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YPAP leader Jack Lin Xinli is Gay, claims fellow Gay Netizen

YPAP leader Jack Lin Xinli is Gay, claims fellow Gay Netizen

Since Temasek Review published a few articles on Joo Chiat YPAP leader Jack Lin XinLi insulting Singaporeans, we have received numerous emails from our readers providing information and leads on Jack Lin. Most of the information were related to his identity which we have already ascertained but today we received an interesting... 

Counter anti-foreigner talk

Counter anti-foreigner talk

Dear Straits Times,   I refer to your report dated 20 Jul 2010.   In the report, it is said that the 40,000 resident births in the mid-1980s cannot make up for the 221,600 new jobs created in 2008. But there were 62,900 residents who were unemployed in 2008 so ideally, we should be looking at importing 221,600 - 40,000 - 62,900... 

Is the new Public Transportation Fare System fair? Maybe not.

Is the new Public Transportation Fare System fair? Maybe not.

Just 1 week into the new system, I have discovered some flaws or discrepancies in the distance fare system. Called up LTA and spoke to an officer about this, were told that they will look into this but till date, have not received any reply. First off, the distance indicated on the info board of bus stop and the Fare Calculator... 

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