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It’s really despicable how the PAP is violating the olympic charter *AND* coercing all these students

It’s really despicable how the PAP is violating the olympic charter *AND* coercing all these students

I'm not directly involved in YOG since I graduated from university already, but I hope that someone will be able to put together a case and report it to the UN Human Rights council or even UNISEF since young children are involved. Here is some information that may be useful for the readers/students involved. UN Human Rights... 

Junior College students FORCED to attend YOG games

Junior College students FORCED to attend YOG games

Im a 17 year old from a Junior College. I find it absoulutely absurd that we have been given a letter from the college which states that we have been SPECIALLY chosen to attend one of the YOG events. I find it absurd that we have been asked or rather mobilised to go for the Football match this Sunday at Jln Besar Stadium when... 

YOG “dog” food – NSF ordered to eat it or starve

YOG “dog” food – NSF ordered to eat it or starve

I am a NSF been called by my unit to go and help out for the YOG.. Initally I was quite happy, as I feel I can do something for our nation. However does our country treat us the same way we treat them? I seriously Doubt so! Because from the food that have been served to us, it says alot of thing about them. They have been serving... 

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