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Open Letter To WP’s Low Thia Khiang (poem)

Open Letter To WP’s Low Thia Khiang (poem)

You were once J.B. Jeyaretnam's right arm, Together with him you were full of charm, But now to the PAP you have become warm, Like a fighter whom PAP had put to disarm, You say 50 years to dismantle PAP's pig farm, To other opposition parties you are lukewarm, Please do not among your supporters cause alarm, They feel your WP... 

Singaporeans, First Wing of Nation

Singaporeans, First Wing of Nation

The Master-stroke of LKY policy of opening up its economy during the great golden era if Western consumerism, taking advantage of its unique and strategic entrepot location, had brought huge foreign capital investment, particular manufacturing which capitalized on the cheap manpower availability. Singapore flourished and rest... 

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