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Singapore could be in “deep” trouble by the end of this century, warn experts

Singapore could be in “deep” trouble by the end of this century, warn experts

In anticipation of possible rise in sea levels caused by Global Warming and Climatic Extremity, Singapore engaged the services of Delft Hydraulics, a Netherlands-based water research and consulting organisation in 1997. Delft Hydraulics subsequently set up a research centre with the National University of Singapore and the Public... 

The old ways of doing things does NOT work anymore

The old ways of doing things does NOT work anymore

The continuiing fall in PAP voting support percentage is telling. People are changing their minds in increasing numbers. Internet have strong influence on public information and perception everywhere from Japan, UK, Malaysia. Singapore could turn in surprise for many reasons – failed macro public policies from housing, immigration,... 

Flash Floods, did the Marina Barrage help?

Flash Floods, did the Marina Barrage help?

Dr Amy Khor's claim that the Marina Barrage helped to alleviate flooding on 16 and 24 June raises several issues. First, it appears to contradict earlier statements made by PUB that no action had been needed at the Barrage as the water in the reservoir never reached a critical level. Did somebody misspeak? Second, she implied... 

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