Author Archive
Who elected these clowns?

Who elected these clowns?

Only in Singapore do we elect Members of Parliament who seem more occupied with addressing the needs of foreigners rather than our own. Marine Parade GRC MP Seah Kian Peng said more needs to be done to help new immigrants 'work with the old team and feel a part of us'. 'First, we need to make sure that they are called new Singaporeans... 

Property: The hypocrisy of it all

Property: The hypocrisy of it all

I refer to Miss Chua Mui Hong’s article Straits Times Singapore, 20 Apr, 2010, Tuesday titled Property: Do something drastic or do nothing? (   Jowett & O'Donnell defines “propaganda” like this: "Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic... 

Why allow ‘losers’ in house?

Why allow ‘losers’ in house?

Dear Mr Calvin Cheng, I refer to your remarks in parliament as reported by Straits Times on 28 Apr 2010. You said to allow losers of elections into parliament flies in the face of a democratic election and is a slap to those who voted against them. But voters don't vote against candidates, they vote for candidates. You do not... 

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