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The Brotherhood accuses TOC of “astroturfing” to support Yong Vui Kong’s case

The Brotherhood accuses TOC of “astroturfing” to support Yong Vui Kong’s case

Good Afternoon all, If you wish to support a cause. Do it for the right and not the wrong reasons. Firstly, if you go to TOC and read most of the comments posted concerning Vui Kong. You will notice one glaring inconsistency – absolutely no intelligent comments from those who may see the need to keep the death penalty against... 

Rebuttal to “Singaporean are coward, pathetic and damn obedient citizen”

Rebuttal to “Singaporean are coward, pathetic and damn obedient citizen”

The writer Anonymous Coward compared Singaporeans to the North Koreans. I think he is simply put the typical “Simplistic Ignorance and Gullible Brainwashed Product of LKY” Singaporean himself! Why? ‘Cause N. Koreans have been SHUT IN FROM THE OUTSIDE WORLD and has NOT seen Science & Technology at work for the last... 



Lianhe Wanbao, 27 July 2010 詹太以詹时中名义,禁止林目全今后出席接见选民活动! 消息人士透露,詹太昨天以詹时中名义发出手机简讯,通知林目全今后不必再出席波东巴西的接见选民活动。 林目全证实收到通知。他说:“改选结果出来就要接受,不能因不满而抹杀我过去14年的贡献。即使不许我接见选民,我对党的贡献仍是有目共睹。” 其他反对党:人民党应妥善解决内部矛盾 各反对党都不愿对人民党内讧置评,但表示应解决好内部矛盾,在大选中全力以赴。 人民党爆发内讧,首当其冲的是有意与民主联盟(人民党是主要成员)结合的革新党。 革新党秘书长肯尼思受访时说:“目前未收到民主联盟的回复……反对党要团结,难免要先处理好一些内部问题,这是民主政治的过程,不能操之过急。” Read... 

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