Author Archive
Why Forests Are Aggressively Disapperaing?

Why Forests Are Aggressively Disapperaing?

During last General Election, certain oppositions talked about 10M population, they were POFMAed. So they claimed there is so such 10M population. I remember KBW said 6.9M was just a planning parameter when we were around 5M++, today we are 5.8M. Next I noticed Tengah Airport and Bukit Brown are giving way to new development.... 

Alarming Employment Landscape Of Singapore

Alarming Employment Landscape Of Singapore

The pandemic has exposed many problems of Singapore, one of which is employment. As more and more locals are unemployed, this is becoming obvious. And we are hearing more and more locals complained that foreigners find jobs easier and faster. So I did a research on two major industry, which are Banking and IT. These days, we... 

Helping Singaporeans to make a living!

Helping Singaporeans to make a living!

This morning, I led a group of PV Members and volunteers to visit some ex-Sungei Road Vendors who have found a new home in 2 shophouses in Kelantan Road. These vendors were turfed out of Sungei Road in 2017. Today, 3 years or more since then, the old site has still not been developed although it has been boarded up. These vendors... 

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