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No further release of hostages unless complete ceasefire

No further release of hostages unless complete ceasefire

Hamas deputy chief Saleh Al-Arouri said that the militant group has made a “final decision” of not releasing any more hostages without a “complete ceasefire” in Gaza. The warning comes after Israel pulled out of truce talks in Qatar with Hamas on more prisoner swap and extending the ceasefire. On the other hand, Israeli... 

Preparing for Outbreak of New Disease

Preparing for Outbreak of New Disease

The mysterious pneumonia from China may have jumped borders. Children are falling sick in the United States, Denmark and the Netherlands. In Denmark, the number of sick children have crossed the epidemic mark, same in the case of Ohio, U.S. Taiwan has warned the elderly and the young against travelling to China. The Indian government... 

How Israel conned the world

How Israel conned the world

A leading Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, has detailed how unverified and inaccurate accounts of the 7 October Hamas attack and alleged atrocities committed by Palestinian fighters, led to the widespread publication of stories that appear to be false. Haaretz cross-referenced some of these allegations provided by Israeli officials... 

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