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CECA: Can Opposition Parties Work Together and Within the System for Change?

CECA: Can Opposition Parties Work Together and Within the System for Change?

Can the opposition parties work together within the system for change? That appears to be the question many Singaporeans would like an answer to. According to Nitrogen on TRE: Sep 5, 2021 (Quote) We say CECA is wrong. But as someone said, an agreement is an agreement: 1. Unless the parties to the agreement are stupid, surely,... 

Wuhan’s Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCOV) is airborne

Wuhan’s Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCOV) is airborne

Adding to the woes that residents in China are already facing, health officials in ShangHai has announced that the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCOV) that has wrecked havoc in China is "airborne". The new revelation means that other than the already known modes of infection, namely via droplets, fomites and faecal-oral transmission,... 

Covid-19 infections in Hubei (17 Mar @2300 hours)

Covid-19 infections in Hubei (17 Mar @2300 hours)

This page will no longer be updated after 17th March 2020 as Hubei province no longer has more than 5 local infections per day. The last record was 1 in Wuhan on 17th march. Attached are the latest official updates for Hubei province only. Hubei Province  Read More →

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