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Pfizer was lying through their teeth about their mRNA vaccines

Pfizer was lying through their teeth about their mRNA vaccines

No longer open for debate, Pfizer was lying through their teeth about their mRNA vaccines right from the beginning, by their own admission in European Parliament. EXPOSED: The vaccines that Pfizer produced were NEVER tested for efficiency against transmission of Covid-19 before they were released for public consumption but Pfizer... 

If your mate or spouse is vaccinated with DNA-changing mRNA vaccine

If your mate or spouse is vaccinated with DNA-changing mRNA vaccine

There was an interesting discussion ongoing in an online WeChat discussion group about mRNA vaccines that changes Human DNA, which our techie Andrew is a part of. The fact that mRNA vaccines change the DNA of humans injected with it is no longer disputed, experts from multiple countries and even MIT have confirmed that. According... 

Crowdfunding for TR Emeritus (Class Action Costs)

Crowdfunding for TR Emeritus (Class Action Costs)

Please be informed that an unexpected turn of event has forced TR Emeritus (TRE) to once again, revise our crowdfunding priority, after deciding just a few days ago, that we will be standing down the funding request for TRE and concentrate on raising our techie's much-needed Medical Fund of S$30,000. As most of our readers are... 

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