
The grandstanding of PM Lee Hsien Loong

The dust has not yet settled. Is Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong the greatest or merely one of the greatest hypocrites?

He is retiring from his exalted position of premiership after 20 years, having amassed a colossal amount of wealth at the public’s expense—a situation that boggles the mind, considering he is supposed to be a representative of the people.

For those who have forgotten, PM Lee approved the increase in ministerial pay in 2007, resulting in his pay increased to S$3.1 million. Although it subsequently dropped to S$2.2 million following public outcry and a poor showing in the General Election of 2011, he still remains the highest-paid prime minister in the world. Additionally, let’s also not forget that his wife, Ho Ching, was the CEO of the Singaporean sovereign wealth fund Temasek from 2004 to 2021, and likely received a substantial salary.

And now, he is shedding crocodile tears for his wrongdoing. In his moment of compunction, if any, he regales the public with tales of his so-called past life-saving services to the deprived and downtrodden.

Not a day passes without his moaning. Indeed, these so-called underprivileged citizens have benefited in some way from his largesse, but his body language reveals a glimmer of doubt—was this all in the form of altruism or merely a cover-up for avarice?

This will require serious and insightful stimulation of the people’s minds. No doubt, he is trying to leave a legacy of human kindness.

Can there be a more comical joker than Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean? People know he is subservient to PM Lee Hsien Loong for obvious reasons.

For him to come out at this time to praise the character of PM Lee sky-high is something as rare as a black swan. What is he trying to prove?

In what capacity does he consider himself a proper person to comment on PM Lee Hsien Loong’s hostile relationship with his siblings?

Lawrence Wong is a Hobson’s choice for the prime ministership. Can you imagine Lawrence Wong playing the guitar when Singapore is in crisis? Singapore is blessed to have him as our next prime minister, and we now have to make the best of it.

What is the prognosis for Singapore’s foreseeable future? There is hardly any potential talent in the opposition now or even in the future, and the continuity of the People’s Action Party’s (PAP) governance, though not palatable, seems to be an unbelievably foregone conclusion.

God bless Singapore.


Yoong Siew Wah


* The author was the Director of Singapore’s Internal Security Department (ISD) from 1971 to 1974. He was Director of the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) in the 1960s. He runs a blog, Singapore Recalcitrant.



17 Responses to “The grandstanding of PM Lee Hsien Loong”

  • Nero:

    Nero played the guitar while Rome burned.

    Someone plays the guitar while your car and home values drop to zero. In other countries, their homes are freehold, and their cars can last 20, 30, 50 years without crazy COEs.

    GD Star Rating
  • @Nero

    Then migrate lor, some diehards would say.

    GD Star Rating
  • Blessed Singapore:


    You are one miserable sour old man..

    GD Star Rating
  • Who?:

    Ask yourself: Who makes him a m-s-o-m?

    In all other countries, pensions are raised frequently/annually to make up for inflation. This one probably retired 40 years ago. The gov expect pension 40 yrs ago to be enough for today?

    Blessed Singapore:

    You are one miserable sour old man..

    GD Star Rating
  • China Good:
    We Shanghai people all have retirement income. This income is not low. We drive our car out. We have fun.

    CAR. Pension income can afford car!

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    If you not happy, then migrate to the land of free America.

    Police tear gas student protestors

    Trump: “But the police came in and in exactly 2 hours, everything was over.
    It was a beautiful thing to watch. New York’s finest”

    Nobody is stopping you.

    Please go..

    GD Star Rating
  • opposition dude:

    The newspaper has been going all out on the praises that goondu Loong is receiving. Anyone who needs to por LP has done so by now. But what the average Singaporean thinks about goondu Loong is anyone’s guess. An assumption is if the newspaper interviewed a person who voted in the 60% side would say good things and a 40% side vice versa but would not be printed.

    Whatever it is let them write all the nonsense they want lah, it’s PAP’s newspaper after all so everything has to be positive and nothing negative. Just wait until their vote share drops below 60% and more GRCs lost and we will once again read about how Wong wasn’t PM for long enough before calling for the election lah, how PAP is going to win back the GRCs and voters lah, how they are going to have more social media presence lah and whatever other syupid excuses they can think of.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    With all due respect and in all sincerity and citizen’s loyalty,me can only ask this humble question.
    How do our PM AND HIS CABINET claim HIGH PLKPI when the NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY IS SO LOW COMPARED TO 20/30 YEARS ago when most PMETs were highly productive SGS who even outperformed the Germans?
    Yet,we took pay cuts during global economic slowdowns even as our Sg National Reserves kept growing with Budget Surpluses.
    Even with half of our sgs getting replaced by PAP’s FTs who are supposedly “CHEAPER,FASTER AND BETTER(better?), NATIONAL PRODUCYIVITY SLIPPED LOWER AS THE FTs numbers increased these last 2 decades?
    Indeed,the last 2 decades can be termed the “LOST 2 DECADES” FOR MANY sgs.

    Only the PM n his underling$ got RICHER.
    And,yes,the Fake Talents too.

    “We are Singapore”?
    Guess PM Lee meant THE “UN” instead.
    Maybe PM LEE shud try his luck as next UN SECRETARY GENERAL?
    SM,whats that?

    GD Star Rating
  • Rorongpadimah:

    During my NS training, we walked from one end to the other end of Singapore mainland , each with a twenty-kilogram backpack, took us less than 15 hours.

    In other countries if you would to do that, it might take you months if not years!

    Lawrence Wong is gracious. He talks sense. We feel good about the way he talks, sharp, appropriate, thorough, respectful, succinct, honest, sincere and easy to understand.

    Lhl has made a good choice.

    Nero played the guitar while Rome burned.

    Someone plays the guitar while your car and home values drop to zero. In other countries, their homes are freehold, and their cars can last 20, 30, 50 years without crazy COEs.

    GD Star Rating
  • KT2:

    Perhaps, he should forgo his salary or a reduced salary. Afterall, he already has tons of “Vitamin M” thru the years. There were and are world leaders(not from the 1st World countries) who have forgo their rise/increase of salaries to serve their countries. I think these are good examples and I believe their citizens are very proud of them.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    During my NS training, we walked from one end to the other end of Singapore mainland , each with a twenty-kilogram backpack, took us less than 15 hours.

    In other countries if you would to do that, it might take you months if not years!

    Lawrence Wong is gracious. He talks sense. We feel good about the way he talks, sharp, appropriate, thorough, respectful, succinct, honest, sincere and easy to understand.

    Lhl has made a good choice.

    Well said. Those who talk negatively about Singapore should leave.

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    Better than Jesus?

    Rorongpadimah: Lawrence Wong is gracious. He talks sense. We feel good about the way he talks, sharp, appropriate, thorough, respectful, succinct, honest, sincere and easy to understand.

    GD Star Rating
  • Pappies:

    Brain damage from the easy walk? So many irrelevant stuff.

    Rorongpadimah: During my NS training, we walked from one end to the other end of Singapore mainland , each with a twenty-kilogram backpack, took us less than 15 hours.

    In other countries if you would to do that, it might take you months if not years!

    GD Star Rating
  • 2Daft2Live:

    First, the daft ones were conned by GCT with his Swiss standard of living. But nevermind, life was still good then. Next, they were conned by LHL with his “with you, for you” promise. But nevermind, he got cancer, must be forgiving. Now, we have LW and his promise to address citizens’ growing concerns about social mobility and workplace discrimination to “refresh the Singapore dream”.

    Let’s keep dreaming or is it 3 nightmares in a row?

    GD Star Rating
  • OMEN 1505:

    The people has shown more than enough gratitude to his father LKY for him to be voted in to assume the premiership for 20 loong years!

    Note the pattern of succession – LeeKY to Pinky (seat warmer) to Pinky to Liangy (seat warmer) to HongYi.

    Enough is enough! At the coming GE it is time to break the vicious cycle!

    GD Star Rating
  • OMEN 1505:

    OMEN 1505:
    The people has shown more than enough gratitude to his father LKY for him to be voted in to assume the premiership for 20 loong years!

    Note the pattern of succession – LeeKY to Woody (seat warmer) to Pinky to Liangy (seat warmer) to HongYi?

    Enough is enough! At the coming GE it is time to break the vicious cycle!

    GD Star Rating
  • OMEN 1505:

    OMEN 1505:
    The people has shown more than enough gratitude to his father LKY for him to be voted in to assume the premiership for 20 loong years!

    Note the pattern of succession – LeeKY to Woody (seat warmer) to Pinky to Liangy (seat warmer) to HongYi?

    Enough is enough! At the coming GE it is time to break the vicious cycle!

    GD Star Rating
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