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No sympathy for NATO forces fighting Russia in Ukraine

No sympathy for NATO forces fighting Russia in Ukraine

The Russian Security Council's deputy chairman, Dmitry Medvedev, issued a chilling threat to the US-led NATO bloc if they deploy troops in Ukraine. Medvedev said that the deployment of foreign forces in Ukraine would lead to a dangerous escalation. He said all NATO soldiers would be treated as enemies, and "We should take no... 

Hezbollah, Hamas and Houthis vow ‘Extinction of Israel’ in new chilling threat

Hezbollah, Hamas and Houthis vow ‘Extinction of Israel’ in new chilling threat

Just a day before the international Al-Quds Day, leaders of the Palestinian and Arab Resistance reiterated their calls for the unity of the resistance against the Israeli occupation and its allies. Iran President Raisi, Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh, Hezbollah’s Hassan Nasrallah and Yemeni rebel groups Abdulmalik Al-Houthi appealed... 

Israel scrambles to prepare itself for an Iranian retaliation

Israel scrambles to prepare itself for an Iranian retaliation

Israel is scrambling to prepare itself for an almost certain Iranian retaliation for the embassy attack in Syria on 1st April. Israel Defence Forces (IDF) on 3rd April said they had bolstered air defences, according to the times of Israel. I.D.F. added that reservist soldiers had also been called up to prepare for a possible... 

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