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Lapses And Fumbles By Top Government Agencies

Lapses And Fumbles By Top Government Agencies

In a Channel NewsAsia report, four government agencies, the Media Development Authority (MDA), Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI), Ministry of Education (MOE) and Mindef have been singled out for errors in the way their finances are managed. According to the latest Public Accounts Committee report issued, there were three... 

Problems in deferment for NSMen

Problems in deferment for NSMen

 Readers of TR,   I believe I am not the only person doing his best to balance between reservist, work, family and study life. The government encourages us to study and so I did a part-time degree in UniSim with government grant.   However I am experiencing such difficult and unreasonable situations with my reservist deferment... 

Young Graduate Feeling Pessimistic About Her Future

Young Graduate Feeling Pessimistic About Her Future

I am glad that I have chanced upon this website. Truly, I have some frightening tales to share with regards to the current employment condition in our country. Let me share abit about myself.   Armed with a local degree (even though without a fantastic grade), I thought that my qualifications would lead me to a decent job in... 

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