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Grandpa’s Revenge

Grandpa’s Revenge

Opposition Politics in Singapore is a thankless task. Generally speaking, the role of the opposition in Singapore has been to serve as a punching bag for the government party. The government, which controls some 79 seats out of a total of 84 in a unicameral parliament, has a habit of using every trick in the book to make life... 

Will POFMA lead to self-censorship?

Will POFMA lead to self-censorship?

Does POFMA lead to self-censorship? I think it does. While I recognise the problem of fake news, I believe the law is overly wide and furthermore that the way that the government has chosen to use it in the first 4 cases lends credibility to the argument that the law has a political purpose that the government has not admitted... 

Is the label ‘divisive force’ a bogeyman to take the attention away from real issues?

Is the label ‘divisive force’ a bogeyman to take the attention away from real issues?

The latest label being thrown at Singapore citizens - from a Minister no less  are - "divisive force" and/ or "divisive forces"! Is this so called "divisive force" that the PAP are talking about, really the feelings of the average people that you would encounter on an daily everyday basis? Working class Singapore citizens... 

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