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YOG “dog” food – NSF ordered to eat it or starve

YOG “dog” food – NSF ordered to eat it or starve

I am a NSF been called by my unit to go and help out for the YOG.. Initally I was quite happy, as I feel I can do something for our nation. However does our country treat us the same way we treat them? I seriously Doubt so! Because from the food that have been served to us, it says alot of thing about them. They have been serving... 

An Insult to Singapore’s Flood Victims

An Insult to Singapore’s Flood Victims

The granting of the Distinguished Service Order (the highest civilian award) to Mr Tan Gee Paw so soon after the three major episodes of flooding (in June / July 2010) must surely have been calculated as a slap across the faces of Singaporeans who dared to raise their unhappiness with PUB's ineptitude. Mr... 

Singaporeans to PAP: Come clean on YOG

Singaporeans to PAP: Come clean on YOG

A consolidation of the top few questions on the minds of Singaporeans about the YOG. The Questions : 1. Was there a committee that was formed to see if the YOG will be beneficial to Singaporeans, if there was who were the body of that committee ? 2. Who was the one that decided the YOG was to be held in and during the time... 

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