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Low interest Rate Policy Punishes Retirees / Savers, Rewards Speculators / Banks / GLC’s

Low interest Rate Policy Punishes Retirees / Savers, Rewards Speculators / Banks / GLC’s

Our goverment's policy of maintaining cheap money/low interest rates (below inflation) for the last few years is really punishing (there is a more accurate word starting with "s" ) retirees/savers and making it easy for speculators/banks to borrow cheap money and make big profits to pay huge bonuses. When we were young our leaders... 

New book puts Singapore’s death penalty on trial

New book puts Singapore’s death penalty on trial

To give a new twist to an old saying: Justice unevenly applied is justice denied. Alan Shadrake, in his new book, Once a Jolly Hangman — Singapore justice in the dock, shows how uneven it is. It’s a tour de force covering cases from the early 1990s to nearly the present, many of them ending with the prisoner meeting Darshan... 

FT: The PAP needs to be toppled just like the Barisan National in Malaysia

FT: The PAP needs to be toppled just like the Barisan National in Malaysia

I am a Malaysian who have just 'quitted' Singapore to return to Malaysia after 11 years’ stay. Me and my husband, both professionals decided to leave before my child enter primary school. Singapore used to be a fantastic place to stay e.g. 10 years’ back but has now turned into a Disneyland: good to visit but miserable to... 

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