
The earhshattering farewell speech of PM Lee

The tranquil atmosphere of Singapore was erupted by the earthshattering speech of PM Lee Hsien Loong . That he chose Mayday 1st May to do it shows his craftiness.True to his pompous character he held court to mesmerize his guillible audience on his superhuman achievements in bringing prosperity and racial harmony to Singapore. He had the physiognomy of an arrogant war conqueror haranguing over his enemies huddled among themselves listening in awe.There was not the slightest trace of modesty or humility in his mien.

That PM Lee Hsien Loong had done a superb magnificent job in bringing Singapore to its present unprecedented prosperous and harmorous state cannot be denied. This is not intended to denigrate him in any way. But it is interesting to know that in all his examplary and exqusite exterior could there be any character flaw, maybe sublimal , in him. The most glaring character defect is his and his ministers avariciousness in pocketing millions of people's money ostensibly for so-called public service but in actual fact to [legally] enrich themselves. I brought this to his attention several times but it seemed like water off duck's back.

I and my colleagues fought the communists in the front line at the risk of our lives to prevent Singapore from falling into the hands of the communists. We were prime targets for the communist killer squad.PM Lee Hsien Loong and his ministers could not be so dense to think that we made these sacrifices so that they can sit on their fat asses and enjoy the luxuries of life at people's expense.

They draw millions of people's money for their salaries and my colleagues and I live on poverty pension at starvation level. Our Pensioners' Association approached them for a small raise in our pension in order for us to survive. Our representatives were told that we had served our purpose, what we received was enough and that they were waiting for us to die. Can there be such wicked and cruel human being to make such despicable utterance?

PM Lee Hsien Loong owes me a public apology for his father's sin but he had adopted a reticent posture. I quoted him a Chinese saying: to uphold righteousness over family members (even your father) (大义灭亲) but he does not seem ready to act.

And quite ironically he now portrays himself as a benign and humanitarian prime minister.


Yoong Siew Wah



42 Responses to “The earhshattering farewell speech of PM Lee”

  • Dr Tan Tai Wei:

    In commonsense fairplay, remuneration, which includes pension, should accord with value, and value must be adjusted to currency inflation. Isn’t this among the reasons given for those inflated salaries of Ministers (but, then they purported even more reasons, valid or not, for their seemingly grossly overly inflated pay).

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Too many former PMETs who helped build the Sg Miracle during 1G years have been marginised by LHL cabinet.
    This is the humble truth.
    Even third-world economic scavengers dumped here have much better lives as LHL’s public policies disadvantaged our own sgs in so many ways.
    To claim “success” is shameful when highly productive sgs are being impoverished while non-sgs living n working here are aided to get so enriched despite their atrocious productivity as reflected in the National Productivity statistics.
    Who can honestly deny?

    Look around you.
    Even as many sgs are down-grading from private to HDB or Renting,NON-sgs are upgrading and collecting rents ;many from Third world working here can even afford to buy cars with high COE when sgs are selling thwir cars and houses to merely survive.

    Is that PROGRESS?

    GD Star Rating
  • 2Daft2Live:

    As the saying goes, a person’s legacy is only tallied long after they are gone (盖棺定论). In the months and years to come, we will know the kind of mess that LHL had left behind for his successor. Just like the mess that GCT had left behind for LHL such as retirees not having adequate savings, ridiculous COE/HDB prices and low TFR. BTW, none of these issues are tackled effectively either despite all the wayangs….they just got worse. So, it’s a golden rule by each PAP PM before handing over to kick even more cans down the road and watch their successor juggle even harder (maybe they get a perverse satisfaction from it).

    I suspect LW first job as PM is how to get the economy out of recession while convincing the daft ones that the economy is greater than ever and charging at full steam. In the years to come, this Titanic ship aka Singapore Inc. is going to hit many more icebergs (issues). Don’t worry, these issues don’t need to be solved, just as long as the wayangs are convincing enough…..hang on for the ride of our lives, you haven’t seen the best performances and/or worst excuses yet.

    GD Star Rating
  • Vincent:

    Kena F by senior.

    GD Star Rating
  • Vincent:

    After that go look for wa yang bro and sail off to sun set.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    This article is nothing earthshattering…it is just rant from an old man.

    Below is real earthshattering..

    Democratic violent crack down on lone protestor

    Democratic Zelenskyy Sold Ukraine To US Corporate?

    Jolovan Wham and Opposition, you are so lucky to be in UNDEMOCRATIC Singapore.

    Our opposition labeled undemocratic police force is kind and no violent was used to tackle them.

    GD Star Rating

    Are we who are on the streets giving accolades to LHL? Many have been waiting for him to step down and vamoose.Alas if we vote the PAP in, he will remain as Senior Minister drawing his million dollar pay. LKY made us proud to be Singaporeans.GCT brought about the 3 million dollar salaries which has allowed all of them to afford Good Class Bungalows.GCT worked to gain for himself and the PAP cronies. LHL continued in the same way but made us a crony state when he appointed his personal lawyer as the AGC and continued to allow his wife to remain in control of TH without accountability to the State or Citizens. LHL talked about the 5th terminal but this may turn out to be a failure because of global warming. There have been cancellation in flights and this is only going to increase. What have we benefitted from the trade agreements he has signed? Loss of jobs and increase in cost of housing. GDP increase doesn’t mean anything with 80% in Public Housing which is a failing as the usual percentage in the first world in 25% to 30%. Assets that should be in our hands as citizens now belong to the government. So we may all end up like Yoong Siew Wah if we don’t vote Opposition in the next elections.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    THis is “extra ordinary”.
    My small sg uncle’s simple mind cannot understand.


    GD Star Rating
  • Earshattering:

    Yes. Right. Agreed.

    GD Star Rating
  • “Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said despite stepping down from his current position soon, he plans to maintain an active role within the government as a Member of Parliament.”

    So as usual, he will be ruling from behind the curtain till Horny is in place.

    Is anyone surprised at all?

    GD Star Rating
  • Ceremic:

    Best candidate for PM

    Needs to be a full time mum B4.

    Bcos carry baby down the baby won’t fall.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ This article is nothing earthshattering…it is just rant from an old man.

    Well said.
    Lots of curmudgeon here.

    GD Star Rating
  • The Rock 1996:

    what is so earth-shattering??

    GD Star Rating
  • OMEN 1505:

    Signs of BAD omen to warn us of 1505 transfer of premiership from Pinky to Liangy!
    -Deadly accident in Tampines
    -RSAF F-16 jet crashes at Tengah Air Base

    GD Star Rating
  • 阿龙当之无愧!:



    GD Star Rating
  • OMEN 1505:

    TRE Tech:
    “Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said despite stepping down from his current position soon, he plans to maintain an active role within the government as a Member of Parliament.”

    So as usual, he will be ruling from behind the curtain till Horny is in place.

    Is anyone surprised at all?

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    4G PM -LW
    4G DPM -H$K
    SM TEO replaced by HSK OR SHAN as $M.

    Kee Chiu n Ong You Con ,either become DPM after H$K.

    Thats the plate of mee$iam mai hum sgs going to get.
    Horny will be groomed.

    More mediocre$ coming our way.

    GD Star Rating
  • $13M Toto otto:

    1 sole winner with $13M .
    The computer wins.
    Who wins?
    Malaysia Toto more transparent one.
    Here not so.

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    I don’t blame the minister-slapper for being what he is. He never achieved anything on his own and just hung on to the policies of the first gen, which is already almost gone becuz of all the FT and casinos and money laundering.

    When his father was around he was so unafraid that he could slap a senior minister. Last year could not even discipline his party members for fornicating in front of him. What a joke he is.

    It was the dumb electorate that kept putting him back in. Now they are screwed but it seems they are still pappy d0gs. Now he will most likely die from cancer. Hope we get a public holiday at least.

    GD Star Rating
  • SICKapoo:

    So sick and tired of all the bullshits.
    All we can see are more sinkies getting sunken.
    Ah Teo says on CNA must have SM for “continuity” as very complex.
    Is it con-tinuity to con on and on.
    Everyday,so much bullshits.
    Even Toto also smells shitty.
    Used to buy when big draws.
    Now,I stop buying cos feels suspicious like 1 biggy winner but dunno who .

    GD Star Rating
  • Humorous:

    Must be a joke.
    The biggest joke ever.
    Aw,alright if he choose to be VSM-Volunteer SM with token $1 pm salary.

    GD Star Rating
  • I fail ownself check ownself:

    If you turned into a billionaire towards the end of your life as a government official, then something is very wrong with the system that fed you so fat…..

    GD Star Rating
  • fpc:

    this guy actually thought Singapore is prosperous. Shows how delusional he is.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    The PM’s farewell speech maybe earthshattering but it is nothing compared to the earth-quaking 20 year$$$ he gave us.
    His policie$ have indeed shattered many common trublu sgs.
    Many literally reduced to zilch.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ OMEN 1505:

    On the contrary, Malaysia king visited Sg.

    Shit happens! If as what you say, so is China.

    GD Star Rating
  • Rider 2:

    This one is likely a twin of FR. Every issue must connect to China.

    Very good laugh.

    PAP mandate strong:
    @ OMEN 1505:

    On the contrary, Malaysia king visited Sg.

    Shit happens! If as what you say, so is China.

    GD Star Rating
  • OMEN 1505:

    OMEN 1505:
    Signs of BAD omen to warn us of 1505 transfer of premiership from Pinky to Liangy!
    -Deadly accident in Tampines
    -RSAF F-16 jet crashes at Tengah Air Base

    GD Star Rating
  • VOTE:

    It is a waste of public fund as the Sultan can’t influence the politics of country to favour its dealings with SG!

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies eat sheeples' cakes:

    The Crony-Capitalist Pappy empire must go on …. piggybacking on hapless sheeples competing against the masses of the foreign untalented at basement 3rd world salaries….

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    OK. Then Putin bad luck.

    Like i said shit happens.

    GD Star Rating
  • Vincent:

    Also pass lots of delivery drivers,and grab


    GD Star Rating

    Is life for the Pappies only to be in the Cabinet? There are so many aspects and joy in life. Why hold themselves captive in a political party when you can celebrate the last decades of your life doing what you actually wanted as you don’t have to consider income or supporting family members? You are finally free to live as you please but choose to be in captivity of a political party. The decline in mental health is showing itself repeatedly in Singapore.

    GD Star Rating

    Pinky premiership performance was stained by his strained relationship with his brother & sister over their father’s will to demolish 38 Oxley Rd house!

    The GE2020 witnessed the loss of a GRC to WP because of voters’ unhappiness over the high COL, public housing affordability & humongous ministers’ salaries!

    GD Star Rating
  • Evil:

    You rejoice at the bad news of certain countries. The more people suffer or die, the more you rejoice.

    Satan follower.

    PAP mandate strong:
    OK. Then Putin bad luck.

    Like i said shit happens.

    GD Star Rating
  • Seniors plight:

    More need to be done to help the Seniors cope with the high COL…the hardest hit group.Also some support for those out of jobs,especially the Seniors as not easy to find jobs because of the ageism problem here…

    GD Star Rating
  • Covid Vaccine:

    The important point is not that he was vaccinated.

    The important point is that he developed Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) soon after vaccination. ALS is a slow fatal disease.

    The question is: Can covid vaccine lead to ALS?

    All you scientist, experts and newbies, what’s your opinion?

    Some scientists say:YES。
    New-Onset Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in a Patient who Received the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine

    OMEN 1505:

    GD Star Rating
  • Patient shocked:

    Kopi c and teh o $2 each, at a hospital.
    Patients may suffer a shock and get “discharged” early.

    OMEN 1505: Why is the selling price not openly listed etc just like any medical clinic requires the medical fees to be displayed prominently?

    GD Star Rating

    Pinky premiership performance was stained by his strained relationship with his brother & sister over their father’s will to demolish 38 Oxley Rd house!

    The GE2020 witnessed the loss of a GRC to WP because of voters’ unhappiness over the high COL, public housing affordability & humongous ministers’ salaries!

    Mr Lee Hsien Yang calls out Singapore state media for regurgitating Oxley Road saga accusations from the establishment. He emphasizes the alarming trend of trying to rewrite history, persisting even after seven years since the saga unfolded.

    GD Star Rating
  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ Evil

    Want to screw, please include Omen 1505 as well. Like him, i just highlight the news only. Now thats clear cut double standard. What is bias ? Now thats bias.

    Rejoice ?
    Count my blessings instead.

    GD Star Rating
  • Harder Truths:

    Covid Vaccine:
    The important point is not that he was vaccinated.

    The important point is that he developed Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) soon after vaccination. ALS is a slow fatal disease.

    The question is: Can covid vaccine lead to ALS?

    All you scientist, experts and newbies, what’s your opinion?

    Some scientists say:YES。
    New-Onset Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in a Patient who Received the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine

    These Regime leeders nevr took the death shot – it was all a hoax. This joker was already half-dead before that so if he really did take the shot he would be six feet under by now.

    Look at all the excess deaths reported in Israel and England and USA and Japan for starters. Over here everything quietly covered up. Mandai busy busy busy 24/7. And NONE of the ministers or their families got sick? None of the ‘doctors’? WTF?

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