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Nation’s rich are getting richer: study

Nation’s rich are getting richer: study

SUSANNA DUNKERLEY April 7, 2010 - 1:29PM AAP The rich get richer and the poor get the picture, sang Aussie rockers Midnight Oil in the early 1980s. And according to Australian National University economist Professor Andrew Leigh those lyrics pretty much sum up the findings of his new study into wage disparity. Working... 

Population debate more than immigration

Population debate more than immigration

 April 5, 2010 - 10:29AM AAP   The debate on Australia's population is more than an "old style immigration debate", the first federal minister for the issue says. Tony Burke was on Saturday appointed population minister, after Prime Minister Kevin Rudd succumbed to growing public pressure to better evaluate what numbers the... 

Rudd flips on ‘big Australia’

Rudd flips on ‘big Australia’

From The Age JOSH GORDON April 4, 2010 THE federal government will consider slashing Australia's annual migration intake to help tackle concerns about traffic congestion, housing, hospitals, water and the environment. Just months after declaring himself in favour of a ''big Australia'', Prime Minister Kevin Rudd yesterday... 

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