Author Archive
True gender equality benefits men and women

True gender equality benefits men and women

  Corinna Lim's assertion that "Singaporean fathers are not rising to the task of child rearing, and state support for equal parenting roles is not adequate" is an accurate description of the causes of Singapore's woeful birth-rates. Singapore has seen an increasing number of women joining the workforce, but gender roles have... 

Professor Bradley Freeman’s proposal to Media Development Authority

Professor Bradley Freeman’s proposal to Media Development Authority

A few weeks ago the Media Development Authority called for proposals for a vacant FM frequency 89.3 to add to the “diversity” and “vibrancy” in the local radio scene. It’s exciting to see these two words used in relation to radio. For many years, radio has been called anything but diverse and vibrant, not just in Singapore... 

Jobless reader cried with Mum on Mother’s Day

Jobless reader cried with Mum on Mother’s Day

If anybody asks me what I have given my mum on Mother’s Day last weekend, my answer will be – SORROW. “Oh, you’re such a unfilial son!” one will quickly retort. No, no, hear me out. I am a 44-year old single guy, held the post of a senior manager before but was retrenched last year. I have sent out more than... 

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