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An open letter to PM Lee on PRs cashing out CPF

An open letter to PM Lee on PRs cashing out CPF

Dear PM Lee, Please see another article reported online @ (one of the SPH publication media) not from (some people may call its "anti-PAP" news blog). See link: How many foreigners that apply for PR or even... 

Sinkapore bows to IMF (kidding? Maybe Not!)

Sinkapore bows to IMF (kidding? Maybe Not!)

The year is 2030. The coalition government of Sinkapore has just agreed to IMF’s proposal of US$20 billions rescue package. The government has agreed to the austerity plans proposed by IMF. IMF spokeman said,”After many years of prospersity and with civil servants enjoying high salaries since year 1990s. The national reserves... 

PRC molest suspect mocks the stupidity of Singaporeans from China

PRC molest suspect mocks the stupidity of Singaporeans from China

JURONG POLICE DIVISION HQ NO 2 JURONG WEST AVENUE 5 SINGAPORE 649482 MAY 29, 2010 Dear Officers, I reported a case of outrage of modesty late last year and until recently, had received no word from the Singapore Police Force as to their progress on the case, despite the extensive amount of time they had required to complete... 

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