
Looking “white” in the face

I am drawn to the most dismal critiques by The Economist on our politicians that make them seem like wolves; the kind that makes it difficult to suppress my expletives. One feels it physiologically: the adrenaline rises; I pace and fume, attempting to expel this tense energy. While anger may be a motivator for political action, it appears that most of the fury created by mediatized political ripostes/banters are seldom directed toward resolving issues. I'm honestly not sure what that says about us, but it ain't terribly pretty.

There is a parallel phenomenon: the deliberate stoking of outrage. Very frequently, people seek out the most malignant interpretation of events, share it with similarly-inclined fellows, and come away, unsurprisingly, with the conviction that no sane person could see the issue differently. And undoubtedly, people will disagree with this, at least as it affects the portrayal of their chosen enemies, because, well, it's just such an outrage.

What is the optimal equilibrium in politics between denial and truth? One can continue to fight and protest against this wholly immoral cabal in hopes of revealing its ugliness for all our fellows to see. I want to point out that in order to validate or invalidate truth it must be challenged and criticism serves as the examination of that truth. A great injustice is granted to the uninformed and or misinformed when certain truths go unexamined and indifference falsely justifies those truths.

The worst thing we could do is disregard what has happened to our political landscape. The best thing we could do is acknowledge the damage that continue to sow and become determined enough to do something about it. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." The trick is knowing evil when you see it. There may be nothing at this point we can do to stop it, but I refuse to turn my head because it might make me feel bad. The person that can tune out particularly frustrating ideas, but exercises the self-discipline to not tune out good criticisms or constructive ideas they do not want to hear, that is a rare person indeed - so go easy on yourself and do what you can. Pick your battles.

“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything” - Mark Twain

OK, I feel better now.


Sjorne Shen



13 Responses to “Looking “white” in the face”

  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    While anger may be a motivator for political action, it appears that most of the fury created by mediatized political ripostes/banters are seldom directed toward resolving issues.
    I agreed with this.

    Just look at useless Goh Meng Seng the loud hailer attention seeker.

    Did GMS solve any problem at all apart from criticizing ?
    “I don’t like Amos because he’s rude in the Singapore context. But I have to defend his rights,” he was quoted as saying.

    UK Home Office revokes visa of Palestinian student after protest speech

    Useless Goh Meng Seng, last time you fly Hong Kong to protest against our great PAP government.

    This time, will you fly to UK to protest against UK government and defend her rights in UK ?

    Calling all Singaporeans, please grill big mouth Goh Meng Seng with this question.

    What goes around comes around…Goh Meng Seng, don’t hide and don’t dodge our questions to you.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Good writing,not too long,not too short.
    Interesting read.
    True,if you tell the truth,you dont need to cover out the lies.
    Telling the TRUTH is so plain and easy unlike the heaviness of carrying lies.

    Be free,go tell the Truth.

    GD Star Rating
  • Wow:

    Long long long ago I already know the example is Heng don’t want to take up the post.

    GD Star Rating
  • Wow:

    This chap uses play with voucher.Not real money
    But anyway,next gen pays.

    GD Star Rating
  • Gift:

    15.5.24.another “door is banana”YouTyube

    GD Star Rating
  • Dianbianfu defeat:

    “ what is the optimal equilibrium in politics between denial and truth “?

    When the world major news media is totally being manipulated one dominant force, there can be no truth but lies!

    GD Star Rating

    Excellent piece. Good read and am in agreement. Those who cannot take criticism or an alternate perspective should not be in politics but having the PAP in power for more than half a century only reflects our inability to transcend into a new political landscape.We will soon have a chance at the ballot box. Can we transcend?

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Dianbianfu defeat:
    “ what is the optimal equilibrium in politics between denial and truth “?

    When the world major news media is totally being manipulated one dominant force, there can be no truth but lies!

    Correction. It should be 2 dominant force.. Americunt and Chinacut.

    Both are making use of msm to spread their propaganda.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Excellent piece. Good read and am in agreement. Those who cannot take criticism or an alternate perspective should not be in politics but having the PAP in power for more than half a century only reflects our inability to transcend into a new political landscape.We will soon have a chance at the ballot box. Can we transcend?

    Yes, agreed. Those who cannot take criticism or an alternate perspective should not be in politics.

    All Asian pro U$/Western democracy advocate who did not practice what they advocate by going to Ukraine frontline TO DIE defending freedom, democracy and human rights should not in politics or comment on politics.

    We must sue Opposition for promoting and spreading fake news that America/West has freedom, Democracy and human rights where actually there is none when you are against them.

    Contrast between US and HK campus protest is amazing

    Download and share!!! Sue..Sue..Sue..Sue till Opposition pants drop.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Politics 101: How to criticize (or tighten policy on) someone without causing ill feeling?

    The police post attack present an opportunity for Singapore to do just that.

    Effective immediately, aliens entering Singapore via causeway or 2nd link will subject to stricter security checks.

    1. Aliens entering Singapore at wee hours of the morning are not allowed to loiter around or within 3km of CIQ.

    2. Aliens are not allowed to sleep at bus stop, food court, MacDonald, hallway, corridor or in the car or bus.

    3. Aliens who carried with them anti social habits like littering, quarrelsome, paper burning and leaving food on ground are not allowed to enter Singapore.

    4. Aliens who use fake qualification to land jobs in Singapore are not allowed to enter Singapore.

    Aliens in above 4 groups are security threat to Singapore safety as they could be make use of to attack Singapore.

    I will gently and non confrontationally remind Aliens that Singapore is now in heighten security alert and gently tell them that as citizens, we are now helping our government to check and weed out elements that are of security threat to Singapore.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:

    Yoyoyo. You are the one who said in another article, people who don’t agree or like spore should leave.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: Yes, agreed. Those who cannot take criticism or an alternate perspective should not be in politics.

    none when you are against them.

    Contrast between US and HK campus protest is amazing

    Download and share!!! Sue..Sue..Sue..Sue till Opposition pants drop.

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Sporeans Keep Govt Employed:
    Yoyoyo. You are the one who said in another article, people who don’t agree or like spore should leave.

    But Oppositions are so thick skin. They refused to leave as life here is good.

    Oppositions, you not happy with SG please leave.

    GD Star Rating
  • Dalai Says:


    True,if you tell the truth,you dont need to cover out the lies.
    Telling the TRUTH is so plain and easy unlikethe heaviness of carrying lies.

    Be free,go tell the Truth.

    Just like the mRNA vaccines; don’t need boosters.

    GD Star Rating
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