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Carpark price increase, short-sighted and inappropiate

Carpark price increase, short-sighted and inappropiate

I refer to the recent announcment made by Housing Development Board (HDB) regarding the proposed increase of Overnight Parking with effect 1st November 2010, from the current $2 to $4. This move was supposedly touted to be a measure that could ensure that there are enough parking places for season parking holders, who apparently... 

Studies show that you die two years earlier for every year you work beyond 55

Studies show that you die two years earlier for every year you work beyond 55

I REFER to Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew's comments in "I don't think there should be a retirement age: MM" (July 29). Japanese Nobel Laureate Dr Leo Esaki once spoke on the relationship between longevity and retirement age. He revealed that the pension funds in many large companies such as AT&T, Boeing, Lockheed, Lucent,... 

Does Market competition Always Benefit The Consumer?

Does Market competition Always Benefit The Consumer?

I have been a StarHub subscriber since year 2000. When SingTel announced that they had secured the broadcasting rights for the EPL and ESPN, I knew I had to subscribe to Singtel mioTV in order to continue watching the EPL as I am a diehard soccer fan. To my surprise, I found out from Singtel that I had to apply for a SingTel... 

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