
Steering with stability in transition times

I refer to The Straits Times’ Editorial, “Steering with stability in transition times” (May 16).

Let us analyze and interpret this specific subject from a broad perspective, how Singapore should respond and adapt to the evolution of the entire international situation and formulate its foreign policy that is extremely beneficial to it, and we will not analyze and study it from the perspective of domestic politics.

Scrutinising at today's ever-changing world order, I doubt which country’s political leader is not strategizing for the future of his country, and formulating policies which are most pragmatic, favourable
and useful for the country's future development, so that the country is able to adapt to the dynamic changes and unpredictable challenges in the world situation. This is especially true for any advanced

In Chinese’s "Yan Zi Chun Qiu", Yan Zi said this: "Those who understand the current affairs are heroes, and those who adapt to changes are heroes."

This clearly underlines that those who can adapt to the trend of the times and grasp the pulse of the times are the real talents.

Undeniably and unfortunately, Singapore is a tiny cosmopolitan city/country. It has no other better choice but to brainstorm of every possible, pragmatic, rational, sensible and self-beneficial means and strategies to survive in this highly competitive and complex world.

In view of this, Singapore must continue to maintain its neutral, non-aligned and friendly diplomatic stance and policies and engage in all-round trade, economic, technical cooperation and cultural exchanges with countries around the world. Only in this way, it will be the best to serve Singapore's own national and security interests as well as development strategies.

Regardless who is in power, as long as Singapore adheres to the above national development strategy, Singapore's future should be bright and stable.

As for the present domestic political landscape, the entire opposition camp still has a long way to consolidate its foothold. Hence, for at least another decade, they still won’t pose a substantial “threat” or “challenge” to the ruling party.


Teo Kueh Liang (Mr)



43 Responses to “Steering with stability in transition times”

  • VOTE:

    The road ahead for SG in the next decade is going to be turbulent with the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war & Middle East conflicts between Hamas & Israel extending to the rest of Arab & Islamic nations & potential China invasion of Taiwan pulling down the whole wide world economy & nations’ stability & survival!





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  • Closed Eyes:

    Some people love to analyse with closed eyes.

    Yes, we are continuing to be neutral. Closed eyes.

    Yes, “I doubt which country’s political leader is not strategizing for the future of his country.” Closed eyes.

    Even closed ears.

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  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    In view of this, Singapore must continue to maintain its neutral, non-aligned and friendly diplomatic stance and policies and engage in all-round trade, economic, technical cooperation and cultural exchanges with countries around the world. Only in this way, it will be the best to serve Singapore’s own national and security interests as well as development strategies.
    Dear Teo,
    I agreed with you on this and I believe you copy this idea from our great PAP leader Lee Kuan Yew.


    In LKY words, a country destiny has to be decide by mature and wise people, not LGBTQ or some young punk or pastor who block you from seeking truth.

    We must continue to vote PAP to have matured and wise people to lead Singapore.

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  • 2Daft2Live:

    Just the usual bootlicking and gratuitous praises that never address anything. Avoid identifying any real issues thus no need to come up with any solutions. A clever strategy to hide any shortcomings and weaknesses from public scrutiny. Most importantly, avoid any guarantees or benefits to the daft ones (that will cost a bomb), just empty promises that the future will be brighter (primarily, for those in power).

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  • PAP mandate strong:


    Yeah! And the lesson is such incident will happen to any plane unexpectedly.

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  • rice:

    It is a volatile world.
    If the volatility continues,all countries would be cajoled to “take sides”.
    Fence-sitters cannot sit precariously and hope to remain in that stance permanently.

    This is going to be the Hard Truth.
    We need wise leaders.
    We cannot afford to continue to rely on mere “GROUP-THINKER$$$” who only see their own side only.
    We are in need of good oppo leaders not the one$ who merely want to be just co-driver$.

    Good oppo sgs are waiting to SERVE.
    Sgs need to be more open and broad-minded.
    Oppo MPs bring balance and check idle group-thinking .

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  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    PAP mandate strong:

    Yeah! And the lesson is such incident will happen to any plane unexpectedly.

    Well said.. such incident will happen to any plane (or people) unexpectedly..

    Ip Man vs rebels


    Anglo Saxon

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  • VOTE:

    If I can use the analogy of the “plane & safety belt” to steer through the turbulent times to land safely.

    Lesson from the plane SQ321 encounter sudden turbulence – those who belt up avoid certain injuries & paralysis etc. Those who don’t end up as casualties in hospital or mortuary!

    In times like these we need both the “plane & safety belt” . I liken it to a form of coalition govt that will be synergistically strong enough to steer SG to land safely!

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    Are we really neutral? VB was quick to condemn Iranian response to Israel on the killing and bombing of their consulate in Syria but refused to do the condemnation of Israel. Did we send any condolences to the Iranians on the death of their President? Why not? Why is it we have no consulate in Iran? We need to be friends with the world but in reality we are bent towards the USA and it’s cronies even if it means going against International Laws. The writer is delusional.@VOTE is right, we need a coalition government that will bring in a new thought process to the changing global events and also to stop the unnecessary continued building of new expensive structures which do not support the rising temperatures. A govt. that works for foreigners should not be rewarded any further at the ballot box.

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  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Closed Eyes:
    Some people love to analyse with closed eyes.

    Yes, we are continuing to be neutral. Closed eyes.

    Yes, “I doubt which country’s political leader is not strategizing for the future of his country.” Closed eyes.

    Even closed ears.

    And Ukrainian vote with closed eyes for Opposition Zelensky so called freedom, democracy and human rights but ran away from defending Ukraine.

    Yes, Ukrainian vote with closed eyes.

    Anyone here disagree ?

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  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ In times like these we need both the “plane & safety belt” .

    A ha ! A hidden agenda. Purposely you ignored the ” pilots ” !

    Pilots equally important if not most.
    Very unfortunate for the incident resulting in casualities, no airline wants that. But utmost priority, the plane land safely.

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  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    If I can use the analogy of the “plane & safety belt” to steer through the turbulent times to land safely.

    Lesson from the plane SQ321 encounter sudden turbulence – those who belt up avoid certain injuries & paralysis etc. Those who don’t end up as casualties in hospital or mortuary!

    In times like these we need both the “plane & safety belt” . I liken it to a form of coalition govt that will be synergistically strong enough to steer SG to land safely!

    hahaha, I had a good laugh at your analogy. On surface, it sound logical but if you use the pro democracy idiots/LGBTQ thinking, you get below:

    The Hong Kee pro democracy idiots/LGBTQ like Joshua or Jolovan Wham will say:
    1. the plane is freedom, democracy, human rights
    2. the safety belt is law to tie down/suppress freedom, democracy, human rights

    Applying your Americunt ma$ter words, the plane is freedom and the safety belt is tyranny.

    So, will you defend freedom (not putting on safety belt) or tyranny (belting up)

    According to your ma$ter, you can only choose one. Freedom or Tyranny ?

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  • Singaporeans R Free Rider:

    Closed Eyes:
    Some people love to analyse with closed eyes.

    Yes, we are continuing to be neutral. Closed eyes.

    Yes, “I doubt which country’s political leader is not strategizing for the future of his country.” Closed eyes.

    Even closed ears.

    This is so applicable to religious people.
    A good example is Pastor Kong, Venerable Ming Yi.
    Let me re-phrase it for you.
    Some people love to believe god with closed eyes.

    Yes, we are continuing to be neutral. Closed eyes.

    Yes, “I doubt which religion’s leader is not strategizing for the future of his religion.” Closed eyes.

    Even closed ears.

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  • VOTE:

    The road ahead for SG in the next decade is going to be turbulent with the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war & Middle East conflicts between Hamas & Israel extending to the rest of Arab & Islamic nations & potential China invasion of Taiwan pulling down the whole wide world economy & nations’ stability & survival!


    “One has to consider that PAP candidates are primarily sourced from the public sector, not because of monetary disincentives but due to a preference for conformity.

    The talk on the ground is that generals and public servants are already given a roadmap to their career progression once they sign on as scholars, and at the end of the route is a political career, as many ministers in the PAP have taken.

    If the career progression is indeed set for these scholars, would there be any need or even a vacancy for private sector candidates? If any, these private sector candidates would likely be left as backbenchers, who can only utter words of concern and be held back on key issues by the use of the party whip.

    The past selection of candidates raises questions about whether the PAP’s recruitment strategy is inadvertently screening for candidates from a pool of talents of the same nature, thereby potentially stifling innovation and critical thinking in governance.”

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  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Yes, we are ASEANEE and now RCEPIAN…


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  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    PAP mandate strong:
    @ In times like these we need both the “plane & safety belt” .

    A ha ! A hidden agenda. Purposely you ignored the ” pilots ” !

    Pilots equally important if not most.
    Very unfortunate for the incident resulting in casualities, no airline wants that. But utmost priority, the plane land safely.

    And based on pro democracy idiots, if the pilot ordered everyone belt up, he is tyranny..

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  • VOTE:

    Don’t leave your brain at the museum!

    You are taking my analogy OUT OF CONTEXT!

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  • Open your eyes:

    Lavrov said last month that the sole purpose of the event is to impose an ultimatum on Russia. He added that the meeting completely ignores other peace initiatives, while Switzerland – which has joined the Western sanctions on Russia – has lost its neutral status.

    Sg minister claims to stand with Ukraine and sanctions Russia.

    Singapore has not been neutral since decades ago.

    When the West+SK attacked Vietnam, Sg busily supported US. When the West attacked Iraq, Sg was part of Bush coalition. When the West attack Yemen, Sg was part of the threatening group. It wants to defend “freedom of navigation” over the entire earth, and the moon, and Mars.

    Come on, closed-eye analyst, open your eyes!

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  • Pappies:

    When the pilot orders everyone to belt up. The crew are under company orders to continue serving food and drink. This is the example of a capitalist tyrant. Profit comes first. Workers can die.

    Singaporean R Free Rider: And based on pro democracy idiots, if the pilot ordered everyone belt up, he is tyranny..

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  • VOTE:

    @VOTE is right, we need a coalition government that will bring in a new thought process to the changing global events and also to stop the unnecessary continued building of new expensive structures which do not support the rising temperatures. A govt. that works for foreignersshould not be rewarded any further at the ballot box.

    As reinforced & highlighted by SINGAROAR we need a coalition govt that will safely steer SG out of the pending turbulence etc, avoiding casualties with the new thought process to circumvent the conformity pattern of pappy which is bad!

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  • rice:

    How to steer with stability when you have folk$ who are unsteady?

    Get good sgs in,no need $cholars.
    Not a FEW FROM OPPO SIDE are good talents that can be of GOOD PUBLIC SERVICE.
    What is important is not just scholastic talent but more so PRACTICAL TALENTS.

    Look at Gen Umbrage or Desmond K.
    And,so many other $scholarships like them.

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  • CKS scold SAF-type system:


    Who are the brainless generals!

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  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    When the pilot orders everyone to belt up. The crew are under company orders to continue serving food and drink. This is the example of a capitalist tyrant. Profit comes first. Workers can die.

    You are such idiots.

    It is the passengers aka voters that demand service from the crew resulting in the crew having to serve food and drink. Nothing to do with Capitalist.

    Video is proof…

    Unreasonable passenger comes first. Workers can die.

    Cheap handphone battery comes first. Workers can die.

    You use handphone and you have blood on your hand. You are guilty.

    Oppositions are guilty.

    Yes or No?

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  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Don’t leave your brain at the museum!

    You are taking my analogy OUT OF CONTEXT!

    Hey stupid Opposition, if you cannot take the heat get out of the kitchen.

    You Opposition are just like the Ukrainian, Talk BIG but when come to taking responsibility, all of you just chicken out.

    Hard Truth: Voters vote for Freedom but dodge war

    This is you, VOTE. Talk BIG but dodge responsibility when going gets tough.

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  • VFC:

    You like to Talk-C Sing-S!

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  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    VOTE: As reinforced & highlighted by SINGAROAR we need a coalition govt that will safely steer SG out of the pending turbulence etc, avoiding casualties with the new thought process to circumvent the conformity pattern of pappy which is bad!

    If Opposition screw up, will you and all Opposition voters take responsibility for the screw up? Ans please.

    Can we PAP supporters sue you and all Opposition voters for the screwed up?
    Ans please.

    Can you don’t run away and answer my question. Don’t be like this Ukrainian.

    The true face and color of Opposition.
    Opposition wants Freedom but NOT responsibility.
    ‘I was afraid of it’: the Ukrainians dodging conscription and fleeing the country

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  • Idiots flock together:

    When (not if) pap ministers screw up, did you sue them?


    Singaporean R Free Rider: If Opposition screw up, will you and all Opposition voters take responsibility for the screw up? Ans please.

    Can we PAP supporters sue you and all Opposition voters for the screwed up?
    Ans please.

    Can you don’t run away and answer my question. Don’t be like this Ukrainian.

    The true face and color of Opposition.
    Opposition wants Freedom but NOT responsibility.
    ‘I was afraid of it’: the Ukrainians dodging conscription and fleeing the country

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  • VFC:


    [‘Reputational damage’: Singapore’s ruling party grapples with scandal]
    Al Jazeera

    I wonder how many more like “Iswarans” inside not caught.

    When I was in the army, there is a popular saying, “You can do anything wrong but don’t get caught!”

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  • rice:

    Some here postulate what if oppo screws up…?
    How do we know of An Oppo Alliance will screw up if they NEVER HAVE A CHANCE to show us what they(the oppo Sg Talents) could do?
    Fact remains,however,there have been PLENTY OF $CREW-UPs by the INCUMBENT$,who can honestly deny?

    Stil,MANY AMONG THE ELITE-UNCUMBENT$ who ACTUALLY SCREWES UP are still getting “promoted” and are still heading Ministries and Govt entities???
    WHY ARE VOTERS SO “FORGIVING” WHEN INCUMBENT MEMBER$ SCREWED UP BUT ARE SO BIASED AGAINST THE OPPO Sgs who want to serve and have never screw the voters’ lives up???!

    By whom,thus far?

    Daftness have no remedy till they are slapped hard .
    Even that,MANY DAFT sgs are still numb.
    Guess the “talisman” has charmed them.

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  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Idiots flock together:
    When (not if) pap ministers screw up, did you sue them?


    America/West are the biggest liars, you still believe them?


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  • Idiots flock together:

    Siow and thick skinned. Sunshine will hit your fake puss.

    Idiots flock together:
    When (not if) pap ministers screw up, did you sue them?


    Singaporean R Free Rider: America/West are the biggest liars, you still believe them?


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  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ When I was in the army, there is a popular saying, “You can do anything wrong but don’t get caught!”

    In a way ( the secular world ) its not wrong.
    How many smokers smoked under shelter at the hdb void deck even theres no rain. A lot okay especially evening and night before they retired. Lets be honest any time i can take a picture and sabo” them. But i just ignore.

    So far i only see one smoker stood under the rain with an umbrella in the open space carpark.

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  • Money Shrinkler:

    When $100billion is condensed into $600, is that a wrong?
    You can do anything wrong as long as ownself praise ownself right!

    PAP mandate strong:
    @ When I was in the army, there is a popular saying, “You can do anything wrong but don’t get caught!”

    In a way ( the secular world ) its not wrong.
    How many smokers smoked under shelter at the hdb void deck even theres no rain. A lot okay especially evening and night before they retired. Lets be honest any time i can take a picture and sabo” them. But i just ignore.

    So far i only see one smoker stood under the rain with an umbrella in the open space carpark.

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  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ You can do anything wrong as long as ownself praise ownself right!

    Smoke under shelter also distance himself at one corner away from the public’s view.
    Which smokers will praise himself ?
    Sure keep quiet right.

    Even old uncle quietly pee at one corner i dont think he wants to praise himself.

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  • VFC:

    PAP mandate strong:
    @ When I was in the army, there is a popular saying, “You can do anything wrong but don’t get caught!”

    In a way ( the secular world ) its not wrong.
    How many smokers smoked under shelter at the hdb void deck even theres no rain. A lot okay especially evening and night before they retired. Lets be honest any time i can take a picture and sabo” them. But i just ignore.

    So far i only see one smoker stood under the rain with an umbrella in the open space carpark.

    If one smoke in a non-smoking area it is WRONG whether secular or not!

    I wonder where you come from. Out of this world?

    If you offend someone & he flick a middle finger at you, there is nothing wrong. Right?

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  • PAP mandate strong:

    By the way, somebody always emphasized 大义灭亲.
    Sorry man , i think 亲亲相隐 is the real chinese culture. Your father or siblings … commit bad things or crimes, you know but you must cover for them. Likewise vice versa, the children or nephew or niece …commit bad things or crimes, you know you also must cover for them.

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  • Singaporeans R Free Riders:

    Idiots flock together:
    Siow and thick skinned. Sunshine will hit your fake puss.

    Cannot out talk me and resort to verbal violence ?

    Let me re-phrase your question below:

    Idiots flock together: When (not if) pap ministers screw up, did you sue them?


    When America screw up, did you sue them ? You still believe them? You siow?

    In God We Trust America lies about Iraq WMD like China lies on Tibet

    Former Trump adviser John Bolton admits to planning foreign coups

    10 minutes: How the CIA Destabilizes the world | Jeffrey Sachs

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  • PAP mandate strong:

    @ If one smoke in a non-smoking area it is WRONG whether secular or not!
    I wonder where you come from. Out of this world?
    If you offend someone & he flick a middle finger at you, there is nothing wrong. Right?

    Yeah, the smoker knows it too but also do it. Its not the first 3 months gov just enforce the law.

    No, they ( including females especially PRC females ) did not offend me but just smoke at one corner of hdb void deck. I dont stay upstair. I just walk past the block. But its a violation.

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  • dave:

    To save Singapore, just bring it plane loads of foreign talents, the best talents money can buy and replace everyone, from President, PM, Ministers, perm secretaries, CEOs of all the GLCs and stats boards. With the best of the best foreign talents in charge of Singapore, Singapore will forever be the best city state in the world till kingdom comes.

    The warmongering Americans have started two wars. They are going to start a third one in the South China Sea, very close to home. But not to worry, with the bestest of the best foreign talents all over Singapore, Singapore will survive and prosper to eternity.

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  • Yes, thisI so do not understand everyone’s willingness to sign up to put iot devices out on the public internet just because the OEM has a cloud mgmt system and says they should Any truly safe and well-designed iot device should work from behind Nat and form a single session out to the cloud not to mention should support completely on land operation or through home assistI think a great many companies are insisting on putting all their products directly on the internet for the companies own convenience in troubleshooting knowing that they don’t have to deal with a consumer’s router – they are focused on their own profit instead of the consumer’s Internet safety

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  • RobotAI:

    To save Singapore, just bring it plane loads of foreign talents, the best talents money can buy and replace everyone, from President, PM, Ministers, perm secretaries, CEOs of all the GLCs and stats boards. With the best of the best foreign talents in charge of Singapore, Singapore will forever be the best city state in the world till kingdom comes.

    The warmongering Americans have started two wars. They are going to start a third one in the South China Sea, very close to home. But not to worry, with the bestest of the best foreign talents all over Singapore, Singapore will survive and prosper to eternity.

    It is a possibility that robots can replace the “dafts” in SG.

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  • Not DM:

    DM only good for propaganda. They will be replaced by robots.

    Singaporeans cannot be replaced by robots. Who is going to pay tax?

    RobotAI: It is a possibility that robots can replace the “dafts” in SG.

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  • Idiots flock together:

    Go on. Slap yourself more.

    Singaporeans R Free Riders: When America screw up, did you sue them ? You still believe them? You siow?

    Singaporean R Free Rider: If Opposition screw up, will you and all Opposition voters take responsibility for the screw up? Ans please.

    Can we PAP supporters sue you and all Opposition voters for the screwed up?
    Ans please.

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