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They (PAP) had it all planned 10 years ago

They (PAP) had it all planned 10 years ago

During the 2000 NDP speeech, Goh Chok Tong (then PM) in 'Reviewing the Past', said: 1. Reviewing the Past We have ended the twentieth century on a high note. 2. We are on the way to becoming a nation where there was none before.  Our people are well educated, and able to make a good living. 3. We have created a role for ourselves... 

This National Day is not mine, its the PAP’s.

This National Day is not mine, its the PAP’s.

If any of you went to Primary School in the 90s in Singapore, you would have like myself spent every National Day singing the many NDP songs that were written at that time. Tunes like "Count on me Singapore" and "Stand up for Singapore" would have rung repeatedly in your ears during that eventful week in August every year. To... 

2nd open letter from Ho Juan Thai: Power To The People

2nd open letter from Ho Juan Thai: Power To The People

"To stay or go" is part and parcel of an individuals freedom of choice in where and how one wishes to live his own life. To talk about it is also part of the freedom of expression. In this context many of you have very kindly advised me on if I should quit or stay on as a Singapore citizen and other associated issues. I would... 

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