters from China to Ireland last year but critics remained concerns about customer data being sent back to Shanghai.

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    The ballsless leeders of %inkeland keep very quiet since their master the US and their friend Israel are now world pariahs. Also cry crocodile tears in Parleement. Including the Glorious (Triple -Vaxxed) Opposition.

    Next up – the COVID virus returns

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Dear Teo Soh Lung,
    All Opposition, you included, are coward like Goh Meng Seng.

    Goh Meng Seng dare not take a stand and criticize U$A and all oppositions are the same.

    Why not Opposition start criticizing U$A for their genocide of the native Red Indian instead of Israel.

    Red Indians Mass Graves found

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Give this man a tiger..

    Noam Chomsky on Palestine vs Israel

    Please share.

    GD Star Rating
  • Mystery of Missing Teenagers:

    Today, another teenager is reported missing.
    This time, a 16-year old girl.
    The police is asking for information from anyone who might come to know her whereabout.

    It seems that quite a number of the cases are around Sengkang-Punggol (aka Senggol) area.

    This is certainly a cause for concern and anxiety among parents.

    It’s indeed a ‘mystery’. Each time a missing teenager was found, no information is given as to how, why, when and where they are found. What made them go missing for months and how did they manage to survive all those while.

    Shouldn’t this matter be brought up in parliament for a serious discussion in
    finding a permanent solution?

    GD Star Rating
  • All terrorists:

    9 Apr, 2024 20:26

    ‘No evidence of genocide’ in Gaza – Pentagon chief
    Lloyd Austin said the US remains “committed” to funding Israel, denying mounting accusations of genocide

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Many SG pro democracy Opposition accuse our great PAP of undemocratic.

    But no Opposition here dare to criticize the Americunt of being undemocratic?


    Because pro democracy Oppositions here are cowards.

    Opposition here fear being sanctioned by their Americunt ma$ter and cannot use the SWIFT Banking services.

    FCUK you, coward Opposition Jolovan Wham, Dr Chee, Philip Kenneth, GMS, TCB, TKL.

    Now is time for you to show us how democratic you are.

    We Singaporeans demand you to state your stand clearly.
    Are you with Singapore or against Singapore ?

    You cannot talk about democracy

    Together We Stand In Genocide (video is edited for demo purpose)

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    A lot of white people like to come here molest your children.

    A lot of white people like to come here have sex with your sons and daughters.

    Singaporean R Free Rider:
    Many SG pro democracy Opposition accuse our great PAP of undemocratic.

    But no Opposition here dare to criticize the Americunt of being undemocratic?


    Because pro democracy Oppositions here are cowards.

    Opposition here fear being sanctioned by their Americunt ma$ter and cannot use the SWIFT Banking services.

    FCUK you, coward Opposition Jolovan Wham, Dr Chee, Philip Kenneth, GMS, TCB, TKL.

    Now is time for you to show us how democratic you are.

    We Singaporeans demand you to state your stand clearly.
    Are you with Singapore or against Singapore ?

    You cannot talk about democracy

    Together We Stand In Genocide (video is edited for demo purpose)

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    blockquote cite=”comment-1984794″>
    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:
    A lot of white people like to come here molest your children.

    A lot of white people like to come here have sex with your sons and daughters.

    What makes you think only White are sex maniac aka chi Ko Pek ?

    60 year old man video record maid in the shower

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:
    A lot of white people like to come here molest your children.

    A lot of white people like to come here have sex with your sons and daughters.

    But some parents willing offer their sons and daughters to be screwed by all.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    White a lot of pedo. Like to go Asian countries look for children.
    I posted the one about the NTU lecturer earlier, remember.

    So you parents better be more vigilant.

    Also western countries, a lot of covens and Satan worshippers.

    Singaporean R Free Rider:
    blockquote cite=”comment-1984794″>
    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:
    A lot of white people like to come here molest your children.

    A lot of white people like to come here have sex with your sons and daughters.

    What makes you think only White are sex maniac aka chi Ko Pek ?

    60 year old man video record maid in the shower

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Mmmm correct. Some parents teach their children to harass people. They think there are no repercussions….

    Singaporean R Free Rider: But some parents willing offer their sons and daughters to be screwed by all.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Maid run away from employer after working a few days. FTs cannot make it (CMI).

    Singaporean R Free Rider:
    blockquote cite=”comment-1984794″>
    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    60 year old man video record maid in the shower

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Yes I do agree with you, chi ko pek not just white people.

    Millions of Malaysians, come to Singa pa chew cheng (PCC).

    Singaporean R Free Rider:
    blockquote cite=”comment-1984794″>
    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    What makes you think only White are sex maniac aka chi Ko Pek ?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:
    Maid run away from employer after working a few days. FTs cannot make it (CMI).

    Inferior quality Lazy and unmotivated maids (including Singaporeans) should be removed from Singapore.

    Only Good quality hard driving and hard striving people should be allowed to stay in Singapore.

    Passionate about her job vs
    Man Uninterested in his job

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:
    White a lot of pedo. Like to go Asian countries look for children.
    I posted the one about the NTU lecturer earlier, remember.

    So you parents better be more vigilant.

    Please share for education purpose.
    Singaporean Amos Yee is also a pedo.

    Anglo Saxon found with 6 minors and zipper down.

    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:
    Also western countries, a lot of covens and Satan worshippers.

    You mean Western countries also have China Wine? The more you give the more chances you get to enter heaven?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:
    Mmmm correct. Some parents teach their children to harass people. They think there are no repercussions….

    Do you mean no disciple like this bully?

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    You mean China Whine. LOL

    Last time I never saw any Sun Ho Cds on sale at most CD chains.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Please share for education purpose.
    Singaporean Amos Yee is also a pedo.

    Anglo Saxon found with 6 minors and zipper down.

    You mean Western countries also have China Wine? The more you give the more chances you get to enter heaven?

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Some parents let their children run wild in public.
    Sometimes they irritate strangers who may scold the kids.

    In that video that kid is out of hand. So in Spore, would you suggest calling the police?

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Harass?
    Do you mean no disciple like this bully?

    GD Star Rating

    The US president gets his campaign funds from weapons manufacturers. We are talking about saving human lives, they need wars to sell weapons. Nethanyahu thinks that the US is with him but he fails to see that they are using him to showcase their weapons. Except for 911,no wars have been fought in America. Other peoples’country and citizens are used to create and fund wars to benefit the weapon manufacturers of America.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    If the pay is low, employers abusive, then people will naturally choose a better employer.

    All my former colleagues, full time and freelance quit a certain company because they never pay.

    At that time, my fatty boss paid the clerk $500 per month. After the first month she ask the clerk to pay out of her own pocket $500 for an office cabinet. Which means the clerk cannot keep her salary. She quit.

    She also asked me to pay for things, I just say no money.

    She expect everyone to work 24/7 and can be verbally abusive.

    She would rather spend money advertising in the papers for new hires rather than give a raise and confirm people.

    Why why tell me why people are so lazy and unmotivated?

    She also never pay CPF. Her previous team from high to low rank, jointly walked out on her. Left a mess behind. They even called me to warn me about her.

    She loves money more than people. Something quite common here.

    I went for another job interview and the interviewer referred to my ex fatty boss as “infamous”.

    If you are not getting paid, might as well laze around and enjoy life, rather than work for free. You are spoiling the employers. Later you go for next interview, prospective employers will also ask you do for free. Tell them to give their goods and services for free. Ask them all get screwed for free.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Inferior quality Lazy and unmotivated maids (including Singaporeans) should be removed from Singapore.

    Only Good quality hard driving and hard striving people should be allowed to stay in Singapore.

    Passionate about her job vs
    Man Uninterested in his job

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:
    Some parents let their children run wild in public.
    Sometimes they irritate strangers who may scold the kids.

    In that video that kid is out of hand. So in Spore, would you suggest calling the police?

    I would not call the police as it is a parent issue.

    I will video record the children and their parents and give the parents warning else I will upload the video to the internet. (Stomp)

    Then I will share this 3 link with the child’s parents to wake them up from spoiling their kids.

    1. Toddler discipline (First time offender warning)

    2. Children discipline (2nd and 3rd time offender stern warning)

    3. Teens/adult discipline (No more warning. Action)

    Please share as we have adult who also pee everywhere despite their senior age.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Parents should be caned. Especially, females who can’t walk properly, always graze others with their bags or bodies.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: I would not call the police as it is a parent issue.

    I will video record the children and their parents and give the parents warning else I will upload the video to the internet. (Stomp)

    Then I will share this 3 link with the child’s parents to wake them up from spoiling their kids.

    1. Toddler discipline (First time offender warning)

    2. Children discipline (2nd and 3rd time offender stern warning)

    3. Teens/adult discipline (No more warning. Action)

    Please share as we have adult who also pee everywhere despite their senior age.

    GD Star Rating
  • Are you?:

    You sound “very happy”.

    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed: Parents should be caned. Especially, females who can’t walk properly, always graze others with their bags or bodies.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Are you?:
    You sound “very happy”.

    Generally a “happy”

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Woman syas spore managers are the worst.

    I once had two higher ups who like to talk down to people. Here’s how.

    They sit on high stools and the employee sits on a low sofa which sinks as you sit down. So the two bosses will seem more intimidating as they “talk down” to the employee.

    Anyway, no one bought the bullshit. People tend to leave quickly for greener pastures.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Inferior quality Lazy and unmotivated maids (including Singaporeans) should be removed from Singapore.

    Only Good quality hard driving and hard striving people should be allowed to stay in Singapore.

    Passionate about her job vs
    Man Uninterested in his job

    GD Star Rating
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