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Class Action Suit against the MTF, MOM and MOH

Class Action Suit against the MTF, MOM and MOH

We are pleased to inform our readers that the Class Action suit (CA) against the MTF, MOM and MOH for discriminatory policies against the unvaccinated has been officially filed. The documents have been served on the Attorney-General’s Chambers and a pre-Trial conference has been scheduled for 12 January 2022 at 9.30 am. The... 

Ministers should put their money where the mouth is

Ministers should put their money where the mouth is

There is an interesting discussion going on in the thread "Do you have the capital to take the gamble?", between our techie and a regular reader. Our techie, Andrew have opined that since the experts at MTF are so dead sure that there are "no evidence" to suggest that the vaccines can cause serious injuries and even death to... 

Do you have the capital to take the gamble?

Do you have the capital to take the gamble?

Click to enlarge The following is a comment posted by our in-house techie Andrew, who is based in China, in response to an article by one of our columnist Mr David See, titled "Just How Safe is Covid-19 vaccination for young children?". The team felt that it is a very insightful comment that warrants more exposure, so we have... 

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