MediShield Life is a HOAX?
Click to enlarge I was told that in order to be entitled to claim from the Medishield Life Compulsory Government Scheme that I would have to stay for a complete day in the ward and so I did. But as you can see from the invoice as I have attached, instead of deducting from the Medishield Life Scheme, the hospital chose to dig...
Difference between GST and sales tax
I dislike GST which is a "bits and pieces" tax. I prefer a sales tax. What is the difference? GST is a value added tax. It is levied on every transaction. When a product flows through the supply chain, it is taxed at each stage, but the party is allowed to deduct the GST that has already been paid earlier, so it has to pay only...
Grants for ‘energy efficiency projects’
I have a question and I hope that anybody who knows the answer could enlighten and educate me. I thank you in advance. Our Energy Market Authority will be giving out S$23 million in grants which is our precious tax monies to 3 Foreign Owned power generation companies for, according to the news story, energy efficiency projects...
- PAP mandate strong on It only takes a spark
- PAP mandate strong on Public Housing HDB
- Propaganda on The rapidly spreading HMPV virus you haven’t heard of
- Sinkies on Public Housing HDB
- US on a rampage on It only takes a spark