Author Archive
Final confirmation on Class Action against MTF (updated)

Final confirmation on Class Action against MTF (updated)

Please be informed that the planned Class Action (CA) against the MTF for discriminatory policies against the unvaccinated is proceeding as planned and will likely be heard in the High Court in January or February 2022 (according to the lawyers - to be scheduled). During the CA, the lawyers will be seeking, inter alia: 1. Quashing... 

Judicial Review Class Action against MTF (20th Nov)

Judicial Review Class Action against MTF (20th Nov)

Here's the latest updates on the Judicial Review Class Action (CA) mentioned here. 1. As of 19th Nov, TR Emeritus (TRE) has forwarded all information that were collected on potential litigants to Carson Law Chambers for registration as litigants in the CA. We will not be releasing the list of litigants who are included in the... 

Commencing Judicial Review Class Action against MTF

Commencing Judicial Review Class Action against MTF

We are pleased to inform our readers that TR Emeritus (TRE) has received confirmation from Carson Law Chambers that they will be proceeding to file the Class Action for Judicial Review (CA) against MTF's discriminatory policies against the unvaccinated by the end of November. However, due to the year-end holidays, the hearing... 

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