Seeking Truth in Kirsten’s Blizzards of Snowflakes
Ms Kirsten Han The ‘debates’ over many of Kirsten's issues cited in her article are staged as a way to get attention and/or viewers and we’ve seen many times over what happens with an individual when allowed to freely spread their “alternative facts”. This does not mean censoring those with “unpopular” views is...
Who are they?
Click to enlarge The story of what happened to Zakir Hossain, the Bangladeshi worker whose work pass was not renewed has reignited the usual storm on who are the foreigners that living and working in Singapore. Mr. Hossain is regarded in some camps as someone who has worked hard in the jobs that Singaporeans were simply not...
With you, For you, For Singapore?
Where is the PAP after promising in the manifesto “With you, For you, For Singapore”? Not only are consumers suffering because of high inflation, hawkers themselves unable to make a decent living despite putting in more than 12 hours of back-breaking work each day. And yet, we are seeing coffeeshop stall rents being increased...
- Ostrich Mode on Public Housing HDB
- Confusion Says on Outbreak of mystery virus in China
- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on The ugly truth about buying a property in Malaysia
- Fake Chinese on Public Housing HDB
- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on 7.8 magnitude earthquake devastates Tibet