
Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

We first thought the attempted assassination of Trump was a "Lone Wolf" incident.

However, there are more and more clues that suggest that such political assassination is a "sophisticated plan"

1) A private investment fund was "shorting" Trump's public listed company to 12 millions share just a few days before the assassination attempt. (They claim it's a "clerical error"!)

2) The Secret Service agent who shot the supposed assassin said that he had the assassin in sight for at least 3 minutes but his superior didn't give the order to take the assassin down even though he was preparing his riffle to take shot at Trump.

3) The most incriminating evidence comes from the video recording of the shooting. According to the sound recorded, it is clear that there were THREE type of guns firing at that moment. Gun shots from 2 different weapons were shooting at Trump's stage while the last shot was from the Secret Service snipper who killed the assassin.

This suggest that there were TWO assassins instead of One, who was killed on the spot.

If this is a Lone Wolf attempt assassination, it is unbelievable that the assassin was allowed to walk up to the roof in broad daylight with a riffle exposed, without any immediate response from the Secret Service.

Although I don't like Trump as the President of USA but I believe in Democracy as the most appropriate Non Violence Peaceful means of political contest and power transfer.

Whoever put up such plot of political assassination should be put to trial and justice.


Goh Meng Seng



13 Responses to “Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump”

  • Go, Go:

    Yes, Captain Goh America, go, go.

    GD Star Rating
  • Wow:

    To world dozen need these guys.whole lot of em.north south east west.

    GD Star Rating
  • Antithesis:

    It’s planned but not staged!

    GD Star Rating
  • Trump called Pelosi "A dog":

    “bitch” He meant. Hahahaha. Agree.

    GD Star Rating
  • SS:

    And what are your sources of information to support these “claims”?? One thing I’ve been thinking about with all the fake news and conspiracy theories – there is a lot of POT AROUND these days. Come to think of it, maybe there is a better metaphor for what is being described. You need to find out how the shell game is actually played, however. (a) You’re not going to use a penny. (b) whatever shell you choose, the pea won’t be under there; that I guarantee!

    But objectively, the question was why did it take so long for the chickens to come home to roost? Except that it was of course the same group’s second attack on Trump. And sources are the problem…

    GD Star Rating
  • Singaporean R Free Rider:

    Goh Meng Seng is a attention seeker.

    He will charge in at whichever news hotspot to gain attention.

    He is like a headless chicken and do not know his objective/direction.

    Do not vote for him. Let him lose his deposit for good.

    GD Star Rating

    Why worry about DT when we have bread and butter issues at home? Anything is possible with the Americans. DT could have staged it to get more sympathy votes as at his age it is almost impossible to recover from a shocking almost dead experience so soon. However DT was up and about the next day and his stupid supporters were wearing a gauze over their ears.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    This is not just violence.
    THIS IS VERY “american”!

    Even laws can be made to allow mothers the right to kill their yet-to-be-born babies.
    In the same breath,THEY PROCLAIM “LOVE ANIMALS”???

    The American “WAY” requires close examination.
    Even kids have no hesitation to take up a rifle and go on a shooting spree because they buay song about something?

    Here in $in City,respect for seniors is at the lowest.

    GD Star Rating
  • SS:

    Perhaps this is the reality of the underlying quantum universe; “Wholeness and the Implicate Order.” Everything is connected in one living, evolving, organic wholeness, from stars and supernovas like ‘US & China’, etc to microorganisms like ‘Singapore’. What we need right now to understand the catastrophes we are facing.

    The last several times I have attempted to have a rational discussion with right-wingers, they have not been willing to read or listen to factual information, but merely repeated dogma with no sources or framework. I am afraid rational discussion with a ‘Faux News’ listener/reader has become nearly impossible. Yes! It has always amazed me that people are so unaware of the radical contingency of their own existence.

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Though the current favourite,Trunp may yet lose to Harris.
    Harris is fighting on Mainstreet.
    Trump is leaning on Corporate America.
    Americans may just give another 4 years to Democrats to finish the work done by Biden.
    With Democrats supporting Abortion Rights,most younger americans will go for Harris.
    More babies getting killed.
    More LGBT proliferation.
    U$A going deeper into moral decadence.

    GD Star Rating
  • Sad:

    Sad state of affair.
    Trump is fortunate to survive from 8 shots on him…
    This guy reaction although stupid (if any 2nd shooter around will have finished him) is something…must give it to him.
    Just wonder what will be Harris reaction under similar situation ?

    GD Star Rating
  • Ha ha ha ha……!:

    She would definitely be “ Ha ha ha ha ha…….!”


    Just wonder what will be Harris reaction under similar situation ?

    GD Star Rating
  • rice:

    Vibes for Kamala seem good.
    She panders to the majority of morally-decadent americunts.
    Listening to her DNC’s co-speakers saying Kamala will protect abortion and then Kamala will “save lives” in the same breath is such hypocrisy.
    Still decadent majority will surely win this time.
    Dark forces are strong in u$a.

    In sync with more and more female corporate leaders,i think Kamala wins this time around.

    GD Star Rating

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