Using Xenophobia As ‘Defend And Attack’ Strategy
I refer to this article on TodayOnline and found the following statement troubling, "Because what we say cannot be unsaid… And everyone — Singaporeans, new citizens, Singapore-born, others who are here — will all be looking at this." It looks to me to be a form of attack strategy. It looks like when they have no answers...
The Prime Minister undermines and insults those who voted the opposition in the last general election
By calling them "free riders" the prime minister undermines and insults those who voted the opposition in the last general election. It shows the contempt he has for us, ordinary people. If we don’t vote for the PAP, we are free riders because we expect others to vote the PAP. The Cambridge English dictionary defines this...
What An Astounding Statement From Temasek
Dilhan Pillay Sandrasegara Instead of seriously looking at the issue of whether Liew Mun Leong should be asked to leave his position at Temasek in light of Justice Chan Seng Onn’s judgment in the Parti Liyani case, it appears that his friends in high places are circling the wagons to protect him. That is the impression I got...
- PAP mandate strong on Public Housing HDB
- SINGAROAR on It only takes a spark
- Sporeans Keep Govt Employed on The rapidly spreading HMPV virus you haven’t heard of
- Sporeans Keep Govt Employed on The rapidly spreading HMPV virus you haven’t heard of
- Sporeans Keep Govt Employed on The rapidly spreading HMPV virus you haven’t heard of