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Australia: Ex-heroin addict gets $258,000 loan for new liver

Australia: Ex-heroin addict gets $258,000 loan for new liver

Ex-heroin addict gets $258,000 loan for new liver March 3, 2010 - 1:38PM The West Australian government will loan the family of a young drug abuser more than $250,000 for her second liver transplant. Mother-of-two Claire Murray is ineligible for a second liver transplant in WA because she's been ruled out by health authorities... 

Business Times columnist Vikram Khanna’s reply to TR on the issue of foreign workers

Business Times columnist Vikram Khanna’s reply to TR on the issue of foreign workers

I appreciate Mr. Kunju’s reasoned response to my article, one of the few that I have seen on TR. After all the abuse and the vitriol that came earlier, this is a refreshing change. However, I don’t think my position has been accurately portrayed. Mr. Kunju’s own arguments themselves are also not very clear. (read Bhasakaran... 

Open Letter To WP’s Low Thia Khiang (poem)

Open Letter To WP’s Low Thia Khiang (poem)

You were once J.B. Jeyaretnam's right arm, Together with him you were full of charm, But now to the PAP you have become warm, Like a fighter whom PAP had put to disarm, You say 50 years to dismantle PAP's pig farm, To other opposition parties you are lukewarm, Please do not among your supporters cause alarm, They feel your WP... 

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