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Polytechnic student: I don’t care about the Youth Olympic Games

Polytechnic student: I don’t care about the Youth Olympic Games

Hi I'm a young Singaporean who is currently a student at one of the local polytechnics. I don't know deeply about politics but I visit this website for some alternative news on the YOG, which is an issue that's been on my mind recently. Now, the Government and YOG committees must be pretty glad that the YOG is on the mind of... 

Who gave the PAP government the right to hold my money?

Who gave the PAP government the right to hold my money?

I, SURANAD , will be 55 years next month and I have around 20 thousand dollars in the CPF . I was told by the CPF Staff that at the age of 55 years I will be eligible for 6 thousand dollars which is 30 per cent of the 20 thousand dollars and at the age of 65 years onwards the balance 14 thousand and an interest of 4 per cent... 

Stand Up For Singapore (unseen version video)

Stand Up For Singapore (unseen version video)

This is a contributed video from our reader, Temasekboi.     They were persecuted for 'Standing up for Singapore'.  Read More →

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