
Change is the only constant except when you are in a changing world

Around three days ago, SPH Media, the non-profit that took over the once thriving media business of a listed company called Singapore Press Holdings Limited (SPH Limited) announced that it had appointed a new CEO. The man who will be leading Singapore’s once powerful media monopoly is Mr. Chan Yeng Kit, former Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health and former Chairman of the Infocom Media Development Authority (“IMDA”). Mr. Chan will be taking over Ms. Teo Lay Lim, who ran Accenture before she was called over to run Singapore’s most prominent “commercialized statutory board.” More on the story can be found at [Here]

To be fair to Mr. Chan, he comes to the top job with impeccable credentials. The cookie-cutter that is the Singapore civil service means that Mr. Chan would never have made it to permanent secretary or chairman of a statutory board had he not been sent to one of the best universities in the world and done exceedingly well there.

If you consider the fact that the media business of what was then called Singapore Press Holdings Ltd, is now under a “non-profit” organization called SPH Media, where the tax payer is the major funder, you could say that Mr. Chan is simply moving from statutory board to another. As chairman of the IMDA he played a role setting the “vision” for the media industry in Singapore whereas as CEO of SPH Media, he gets to put that vision into action.

So, if you look at it from this perspective, the announcement of Mr. Chan’s appointment as CEO of SPH Media would be like any other appointment of the top civil service jobs. Mr. Chan will undoubtedly be a competent enough manager of another statutory board.

However, the issue is not Mr. Chan himself but a damming reflection of the government’s inability to grow what should be a dynamic and innovative industry that has the potential to create a decent number of high paying jobs for local Singaporean entrepreneurs. Let’s just look at how we compare what’s happening with the other “Asian Tigers,” (South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore).

All of us were manufacturing powerhouses. All of us built economic wealth by offering multinationals a well-educated and disciplined work force that could make things more cheaply than the “West” (which in this case, includes Japan). The only difference between Singapore and the other three is the fact that we never built a media industry that produced anything that anyone outside Singapore’s shores would consume. Korea has K-Drama and K-Pop, Taiwan has drama series worth watching and Hong Kong cinema was at one stage, the world’s third largest after the mammoth markets of Bolly and Hollywood.

The inevitable excuse remains that Singapore is “too small” for a media industry to develop and since we live in a hostile environment, we can’t afford to throw resources into uncertain media industries. The other Asian tigers are living examples of the fact that this mantra is not true. None of them have particularly large populations and of the four, we actually live in the nicest neighbourhood – South Korea has nuclear armed North Korea that make no secret of its violent fantasies towards South Korea. Hong Kong gets publicly beaten up by China whenever China wants to prove a point. Taiwan also remains in China’s crosshairs and to all intents and purposes, Taiwan can’t even call itself an independent country. Sure, we may bicker with Malaysia and Indonesia from time to time and our people might have a bad experience or two – but by and large, we’ve not had a regional conflict since the 1960s.

Like it or not, places that export media content, are actually places that produce innovative technologies and entrepreneurial uni-and-decacorns. Why is that so? Ironically it was best summed up by Singapore’s Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Loong who talked about having to “fix” the opposition instead of coming up with good policies. If creative people worry about “being fixed” they’re going to spend more time avoiding getting fixed than actually producing things that can be sold. If you have an environment which rewards being in a cardboard box cut-out and upstarts are going to get kicked in the teeth whenever the cardboard box cut outs need to feel that they’re human, smart people are simply not going to do anything.

Even hiring people from elsewhere won’t work in the long run. Sure, you can offer the world’s best everything to come to Singapore and they’ll do it. However, sooner or later they are going to realise that they’re actually better off looking like they’re creating than actually creating.

While I don’t doubt Mr. Chan is a competent enough manager, he’s not the man give Singapore the job-creating media industry it deserves. To do that, the government needs to make institutions like SPH Media and MediaCorp face competition or go bankrupt. The media houses that survive in a cut throat market will pay for talent, thus creating wealth. People will see street-level creativity and innovation being rewarded and work towards it. This isn’t going to happen if the media monopolies are nothing more than glorified statutory boards.


Tang Li

*Although I’ve been based mainly in Singapore for nearly two decades, I’ve had the privilege of being able meet people who have crossed borders and cultures. I’ve befriended ministers and ambassadors and worked on projects involving a former head of state. Yet, at the same time, I’ve had the privilege of befriending migrant labourers and former convicts. All of them have a story to tell. All of them add to the fabric of life. I hope to express the stories that inspire us to create life as it should be.




30 Responses to “Change is the only constant except when you are in a changing world”

  • No change:

    Change is the only constant except when you are in a changing room. No matter how you change, you come out …

    GD Star Rating
  • opposition dude:

    “the government needs to make institutions like SPH Media and MediaCorp face competition or go bankrupt”

    Good joke. If only they really did face competition. They already are a laughing stock from being a monopoly to getting privatised liao so let the jokes keep on coming. Poster boy Umbrage Ng was a very good SPH target for netizens too, what with his great achievements selling off NOL and SPH Reit.

    We all know PAP will continue with this nonsense since they never had good people for the job anyway, just look at goondu Loong as a prime (sorry for the pun) example. As boss lost 2 GRCs and never won them back plus a historic low of 60% vote share.

    Long may SPH flounder!

    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says "Read My Lips":

    Now writer is WRITING!

    GD Star Rating
  • Light The Way:

    There is nothing wrong with the trumpet, you just need to change the musician.

    As if the cows and sheep could appreciate the melody.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    To do that, the government needs to make institutions like SPH Media and MediaCorp face competition or go bankrupt. The media houses that survive in a cut throat market will pay for talent, thus creating wealth. People will see street-level creativity and innovation being rewarded and work towards it. This isn’t going to happen if the media monopolies are nothing more than glorified statutory boards.
    Yes, I agreed with you on this.

    We are now into AI era and young and old people who refused to learn and equip themselves with new knowledge should be replaced.

    Real life example: fossil fuel car vs electric car

    Workers in fossil fuel car industry will not be able to work in electric car industry as they do not have the knowledge and skill to work on electric car.

    GD Star Rating
  • No:

    The powerful musician blames the audience. He scolds them, “I let you polish the trumpet for 2 years. You should feel very privilege.” Then he allows in new audience who do not have the privilege of polishing the trumpet.

    Light The Way:
    There is nothing wrong with the trumpet, you just need to change the musician.

    As if the cows and sheep could appreciate the melody.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Hopefully,someone can stop Sg from being Singapore to becoming more and more like SingaPOO?
    Passing the baton from one PAPpy to thw next is NO REAL CHANGE.
    It is a “chain”.
    And,the “CHAIN EFFECT$” will only wor$en.
    History has shown it to bw thw ca$e.
    Do we need more proofs?
    If so,be prepared to get more $crewed!

    GD Star Rating
  • CSZ for Sinkies:

    TikTok has threatened to legally challenge the US government over the law. The company’s head of public policy for the Americas, Michael Beckerman, has described the bill as a violation of the First Amendment rights of the app’s 170 million users in the US and warned that the potential ban would also have “devastating consequences” for the nearly seven million businesses using the platform.

    TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew posted a response to the new law, addressing the users of the platform. “Make no mistake, this is a ban. A ban on TikTok, a ban on you, and a ban on your voice… Rest assured, we aren’t going anywhere. We are confident that we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts. The facts and the Constitution are on our side, and we expect to prevail.”

    China has also blasted plans to ban TikTok in the US, describing such a move as “contrary to the principles of fair competition and international economic and trade rules” and accusing Washington of “bullying behavior” and “leveraging state power” against ByteDance.

    CZS fights for the freedom of Americans. Will he fight for the freedom of Sinkies?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    CSZ for Sinkies:
    Part 1/2
    TikTok has threatened to legally challenge the US government over the law. The company’s head of public policy for the Americas, Michael Beckerman, has described the bill as a violation of the First Amendment rights of the app’s 170 million users in the US and warned that the potential ban would also have “devastating consequences” for the nearly seven million businesses using the platform.

    TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew posted a response to the new law, addressing the users of the platform. “Make no mistake, this is a ban. A ban on TikTok, a ban on you, and a ban on your voice… Rest assured, we aren’t going anywhere. We are confident that we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts. The facts and the Constitution are on our side, and we expect to prevail.”

    China has also blasted plans to ban TikTok in the US, describing such a move as “contrary to the principles of fair competition and international economic and trade rules” and accusing Washington of “bullying behavior” and “leveraging state power” against ByteDance.

    What happen to Americunt/West Freedom, Democracy, Human Rights ?

    Americunt Two Tiered Justice System.

    Inequality of the US Economy

    Can you explain?

    You will be sue for spreading fake news to mislead the public if you are unable to explain.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    CSZ for Sinkies:
    Part 2/2
    CZS fights for the freedom of Americans. Will he fight for the freedom of Sinkies?

    Idiots..What freedom? You will be sued for spreading fake news for misleading the public with your untruth accusation that we had no freedom.

    Democracy Charged for disorderly conduct and fail to disperse. (Free speech?)

    Democracy Hypocrisy and Double Standard

    Democracy Slapped

    Democratic police pepper sprayed protestors for unlawful assembly

    Democracy slave after 27 years working in burger king he got this #shorts

    CCP BYD car exploded..

    CCP Factory explosion.. no PPE

    “Bing” isn’t blocked in China

    What is common between Americunt/Western democratic and CCP?
    Ans: Both are liars and both are greedy jerk who had little concern for the people.

    Only our great PAP cares for the people.

    Vote PAP.

    Oppositions are cowards except Teo Soh Lung and Lim Tean who dare to openly condemn Americunt/West for their hypocrisy.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Well, tik tok also banned in India.
    I m baffled why CSZ dont legally challenge India gov ?

    tik tok also banned in China. Why CSZ also dont take it up with China authority ?

    How come China authorities dont speak up for tik tok against India gov ?

    Because USA legal system still reasonable right ?

    Tech: Err… China already has DouYin, which is the parent version of TikTok.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    CSZ for Sinkies:
    Part 2/2
    CZS fights for the freedom of Americans. Will he fight for the freedom of Sinkies?

    Idiots..What freedom? You will be sued for spreading fake news for misleading the public with your untruth accusation that we had no freedom.

    Democracy Charged for disorderly conduct and fail to disperse. (Free speech?)

    Democracy Hypocrisy and Double Standard

    Democracy Slapped

    Democratic police pepper sprayed protestors for unlawful assembly

    Democracy slave after 27 years working in burger king he got this #shorts

    CCP BYD car exploded..

    CCP Factory explosion.. no PPE

    “Bing” isn’t blocked in China

    What is common between Americunt/Western democratic and CCP?
    Ans: Both are liars and both are greedy jerk who had little concern for the people.

    Only our great PAP cares for the people.

    Vote PAP.

    Oppositions are cowards except Teo Soh Lung and Lim Tean who dare to openly condemn Americunt/West for their hypocrisy.

    GD Star Rating
  • Fake Indian:

    I am not baffled why SRFR keep quiet about this. He supports anything Indian. Even against Singaporeans, such as SZ.

    PAP mandate strong: Well, tik tok also banned in India.
    I m baffled why CSZ dont legally challenge India gov ?

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Well, both he and me cannot look at every issue exactly the same even we support PAP right.

    For me I would like to see CSZ in action in India court or China court. Under USA court tik tok afterall did win during Donald T’s term.

    @ tech
    Yes. So its the same thing or two different things ? If the same thing then the accusation stands. If its different then China gov need not speak up especially major shareholders are ang mo. Anyway, anybody can highlight how many apps in the market got two versions ? The world version and the china version.

    Recently didnt China gov ask apple mobile to remove certain apps in China ? e.g. Telegram , whatsapp, threads, signal… Why not speak up for telegram or whatsapp …instead.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    We muz also accept and acknowledge the fact that Mr CSZ a singaporean heading the post – CEO of tik tok is an accomplishment. An achievement for him and Sg ( publicity wise at least ).

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    U$A finally copies from PAP.
    Cannot fight fairly and squarely,so “POFMA” Tik Tok.
    Well,very democratic angmohs indeed!
    Angmohs must always win,must be $uperior.
    Soon angmohs will even “take dowm” the Bible.
    In fact,in so many ways,it already has!
    Which is worse?
    $atanism or Communism?
    Anyone has a wise answer?

    GD Star Rating
  • Clap:

    Which versions are you talking about. There are many versions of communism. There are also many versions of democracy, e.g. democratic dictator, 2-party democracy, …

    rice: $atanism or Communism?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    PAP mandate strong:
    Well, tik tok also banned in India.
    I m baffled why CSZ dont legally challenge India gov ?

    tik tok also banned in China. Why CSZ also dont take it up with China authority ?

    How come China authorities dont speak up for tik tok against India gov ?

    Because USA legal system still reasonable right ?

    Tech: Err… China already has DouYin, which is the parent version of TikTok.

    You are wrong. Please share.

    So called U$A system or legal system are controlled by corporate business lobby group and interest group.

    It has never been for the people except using it as propaganda to fool the very stupid Hong Kong people and LGBTQ carrying US/UK flag.

    Sensible Singaporeans,
    Let’s all sue pro U$/Western democracysupporter Jolovan Wham, Dr Chee, Kenneth Jeya for spreading fake and misleading news and claim monetary damagesfrom them.

    U$/Western democracy is evil CCP in disguise. Period.

    Washington lawmakers aim for felony charges for Sea-Tac protest highway obstructions

    Democratic CCP Police clash with pro-Palestine protesters (TianAn Meng Square)

    Democratic CCP Police thrown professor to the ground (TianAn Meng Square)

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    PAP mandate strong:
    We muz also accept and acknowledge the fact that Mr CSZ a singaporean heading the post – CEO of tik tok is an accomplishment. An achievement for him and Sg ( publicity wise at least ).

    Bro, you are slow.

    I am the first to post Mr CSZ grilling session by US lawmakers and supporting him.

    Mr CSZ is our true Son of Singapore, never chao keng NS unlike the Ukrainians who voted for democracy/freedom but ran away from fighting the Russians.

    Ukrainians free rider aka chao keng king not welcomed.

    Poland/Lithuania ready to repatriate Ukrainians subject to military draft (chao keng king)

    “I think many Poles are outraged when they see young Ukrainian men in hotels and cafes, and they hear how much effort we have to make to help Ukraine,” Polish Defence Minister said, without giving any details on how Poland will help.

    No country welcome lazy and unmotivated free riders aka Keng King.

    Ukrianians voted for US/Western democracy and freedom but they don’t to die defending it.

    Jolovan Wham, Dr Chee, Kenneth and all US/Western pro democracy rioters please sign up to fight and die for Ukrainians who ran away.

    Singapore should also follow Poland and Lithuania to repatriate Ukrainians subject to military draft.

    GD Star Rating
  • 一二三!:

    还是邓小平的“黑猫白猫” 说最优秀!

    U$A finally copies from PAP.
    Cannot fight fairly and squarely,so “POFMA” Tik Tok.
    Well,very democratic angmohs indeed!
    Angmohs must always win,must be $uperior.
    Soon angmohs will even “take dowm” the Bible.
    In fact,in so many ways,it already has!
    Which is worse?
    $atanism or Communism?
    Anyone has a wise answer?

    GD Star Rating
  • Genocides:

    You should ask whether satanism or Christianity is worse. Christian churches were/are involved in genocides, child abuse/rape/kill, adult abuse/rape/kill. It’s hard to differentiate Christian churches and so-called satanism.

    U$A finally copies from PAP.
    Cannot fight fairly and squarely,so “POFMA” Tik Tok.
    Well,very democratic angmohs indeed!
    Angmohs must always win,must be $uperior.
    Soon angmohs will even “take dowm” the Bible.
    In fact,in so many ways,it already has!
    Which is worse?
    $atanism or Communism?
    Anyone has a wise answer?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Which versions are you talking about. There are many versions of communism. There are also many versions of democracy, e.g. democratic dictator, 2-party democracy, …

    Any system that bring peace, security and food to the people is a good system.

    I tot your CCP master DXP had already taught you that ?

    Black rat or White rat, if it can steal food (money), it’s a good rat.

    So, how many tech secrets CCP had stolen or copied from the Americut/West ?

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ rice

    USA 官司还可以打啊!

    One lesson if we look at CSZ to China folks. Please learn English for your own sake.
    Dont listen to that nonsense top guy.
    He cannot speak english, cannot speak russia, cannot speak korea, cannot speak vietnam, sometimes chinese also mispronounced.
    Japan 岸田文雄 speech in USA all in english.

    GD Star Rating
  • Hero:

    Friend, that is the perfect example of a colony leader. When he speaks to the colonial master, of course he must use the master’s language.

    When you are the leader of a big free country, you use your national language. That is the sign of a great leader.

    But, you spineless cronies don’t understand.

    PAP mandate strong: Japan 岸田文雄 speech in USA all in english.

    GD Star Rating
  • Cream of the cake.:

    Information has it that CSZ spent 63 million dollars for a ggb in 2021.

    Again, the bungalow is being rebuilt and the cost of which is not disclosed.

    If the above information is correct, this young man is truly the cream of the cake. Having a bungalow costing so much in Singapore suggests that he is not going anywhere but Singapore.

    If one fine day, people wake up from their slumber and discover that CSZ becomes the PM of Singapore, would he be regarded as one of those who are “laughing all the way to the bank every day “ type, by people who used to tekan the “bee eh bee” every now and then?

    GD Star Rating
  • DreamCake:

    A dreamy retort.

    Cream of the cake.:
    Information has it that CSZ spent 63 million dollars for a ggb in 2021.

    Again, the bungalow is being rebuilt and the cost of which is not disclosed.

    If the above information is correct, this young man is truly the cream of the cake. Having a bungalow costing so much in Singapore suggests that he is not going anywhere but Singapore.

    If one fine day, people wake up from their slumber and discover that CSZ becomes the PM of Singapore, would he be regarded as one of those who are “laughing all the way to the bank every day “ type, by people who used to tekan the “bee eh bee” every now and then?

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    This type of face saving answer for him serve little purpose.

    Putin speak english and german. His german ok, english weak.

    Kim ( NK ) also speak english and german. English good. German weak.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    Japan was not colonized.

    Thailand as well not colonized.
    Thailand students are required to study English as part of their curriculum.

    GD Star Rating
  • US told off:

    “The two countries should be partners, not rivals.. they should be true to their words and be resolute in deeds, rather than saying one thing and doing another,” Xi said.

    GD Star Rating
  • Yeah u r light!:

    Yeah, u r light!

    So far, Japan has never been colonised, this is is a fact that could be casted in stone.

    Nevertheless, since the end of wowoto, Japan has become a vassal state of the United States of Armenrikado.

    Its constitution was written by General Madcardoor, it has no constitutional right to build up an army, foreign troops can deploy in its territory. The soldiers can bring in any thing and the Japanese government could only lan lan to do nothing say nothing. Everything, including foreign policy, industrial development….must listen to Armenrikado master. When their daughters kena rapx by their master soldiers, they have no rights to put the offending soldiers on trial in the Japanese courts.

    Yeah, they have never been colonised but have been humiliated through and through for decades by the Armenrikado!

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